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The world cup


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:eek: You mean you actually thought England could beat Brazil ??? Hold one a minute....


*Goes in an other room to burst out laughing*


Ok...oh no wait again...


*Goes in an other room to burst out laughing*


This ti...


*Runs in an other room to burst out laughing*


I think this time it's go...


*Runs even faster in an other room to burst out laughing and then does some Yoga*


Well I feel sorry for ya. hold on a sec......just kidding. ;)


I don't follow soccer at all, doesn't interest me. BUT the only soccer games I watch is World Cup finals and ONLY IF Brazil's playing. I hate it when an other country other than Brazil wins the Cup. This year Brazil, like always, and Korea have my permission to win (Japan also but they're out now). The teams I damn this year are France and Senegal, one gone and one more left.

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Originally posted by Deac

Just when we thought we could do it, we lose to Brazil


You know, I now know how you feel... Just when I thought I would finally finish Fallout 2 a damned bug keeps freezing or exiting the game when I try to enter Navarro. I guess I'll have to restart the game, again, for the seventh time. It's as if someone put a curse on me so that I could never finish Fallout 2, there's always been something unexpected that has forced me to start all over...

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