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Super Flying Reborn


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I had spawned some Reborn in SP. I put on noclip and they were able to jump up past me. I tested and found that the Reborns jumped approximately three times the height a level 3 force jump can take someone. How does this happen?

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On the demo map I thought that big force field generator would be a great duel place w/ desann(Vader w/ mainframe). Anyway, after a couple hits and me almost dead I slamed Vader into the big pit. Then I looked down and saw Vader standing at the bottem of the HUGH pit.




The last thing I say was him jumping up(about 6 times force jump lvl 3's ability) and light slashing me...



Needless to say I needed a change of underwear...

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Originally posted by Faye Ying

i wanna know how to do that.


kyle can only do level 3 jump


however, reborns, luke, trainers, everyone else can do like level 10 jump


Yeah in the game you could only do level 3 jump. But remember when Kyle beat Desann? The ending scene:


Kyle looks at the fallen Desann, then level 25 jump to the top.


That was cool...

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LOL I get that all the time in JK1.


Good thing you don't crater when your using a Force Power...but if you fall the same distance you could probably crater...


I think Reborns need that kind of jump or else they would be WAY TOO EASY to kill...

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Originally posted by SaberPro

I think Reborns need that kind of jump or else they would be WAY TOO EASY to kill...


hahaha, you gotta be joking. i just run and look up. just as he's about he to land on me, i cut off his legs.

works about 9/10 times.


is there some way of doing this? like changing the values to some cVars? i'm not clear as to how jk2 modding works, but i'm 100% sure a variable somewhere determines the height of his level1, 2,, and 3 jumps....

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I loved going high above in Noclip mod and the Reborns would jump so high they fell down and killed themselfs it was helarious


I also like Force gripping a Stormtrooper lifting him over my head and for push him imediatly after releasing the grip and he would Catapault..

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