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Grim Fandango is the best!

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Every friend and aquaintence I have over-enthusiastically forced Grim Fandango onto has either yawned in my face and told me they couldn't possiblly take the time out of their busy schedule of being unemployed to ever finish it, or on the rare occasion I have a firearm in my possesion and can force them into playing, they tap the keys for a few minutes, stare dumbly at the screen for a further 10 seconds, then say "Thats nice" and shuffle off to eat dirt or something. Even a friend who claimed to have played and passionately loved every single adventure game ever created is still picking her way through GF, calling me every couple of weeks to ask me a brain-straining hint like "how do I look at stuff?" or "how do I pick up stuff?" in a tone of voice that suggests she'd rather be gnawing her own limbs off! *sighs * Why have people no cultre anymore? Can they not appreciate beuty? We live in a society of cretinous thugs. Personally I blame those kids and their damned hop-hop music and poke man.

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Guest King Andrei

Second best adventure game I say. The first on my best adventure games list is the Monkey Island Series.

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