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OK, so I've been playing this game for almost 3 months now, have played through a few times, and still just absolutely love it.


I picked up SoFII a few weeks ago, and after playing that through and coming back to JKII again, the thing I am struck by - especially in the early levels - is the desire to do some 'leaning' around corners to pick off enemies. That skill is essential to surviving SoFII.


In the controls menu, it lists "to lean, press Use + Strafe keys". Sounds simple, but for me it doesn't work ... I just 'leaned' off a cliff to my death ...


Any clues for me?





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Welllll, you can't use the enter key, which is to use the item that's in your hand (I think)...you need to use the use key that you use to flip switches (Um..I think, and I'm too lazy to go check) Actually, I'm pretty positive..use the button you would normally use to flip switches, hold it down and strafe to lean


Here's the part you won't like:


You can't fire when you're leaning, and I don't think you can use force powers, there's almost no point to lean because you can always throw it into 3rd person to look around corners without actually revealing yourself..

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Thanks ... that was what I was trying (i.e. using the 'E' and 'A' keys, but for some reason it wasn't working.


However, as you mention, since you can't fire while leaning, it renders it useless as a strategic tool - I definitely do the '3rd person corner look' as you mention. Absolutely invaluable! And I've already found too many times that you can't '3-key', i.e. I have tried crouch+forward+shoot/force and it doesn't work ...



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Interesting ... in my setup, Use is E or Ctrl. I *CANNOT* lean when I use the 'E' key, but I *CAN* lean with <ctrl>. I will have to try mind trick ... too bad you can't shoot, I have an unresolved image in my head or sneaking up to a corner, leaning around and seeing an officer standing there, taking careful aim with my E11, and ... missing him and alerting the whole squad ... ;)

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