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World Trade Center

Guest King Andrei

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Guest King Andrei

I remember seeing a movie about the World Trade Center attack that occured in 1993. It shows how arabic terrorists managed to get their hands on bomb making materials and the FBI could do nothing to stop them. They detonated the bomb in the WTC garage.


The terrorists hoped that the foundation of the first building would be destroyed in the explosion and the first building will fall on the second building, bringing them both down.


In the movie there is also this arabic guy. He knew who was involved in the attack and he cooperated with the FBI and got 1.000.000$ for his contribution. Terrorists were arrested in an FBI raid. In this time the arabs were planning another attack, this time on an underwater tunnel connected with Manhattan.


Okay, the point is that in the end, all terrorists are arrested and one of them says: "Next time we'll bring them both down." but the movie was made in 1997, before the 11th september attacks...

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Well speaking of eerie WTC videos, my science teacher showed us a Video on them that was MADE just before 9/11 but wasn't released til just after. The must unnerving part was when someone said that he thought the WTCs were so well built that they could survive a plane crashing into them...ehhhhhhhk still gives me the creeps.

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what happened in 1997 was that a group of arabs were going to detonate a subway car in a subway tunnel, flooding the tunnel with the hudson bay. Luckily, it was learned of, and the police nabbed the guys, but were almost killed when one of the men tried to detonate a bomb.

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by krkode

What was the movie's name?


The title was translated from English into Romanian: "Atentat la World Trade Center"


That means: "Attack on World Trade Center"

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LOL! Are you kidding? I love red!:D



I think the whole stupid thing with the world trade center attacks was that no one was taking it seriously. Everybody was complaining at first because all of the other school districts were getting out early...and that's all they even gave a crap about. What is this world coming to....

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