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People who actually understand func_trains! Help me, you're my only hope!


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Wow. "I don't know." How absolutely worthless.


I'm going to say that the best way is to delete and start over. Put the model in first, then orient it, pick the angle in the entities menu, then add it to the train. Before I did that, I'd follow Manquesa's tip. Worked for me.

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from my experience u select the entire func_train and use the key "angle" and the value of whatever the angle should be (u can work it out by making a misc_model over the first pathcprner that it spawns at and changing its angle value until its facing the right way and then copying that angle value and pasting it in the func_trains entity menu) the angle wont effect the brush parts of the train only the model


there was a few instances where this didnt work for me for some annoying reason so i used the turn train button on the first path_corners entity menu to make it face the model towards the next path corner when it starts moving but it took 2 seconds for it to turn so i made the first path_corner that it spawns at out of the way so that the player wouldnt see the func_train until it had turned in the right direction


this was just ship flybys though



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Huh? Rich was talking about that a-hole that insulted grets.


Oh, and my god damned ships are still flying sideways, even when I give them and agle value.


In the entity menu, I don't see the command that rotates the train, can anyone tell me what it is and how to use it?

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Originally posted by DividedByZero

Huh? Rich was talking about that a-hole that insulted grets.


Well I happen to agree with what he said. I guess that makes me an a-hole too.

Sorry, but a post just saying "I don't know" is pointless and was mostly likely done just to inflate his post count. I have no problem with Grets as i'm sure SightsOd doesn't either, it just seemed that he was making a simple comment about it.

Don't be so touchy, this is how flame wars get started.

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Originally posted by DividedByZero

Grets is my friend, and there was no reason to flame him. I don't think you're an a-hole, but the other guy was out of hand. It was harmless.


Alright, this is the last thing i'm gonna say about this.


My point was that I didn't think SightsOd was flaming him, it seemed to me to just be a simple observation of that fact that, that was a senseless post.


I don't think it's fair to SIghtsOd that he's being frowned on and being called an a-hole for that.


But then again, everyone has the right to their own opinion, so I will now shut up about this.

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Lets see... have you tried making the model, then making the func_train, then linking the two together? I don't know if it works that way... OOH!! Maybe make it func_group? Or would that negate the train aspect? Hmm.


Anyway... nobody wants a war. I apologize to anyone that had to read my first post on this thread. Now... I think it's over. My comment was in questionable taste and I'd like to take it back... I just don't know how to retract it (I'm fairly new to forums).

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Wow... I hadn't even looked up higher on the thread! Boy did I start something! Whoo! Anyway... I tried a couple of things and nothing worked. Have you tried using GTK and Radient? I've found that in order to work on my map and fix some of what I thought were easy things (like mirrors) I had to switch back and forth. I'm going out of town tomorrow, but when I get back, I'll give it a go on both programs.

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Oh... did some research... and before I get corrected, I just found out that its a race, not a planet.


Thought of something else... What exactly is the model? You might not even have to make it, you might be able to make it in brushes, like a prefab.

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Massassi was one of the last remaining bastions of hope for fans of the original Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) when the rest of the community fell apart.


They also put "pressure" (so they call it) on LucasArts and "encouraged" them to produce another Star Wars game. Thus, most of them (at least one of their admins I believe it was that sent me a hateful email one time...*cough*) believe that the community owes something to them for always being around.


Recently, there was a pissy person over at Massassi who was upset that his map was up at http://www.JediOutcastMaps.com and had that site shut down for a few days - in the meantime, everyone thought it was Massassi itself that had done it and a bit of a hatred grew.


In any case, JediKnightII.net and JediOutcastMaps.com are both the primary "competitors" with Massassi, so there is a bit of ill will/tension between the three, causing random jabs by patrons of each every so often.


(I personally am a fan of http://jedioutcastmaps.com because it's so well organized and easy to find maps)




As for the actual mapping comment, he only has the model (an md3) as far as I know... a prefab would be much easier for him to make a train out of, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have that option.


Did you try rotating the origin brush? Just curious.

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Wow... Had no idea that politics happened in our peaceful corner of the galaxy. I think that Massassi, Outcast maps, and JKii.net should all bash it out in the ffa_sandarena map:D


Anyway... as far as the md3 is concerned, I was thinking that he could recreate it as a bunch of brushes. It depends on how difficult it is to construct or what it is intended to do. Or even if it is a good model (I was working on a model problem for a week and then my fiance pointed out that it didn't look good in the map). Anyway.


Oh... My fiance saw my post and she flamed me afterwards for being a jerk... so it looks like I WAS WRONG!!! (It's a big man who can say that).

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