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Opinion of My New Site layout.

Guest Admiral Thrawn

Is the Site Any better?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the Site Any better?

    • Yessssss! An awsome inprovement! Keep up the good work!
    • Not as easy to load, but easier on the eyes
    • Not bad
    • Keep the old layout

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Guest Admiral Thrawn
Originally posted by General Nilaar

I think it's a vast improvement. Not only does it look better, but it loads faster as well. Definetely keep it:)


One quick question, everything in the site is Imperial themed, except the pictures of Queen Amidala.... have a crush on her?;)






:D Not really, It;s just that I am having probelms finding pictures that have it where they are looking off to the side. Seem there is a lot of pictures for her so it is not hard to find one:rolleyes: ALso I have others, but I started with the one that I previously started with for the curve and all the others looked all blurry. The one I have put up now is one of the ones in the curve folder that I am working on for curves so I kinda used it cause it was one of the better pictures in there. Also I didn't feel like making more cause it was like 3:00am when I made it. Anyways who can resist putting up a cute gal?

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Guest Admiral Thrawn

Yea thats what I am trying to do today. It's just that my dad keeps wanting to check his mail so I have to keep loading the site builder over and over again.

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I like your layout. Your using dark and "cool" colors which are soothing to the eyes.

You might want to change the four Darth Vader pics (the ones that are kinda in the corner), they look pixilated and that makes the site look a little "cheap", but everything else looks great! :)

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Ohhh...better make sure a teacher doesn't catch you ;)

btw Can I make another minor suggestion about your site? :)

Where you list all the civi's why do you call them Empires? Why not call them Civilizations? :)

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Guest Admiral Thrawn
Originally posted by darthfergie

You still have the "Imperial Trooper" on there!!!!!!


It is level one Empire Infantry man.


Also thats a good idea Kvan.

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Guest Admiral Thrawn

Ok, I will correct that. Also I am still working on the site, the links that are working on the left have been updated. But I will correct that.

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