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First steps


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Hello folks,


Sounds ridiculous, but I have just started to play JK2, and I can´t pass through the very FIRST stage.

Has someone a guide to help me start on this game? What to do? How achieve the first goals? Any kind of tip would help a lot. I´m talking about the begining of the game.


Kind regards,

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Greetings lemapoli, and welcome!


Ok once you, and Jan hit the ground you follow Jan. Now when she stops crouch beside her. You'll notice the two Stomies chatting. Hold down your "ALT FIRE" (right mouse key is default) till your weapon is wound all the way up. Now target one of the Stormies's head, and let go of your "ALT FIRE" key (it will take him out with one shot). Now the remaining one will atack the two of you. Take him out too, and get his rifle.


There is door to your left, go through it, but beware there are mines in there.


The best way to play this game is to try every door that you find. Shoot stuff to see if it will blow up. Let the action lead you on your way!!!


Good Luck Lempoli! I hope you enjoy this game as much as I have. I'm playing the campaign through for the 6th time now!!! (It's addictive believe me)

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Nice move not to give the solution away, Derisor...


However, just in case you can't find the solutions:




You can use the mounted blaster to blast the front door. In order to do so, you need to activate it first. This is done by taking the elevater on the very left of the front door.


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found the elevator have you? reaching new heights you are...but they lead to nothing... So sure of yourself are you that you know that have found the RIGHT elevator? A Jedi has the most disciplined mind and notices everything--images he sees may help him in his quest--show him the future they may....all he has to do is reach out and thouch them...


~tyger (in a ummmm yoda type mood--lol)



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I have already tried everything I could.

I just don´t know how to do it.

Please, help just with these first steps, how to get into the station. I find the elvator, but don´t know how to activate it.


Give a chance : )



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Let's give the poor guy a break! This is just a basic feature of the game that he'll need to move anywhere, not a monumental puzzle whose solution has to be kept secret!


Lamapoli, to activate elevators like this, look for some kind of a switch panel on, in, or next to the elevator. Move up to it, point your crosshairs at it, then press your "Use" key. (I think it's Enter by default.) There will be like a 1 or 2 second delay, then the elevator will start moving.


Sometimes, elevators will be locked or offline; Kyle will usually mutter "Hmm... it's offline" or something like that in these cases. Then, you have to search out other puzzles or switches to get these online.


Hope that helps. Good luck, and please search these forums and/or drop us a post if you get stuck. Your saber is only a few missions away!!



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