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If all the complainers get their way...


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Originally posted by ThirdGenRX7

then everything will be nerfed so badly that lightsabers will basically be about as useful as running around trying to beat each other to death w/ spoons doing about half a point of damage a hit.


I believe this already happened, it was called the 1.03 patch ;-)


Backstab isn't an exploit it's just that none of the other attacks do enough damage to make people want to use them. [/b]


Very true, but people are always taking this the wrong way it seems...


Why is the reply to something being over powered always "it needs to be nerfed/removed?" The reason assfighting is so prevailant now and wasn't before isn't because it was upped in 1.03, it's because regular saber hits were reduced to said "spoon" power where it really is less powerful than using a baseball-bat (closer to a nerf crotchbat) while it actually got upped slightly in light stance. I don't think that things need to be removed or nerfed, but if you make regular attacks powerful enough so that backslashes aren't the only sure way to get a HIT, let alone a kill, I bet you'll see more real fighting than spin-ass love.


Don't get me wrong, I like the parries and blocks 1.03 gave us... it's just that on ultra-high power (where you come at someone who's idle from behind and somehow they manage to block some of the swing and they only take minimal damage) mixed with nerfed saber attacks really makes the game annoying and almost boring. I don't care if in the movies saber battles last for half an hour or whatnot, this is an ACTION game, a FPS at heart with a cool saber weapon that adds to the mix greatly, and it's annoying fighting a guy for 2 to 5 minutes and neither of you manage to land a solid hit (unless by luck or the other did something stupid) due to constant block-parries. If you want to watch a long saber battle, watch one of the movies. If you want real fast-paced action, get Q3A or UT or such. I just want fast paced saber action, not split-second kills, but the kind where you have to take risks to get an attack in, and when you do take those risks if you have enough skill the attack will work. 1 to 2 minute duels are perfect in my opinion, and the ghoul/tracesaber settings seem a decent sized step in the right direction. Now it's up to lucasarts to let raven make a new patch, or the community to agree to a standard (hah! we have 2 official ones we can't seem to agree to, and a new 1.03a/1.04/JK2++ patch popping up every week, so there's no standard to learn/you can be sure to always find in your server browser) and make a patch by that standard.


end rant

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Im not bothered anymore, cos i think that assfighters, and people who just

rely on backstab and dfa are easiest to kill, because you know what they

are going to do next,


the people who do best in the game, and are most difficult to beat, are the

people who mix both, good sabering skills, and the occasional use of dfa, backstab/slash ..

As they are unpredictable, and deadly :D


I think the point of these moves are to make lots of different styles of play,

because thats just what they are really, different styles of play.

So how can you say that one is wrong? it comes down to whatever gets the job done.



So lets stop moaning and get on with the fragging :o

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Oh, and one more thing - the spinning at x miles per hour is not legitimate - it's the cause of either a script (I know the command myself, but I'm not going to share it to avoid having more script kiddies than there already are :p ) or a stupid configuration, and it's not cinematic either. Certainly, jedi don't have to conform to the normal rules of physics in that sense, but have you ever seen or heard of a power called "force spin?" Please. :rolleyes:


The truth of "spinning" is it IS the exploit that is tacked on to an already bad move, making it infinitely more deadly while making it illegitimate (sp?). Don't try to con us with this crap - it shouldn't be in the game, and you know it. :D


Merc out, again. :fett:


Hey genius, had you bothered to read my post before you wrote that novel of a post, you'd see the word "MOVIES" mentioned. You also may have noticed a" ;) " in there, which I thought was an almost universal sign of jest. I wasn't flirting with him by putting a ";) " in my post for crying out loud.

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You don't like backstab? Cry me a ****in river, my heart bleeds for you. I'll make sure to laugh at you when I backstab you. It's a legit move, just cause a few idiots whore it all the time doesnt mean it cant be used by the rest of us when the opportunity arises.

If you say you're gonna kick/ban me from your server for using it thats fine, but I say I'm gonna use backstab whenever I please whether you like it or not. I really could care less if I get banned from whiner #80423987's p2 dsl server.

Cya round;)

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I'm kinda new to JK2, so I've never known anything but 1.03. However, I had my first encounter with backstab a week ago, an I can already say I don't like it. I was dueling someone, when all of a sudden they turned around. I thought to myself, "What the hell is he doing? Is he letting me kill him?". Of course, I died a split second later. So, I agree with Mercen4ry: it doesn't make much sense to run around backwards, or turn around in the middle of a duel.


I also agree with whoever said that normal attacks don't do enough damage. For example, just yesterday, I was on the Jedi Academy server dueling with Phr00t. He was teaching me how to be aggressive, attacking constantly and never letting your opponent rest, so we were both in blue stance. We were probably fighting heavily for close to 5 minutes, (very)slowly wearing down each other's health, when I did a saber throw and instantly killed him. Which, of course, didn't make any sense.


So, in conclusion, the lightsaber's implementation has some obvious flaws. I'll be looking into that JK2++ just in case I ever decide to host a server....

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I hear all these dang complaints about making the game more realistic. By this I assume they mean more like the movies. I agree I say great they SHOULD be more like the movies. Then I read them complain about these special moves that are "too strong." Too Strong?


I have a question for the realistic and anti-strength people.


In what movie have you seen a jedi get hit with a lightsaber and not lose a limb or die? Have you seen weak lightsabers in the movies? How realistic is it that a saber can leave burn marks on the wall but barely hurt you at all?


You people are full of it! You want weak cue tip fights because you can't last more then 5 sec against strong hits because while you may know how to swing your saber you can't seem to get out of the dang way of one. You killed a legit move like the DFA, which had a problem, but could have been fixed by making it harmless once it hit the ground (as opposed to the land mine affect).


Now I see whining about backstab. boohoo for you! Pull backstab is used in 1.02 as well but since it is easier to avoid then DFA's are it slipped under whiners radar.


I play 1.02 and 1.03.


I never get hit with a DFA in 1.02 because instead of whining i learned to actually use the strafe buttons and move out of the way. As far as the step on it and die problem, I watch where it is and don't step on it. Simple isn't it. But whiners aren't good enough to do even that.


In 1.03 I rarely get pulled and backstabed because of such wonderful force powers as absorb, drain, and push. Ever heard of them?! There are also non force ways like rolling into the pull or kicking when pulled. Also having full strength push makes it harder to be pulled down.


if you people spent half the time learning to counter these moves as you do whining about them you would be GREAT players.

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Hey genius, had you bothered to read my post before you wrote that novel of a post, you'd see the word "MOVIES" mentioned. You also may have noticed a" " in there, which I thought was an almost universal sign of jest. I wasn't flirting with him by putting a " " in my post for crying out loud.


Well then, let's have a look:


The laws of physics are completly ignored about every ten seconds in every Star Wars movie there is.


Anytime I see someone discussing the laws of physics and Star Wars in the same sentence, I know I'm not listening to a serious person. ;)


It looks more like you're mocking SaberPro with that ;) than labeling your post as kidding, but tell me this: Are you trying to make a point for or against the little "spinning" exploit in 1.03? If against, I apologize for the bluntness of my post, but if for, my post stands. :cool:


And I read your post about the movies, which is why I stated that the movies didn't precisely have to follow the laws of physics to the letter, but I disagree with this point:


The laws of physics are completly ignored about every ten seconds in every Star Wars movie there is.


Wrong. For the most part (and a good portion of all the films), the actors follow one of the basic laws of physics - gravity. Likewise, there is another law known as momentum, as well as acceleration. Granted, the jedi tend to "bend" a few of these laws via a flip 30 feet into the air, force jump, or what have you - but they have to make it look at least a little believable. Is it really that believable to see a jedi suddenly turn into a twirling tornado of death at the drop of a hat, using a script in JK2? :)


That said, try to actually read my "novel-long" post for yourself. It would have been much smaller if I could have addressed the issue of backstabbers in its entirety with fewer words, but since there are so many views in the argument, I tried to get to most of them in one, lengthy post. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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id like to defend myself by saying this: i dont just use backstab anymore now i use whatever it takes to defeat my opponent and i dont spam anything. ive changed because i noticed that everyone spams the move so the best way for me to kill isnt by doing it back the way to kill well thats my secret but everyone has their way :)

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i still believe that everybody has their own tactic,

but backstabbers, no matter how much i try and defend you,

you suck, all of you.. sorry..

i just use good sabering skills to win my matches, not how quickly i can activate a script.

So thats where i stand, go saber_trail and go merc..

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beat each other to death w/ spoons doing about half a point of damage a hit

Ahem, The spoon is the msot powerful weapon and device ever to surface the universe, do not use the name as a mockery tool!


If there was to be a patch, they should sjut half the damage of backsatb to 40-50 it would stop them from spamming it.

Now they have released tools and the source code,b i tihnk they are giving us a hint to make it oursleves, which isn't a good idea.

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