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Which JK levels to redo?


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I was talking with my friend the other day, we used to play JK almost every night till 2 am, and he asked if anyone might make a new Empire Night Club level. It was my favorite too. Just wondering what everyone elses fav oldie but goodies were (are).:deathii:

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Originally posted by teleguy

Jedi Highscool.


Dear god no, that one sucks. Besides, the author doesn't want anyone to do it, he could have the level taken down if you made it.


How about you remake a better Battleground Jedi? Not the screwed up one Raven made...

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Well said, GE Predator!


I think a remake of the JK Nar MP map would be great. I also think an ACCURATE Nar level, for MP or SP should be made. The Nar SP levels in JK and JO are SO lacking. They completely take away from the "verticle city" aspect of Nar Shaddaa. Play the original Dark Forces Nar, or watch the opening cutscene in JK, that's what Nar SHOULD be like.

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