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Newbie looking for help with (non-combat) script

Rath el Jar

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Hello everyone.


I'm fairly new to this game (just got it a few days ago) and as a lone budding Sith warrior I was looking for some help on a script.


(Now before you say anything, I do not use scripts for fighting. I refuse to use DFA or backstab scripts. I may only get a few kills in multiplayer, but I earn them.)


What I do use scripts for are for simple things. I've got a few movie qoutes binded to keys that I use when appropriate. What I was wondering, how would I set it to say something, pause a moment, then say another line, all with one script. i tried using waits but it didn't work.


Another thing, would it be possible to make a bow script. What I'd like is to have a key set so I could hold it to bow (crouch and look down) and release it to return to where I started from. I'm not sure what the commands are for crouching and looking around so I wouldn't even no where to start.


Anyway, if anyone here can help with either of the above I would be most appreciative.



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/bind [key] "+movedown; +lookdown"


that's about as close as i can get to a hold down bow script. when you release however, you'll still be looking down.


for saying things, try using "wait x" cmd, where x is the amount of time you want to wait


for example, /bind [key] "say why did the chicken cross the road??; wait 400; say to get to the other side!"


not sure whether that'll work, experiment with it and see how it goes.

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