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Gateway's Challenge (and default keys)


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Am I the only one who uses a customized keyboard layout when playing 1st person shooters? No doubt you all have heard about Gateway Country stores across the nation hosting a JK2 tournament. Well, they want us to play with the f@#%ing default keyboard layout. That's ridiculous for me. I tried it, and I play like I'm drunk. I've been searching the net for any one else that's as disgruntled as I am with Gateway, and have yet to find anyone. Hello?

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Apparently, they won't let you configure anything. I guess you just show up at their stores, and sit down at their pre-configured (to the defaults) computer, and start playing. It's stupid. I'm going to show up anyway, just in case they get enough complaints and start letting people configure their keys.


Btw, what do you guys use for main movement keys? I find these pretty good:

forward: S

backward: Z

strafe left: A

strafe right: X

... and of course, lots of other commands within close proximty to those keys (who the hell is going to use Push or Pull when they're a good 2 inches away from your movement keys!)



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The contest sounds stupid anyway. It's just a matter of killing 12 bots as fast you can every day of the contest . It would be much bettier if it was duel/ffa contest so that you don't have to rely so much on luck. More power to the people that win the contest, but it doesn't sound like much fun.

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I have to ultimate key setup. mouse 2-forward; mouse 3-backward; mouse 1-attack; mouse wheel-weapons scrolling; , and . are strafe; ?-alternate attack; alt-crouch; ctrl-saber style; l-force push; k-force pull etc. takes a while to learn but it is effective

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