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WIP: Hydroball - Otoh Gunga


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I am currently working on this map which incorporates Otoh Gunga in it. But I still have some questions regarding the entities for hydroball and other stuff as well.


- How do you spawn NPCs in the game?


thats about it right now

expect some screens soon

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I did a little viewing of waterball.bsp in a hex editor.. this is a sample entry for one of waterball.bsp's npcs.


"classname" "misc_animent_spawner"

"origin" "-1024 -1056 1544"

"spawninpvs" "1"

"othersinpvs" "100"

"totalspawn" "10"

"spawntype" "3"

"ae_aligned" "2"

"ae_model" "models/players/jan/model.glm"

"midget" "0"

"stationary" "1"

"ae_soundpath" "sound/chars/jan/misc"

"angle" "180"

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thanks normal for the coding and kranckor for the pics


what i have setup up so far is like one of those amusement park lines

one line is for blue

one line is for red

you go through those metal detector things which will be the trigger_weaponstrip... at the side is one of those x-ray thingies where they check your luggage, thats where i put the stormtrooper model next to

after that.....well its a secret, you'll see what it'll be

for now, i'll be working out the npc spawning and some key/values that are for hydroball

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these are early early screenshots of the beginning of the map where u go through the weaponstrip thingy and crap














damnit, sometimes the stormtroopers are there, sometimes there not

i'll fix that soon


for now, good day

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