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can we please start posting strategies again.. heres a couple


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I have found there most of the seasoned players tend to kick a lot. I have developed a few strategies to this that work really well. when you find someone like this, bait him into kicking you. run forward and when he runs forward at you and looks like hes going to jump you back peddle at the last moment and then kick him when he lands in front of you. I usually follow up with a saber throw for good measure.

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roll at your opponent and use pull. for players not using absorb, this will get them a lot. players tend to want to back up when you roll at them. it is this backing up when you pull that will put them to the ground.


for a counter to this roll, dont get excited and back up if someone rolls you. instead try to kick them after they complete the roll. go forward towards them.


counter to someone trying to kick you when you roll. use push instead of pull and if they come at you when rolling this will make them fall back.


or you can always use absorb.

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if you have really good timing, you can get out of the guy's way when he tries to kick you then do a sideways kick. this version only needs one jump (instead of tapping jump twice) so if you place yourself right you'll always be the first to kick.


another good "strategy" is to roll into your opponent then use force pull before you get up. do whatever you want to them if they get pulled down. this also requires extremely good timing, and you need to be about 7 feet away from the guy when you do your roll. doing it wrong will give you a huge opening for your opponent to pull or kick you.


of course it wouldnt work if they use absorb, and being able to tell if your opponent is using absorb is something else you should learn. when absorb is on, you'll hear a distinct humming sound so wait for them to start using it. chances are they have little or no fp left so take advantage of that.


something else i've seen people doing is using grip, then going behind an object so you cant push or pull out of it. for example, there are tons of walls and corners in that raven stage (forget what its called atm). try gripping someone by a corner and then putting that corner between you two so you cant see the person you're gripping. unless he uses absorb or he manages to pull or push out of it before you get him around that corner, he's dead.


probably the best advice anyone can give you is to watch others play and learn from them. even if they're being *******s you'd benefit from them more if you just ignore any remarks and watch them play. dont know why anyone would get pissed off at someone over the internet, in the first place. "HEY YOU'RE A USELESS PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!" did that hurt? good, it shouldnt :D and dont be afraid to ask people how to do stuff. most everyone will help you and some will even take time in a duel to practice with you.

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hey, great strategies, I like the idea about doing the side kick, much faster... (damn why didn't I think of it) sometimes you can overlook the small things and then someone can post something and you've learned a new strategy or a better way of doing something. Thx. I will use the side kick now instead of front kicking.

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When a person is doing a lunge, sidestep and sidekick them.

Requires timing and is sometimes excessively hard to pull off, but is rather easy on newbies.


Crouch during a fight and use medium or fast stance to make a few quick slashes in knee-height.

However, be wary of kicks while you're crouching and don't overdo it, since your opponents then quickly can find a counter.


When a person is doing a DFA, make a *quick* slash and sidekick him as well for about 50 dam.

Needs to be done *very* quickly, since skilled players will lure you into their backstab. But can still be done if you're quick enough.


Go for your enemy's left side, since he is usually holding his saber to his right.

This doesn't count, of course, when he is swinging.


Look for routines in your foe's attacks.

Figure them out, and take precautions. Easier said than done, of course.


Using the medium stance, backtrack, and slash diagonally upwards against headless chickens...

Kicking, is of course better, but not always practical.

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I have a strategy question:


Is it possible to aviod frontal kicks by crouching? I believe Leelink said that that works, but every time I've tried it they kick me anyway. Maybe it is lag, because I try to crouch when they are jumping at me, but there is a slight delay. Is it just me or is crouching really laggy in this game? You could have a great ping, but when you crouch it's all jerky.



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True, the slightest amount of lag and your crouching gets all "jerky", although that's just me.


I *believe* you can avoid kix by crouching since most people tend to start their frontal jump kix a few lengths away. But I think you'd get kicked anyway if people ran up directly to you and kicked. Dunno really, just my thought on the matter....

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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker

I have a strategy question:


Is it possible to aviod frontal kicks by crouching? I believe Leelink said that that works, but every time I've tried it they kick me anyway. Maybe it is lag, because I try to crouch when they are jumping at me, but there is a slight delay. Is it just me or is crouching really laggy in this game? You could have a great ping, but when you crouch it's all jerky.




it never works for me to avoid them with crouching...i always kick people who are broadcasting a light stance lunge



and here is a good tip, not really a strategy


Watch where you walk

The medium finisher only works for one reason, people move into it, if you watch where you are going you will avoid it more often than not. So many people walk into moves that it isn't even funny, especially with one hit kill moves like death from above and the medium finisher

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There is a small, but effective little tactic I use on the carbon chamber duel map.

As most of you know players will stand on either side of the "pit" in a sort of "stand off".

One thing I do is take a small step back then spring forward with a quick jump and immediately go into a blue stance lunge just as I am at the apex of my jump. I connect with it about 90% of the time due to my opponent thinking I am simply leaping across to close the distance between us.


Another thing I do often is play "king of the hill".

This is very effective on the duel training map.

Usually the fight starts out on top of the glass floor. Send your opponent over the edge with a kick or a push. Stay up top and try and bait them into jumping back up. As they try and leap back up try and time your kick so you meet them just after the apex of their jump. I would not recommend doing this throughout the entire game, but I have baited many opponents into these to finish them off when they were low.

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oh ya, another thing, you reminded me of it with carbon map



when in stupid small places that your opponent wants to fight in, simple turn around and backstab/sweep, its their fault for wanting to fight in the small area


if somebody goes up into the glass area on duel training break the glass on them and they'll fall to take damage


i know these are kind of cheap, but the opponent is asking for it most of the time

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One thing about kicking.

As a "kick fighter" myself, I love nothing more than getting into "kick duels" with someone who is good at it.

90% of the time if you kick someone like this they will immediately respond with one of their own (it's a foolish pride thing some of us have).

If you are sure one is coming, run in and just when you would normally leap up to meet them, stop dead in your tracks. They will fly over you and just before they land do a blue stance back stab.

I got skewered by this a few times.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

One thing about kicking.

As a "kick fighter" myself, I love nothing more than getting into "kick duels" with someone who is good at it.

90% of the time if you kick someone like this they will immediately respond with one of their own (it's a foolish pride thing some of us have).

If you are sure one is coming, run in and just when you would normally leap up to meet them, stop dead in your tracks. They will fly over you and just before they land do a blue stance back stab.

I got skewered by this a few times.


i get in kick wars too:)

sometimes i even turn off saber and do a kick war:)


but half the time my ping is worse because i live far away from our clan server....its in florida, i'm in canada...:eek:

high speed wireless can only go so fast;)

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