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Gateway's Multiplayer Challenge


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Originally posted by matth2extreme

Ok, Gateway has begun a multiplayer challenge for jedi outcast. If you want to know the specifications about the setup go their site at http://www.gateway.com/challenge My question is this, what are the best methods to get fast times in killing 12 of the bots before the computer can kill 12? Someone out in California was able to do it in 48 seconds. If that time stays, then they are the grandprize winner. I want to know how to beat that, or at least possible ways in getting times such as that.


oh, THAT


i'd join but i live in canada....won't be able to get to a gateway store:(:(


what i'd do is just play as what most people would classify as cheap, pull to ground.....backstab


if you can get weapons grab a portable assault sentry, those always get you at least 2 kills;)


and if all else fails, use the stun baton...it's not fast, but it's fun to use!!:)

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Hey everybody, well I went back to Gateway today to try to beat the little bugger with 42 seconds. My fastest time is STILL 1:10, it is so annoying. I agree with people that say this isnt even really a Star Wars tournament. All this is is a Quake III tournament with blasters and lightsabers. The bots all suck, the stupid rebel model sucks, and basically anything and everything that slows your time down sucks :mad: ! You hardly ever want to engage in saber battles, make sure that you dont run out of ammo and so on. Today I somehow killed at least 9 bots in under a minute but then I got hoed out by some stupid bot that shot me!! Anytime you die, the stupid comp takes forever to respawn you, so my suggestion for us all is NOT TO DIE! Also, people that can continually get in under a minute, must be in clans or all they do is play FPS games all day long. IT JUST ISNT FAIRR!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, I have shaved 24 seconds off of my old time. I went from 1:29 to 1:05. If you'll read my last post I take the immediate left and grab the blaster and go right thru the door and get the rocket launcher. NOW turn back around and head back out the door, picking off whatever bots are in front of you. After heading back into the room take a right and go up the stairs and out that door. It takes you the same way my old strategy does but shaves about 3 seconds off of your run time. After this it's all up to lady luck and accuracy. The sentry bot is almost always a must because as you head for ammo and weapons it's grabbing a couple of extra kills for you. I really think the other bungholes who get under a minute consistently are CHEATING!!!!!!! (and I am NOT a poor loser!!!!!) :p

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1:28 today. Best time overall. It sucks, though. I swore I killed 10 bots around the 50 second range, but then no bots would respawn in my vicinity.


Although you shouldn't count my advice as "expertly", I don't advise using Dark Rage, since it sucks your life away and you could easily get killed by deflected laser fire. That, and it wouldn't last long either, since your Force meter can only sustain it for so long (or short).


Oh well, back to practice sessions...

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Originally posted by matth2extreme

How could your friend get the GeForce 4 card at the tournament, it's not even over! By the way the new stupid (&(&**** time is 39 seconds!!!



well he said that if you are in the top 25 of either day you get a geforce 4, he says he brought it home and everything

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Am i the only one that thinks that 39 sec is NOT possible ???? i got 1:04 today and at home ive been practicing almost non stop and the best score ive gotten at home is 54 secs. there is just no way that 39 secs is possible. what do u guys think ???

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by the way i looked up your friends score [JHQ]_Spawn and his score and his two time was 4:49 secs and the sec was 4:15 secs over current rank is 2606 there is no way hes in the top 25 .....LOL........so if he got a card he bought one!!!

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"Am i the only one that thinks that 39 sec is NOT possible ???? i got 1:04 today and at home ive been practicing almost non stop and the best score ive gotten at home is 54 secs. there is just no way that 39 secs is possible. what do u guys think ???"



My best scores at home are around 32-45 seconds, it is 50% path, 25% reaction time and 25% luck. My average score at home are less than 55 seconds.


"well he said that if you are in the top 25 of either day you get a geforce 4, he says he brought it home and everything"


He is lying. I have been in the top 25 for 3 days.



My best scores at the gateway store are here





I fear some people might have registered multiple user names, I also fear that some people are listing the wrong age bracket, so they can rank more easily. That is my only concern.


But anyways, I practiced for about 2 weeks to figure out the best path, and for the most part, you get most of your kills in the last 5 seconds.


Tommorow I am going in, and will likely get a better score as I am now more used to the mouse/keyboard set up that they have.


wish me luck!

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Originally posted by Cedrin

What are you talking about?! What Bot that runs at you when you start? I set up an FFA game, using their config settings and I always spawn in a different spot after I do a reset or after 12 kills.


How do I get it so I always spawn in the same spot?



hit esc then restart match, it will countdown from 5. Then you will be put in the exact same spot that is at the gateway store.


Good Luck!

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I am not sure why you are spawning in multiple places, when playing I spawn only in 1 place (the red room). If I figure it out I will most certainly let you in on the reason,Plz be patient.....maybe you can use that to you advantage.....I really do not know. (I have spawned in 1 other place ....only 1 time tho)

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All right, here's the breakdown from bumming 'round Gateway the last week...


There are two PCs for the challenge at my Gateway: The gaming PC, and the "backup" box. My first day there, the main PC wasn't working, so I gamed on the backup box. Running speed there seemed fine.


Next day, I'm told they got yelled at for letting me on the backup PC, and they're only allowed to sign gamers up on the main box now (I got the impression from the guy helping me that it's a known quantity that they'd rather not address). Running speed seems slower there.


Now that I've got the map down, I'm down to 1:24 in-store, and 1:10 at home. Beyond luck of the draw on where the bots are at any given second, I think that at least some of the highest rankers played on the store's backup PC, where the running speed wasn't crippled. This is hypothetical, but I just canNOT see how you can do this in 39 sec's. At current running rates, it takes 24 sec's to traverse a hallway.:confused:


Not trying to be a sore loser, just posting some interesting discrepancies. Can anyone corroborate this?


:mob: - Me vs the Gateway Challenge

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If you take the time to figure out a good route (most bots/enough ammo and guns) it's relatively easy. I can hit the middle area with 4-5 kills at about 30 or so, then kill them all in the central area/hallway to end area.

GL guys.

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As far as spawning all over the map, just make sure that HUMAN is selected as player #1 when you create the server.


Has anyone noticed the fact that the secondary fire on the repeater takes 25 ammo points at Gateway as opposed to 8 at home? It was frustrating to realize this after a couple of days of unexpectedly running out of ammo.


For what it's worth, my best time at home is :43 - I ran into the blue area to find 8-10 bots saber dueling. This happened once out of about 250 games. No luck at Gateway, though. Good luck to all.

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speed level 2 plus jumping to gain momentum work nicely.


Hrm. I thought your X-axis movement remains constant even with jumping? (In my mind, X-axis = speed, Y-axis = jump) This is kinda like tri-chording in Descent; X remains constant, Y remains constant, but X+Y=Z, where Z is a speed gain of 1.4, which is why in all Descent games ships will fly at an angle at each other for the raw algebraic speed benefit. :)


ANYWAY, how does jumping help? If anything, speed and jumping together just wastes force (unless you're tapping jump?) that's needed for your next speed hit...


Opinions appreciated!

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Originally posted by Turgenev


ANYWAY, how does jumping help? If anything, speed and jumping together just wastes force (unless you're tapping jump?) that's needed for your next speed hit...


Opinions appreciated!


He meant tap-jumping. Doesn't take up force power, and it gives you that extra split second or two. As for my thoughts about the kid that got 38/39 seconds, I'd say it was 25% skill, 15% path, 10% instinct, and 50% luck. In my practice runs, I find it pretty rare to get the number of bots I expect to kill as I run throughout the map. Again, it's like using a jackpot machine when you're competing at Gateway.

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Well now the Gateway Challenge is over. I can honestly say that I didn't go back or even attempt any longer when the best time became 39 seconds. I found out that the guy that got that time, inolen, got a time of 35 seconds today! He beat his time by shaving off 4 seconds and now that guy, is the lucky $25, 000 winner. Next time there is a Star Wars contest, it needs to be along the lines of Star Wars, and not like Quake or any other type game. That way people that actually have the feel for Star Wars games will have a better chance compared to people that are good at just FPS computer games. There I'm done b*tchin...

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