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Vader in ANH knew Obi-Wan let him kill him. Plus he held his saber up in a salute kind of way all like "go ahead and slice me up." I'm just saying if you don't like any challenge to your game, go ahead and get the easy one-hit kill. I just don't see any point to dueling if it's not going to be a real battle. Nobody said you *had* to bow, I agree it's dumb to get all mad if you bow and the other guy don't. But it's not exactly showing your "l33t skillz" by instantly sabering a guy down like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1. Uh, this is a VIDEO GAME YOU MORON. Playing with the Dark Side doesn't, at all, influence a person's actions in the outside world. What kind of obsessed sick bastard are you?


Obessed? Well, I come on to the forums about once a fortnight (less since everyone started whinging about that patch), browse a couple of threads, perhaps post something a bit devils-advocate to see if I can get a rise. Which I have.


Maybe 'obsessed' is when you get worked up enough TO TYPE IN CAPITALS?


But anyway, what I was basically saying was that a lot of players (the ones that perhaps are a bit obsessed) do role-play in the game. And if they're Sith and bowing, then they're role-playing badly.

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Originally posted by Protojedi111

You know what makes me so mad? When you are liking dueling on MP and you do your little bow out of respect before you fight, but your opponent decides that bowing is to "high" for them and they just decide that death from above is the best thing to do instead and just kill you instead. That kind of bull crap is what makes me almost not bow anymore. Ughghhggh... I could just squeeze their little....




I know the feeling, earlier I was dueling and I bowed and isntead of the ther guy bowing he decided to try to pull a backstab on me. He got his ass kicked as well. :)


Fortunately, I only run into very few people who do that, the majorty of the JK2 community has been pretty respectful to me. I'm loviing this game more and more by the day, and to me JK2 isn't just a 'GAME', it's a big community! ;)

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Originally posted by Emon

1. They shouldn't attack you with your saber down wether the bow or not.


2. Some people think bowing is lame and rediculous, and I certantly understand why. It is a video game, afterall. Most people don't think that they are too high for it, they instead think that it's lame. I sorta agree, but I do it anyways just because other guys do.


Exactly! I agree with you 100%. Especially with the Saber down... I NEVER attack anyone who has their saber down, but I have been attacked multiple times when I had my Saber down while resting after a duel. It almost makes me want to go slash up everyone in the server. ;)


Bowing/honoring grew on to me after the first few times it became a habbit, I usually won't fight anyone who doesn't bow. It may be a video game, yes, but it is a community in my point of view, and I noticed the ones who do bow also fight cleaner and don't try to backstab every two seconds. ;)

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whats the worst is when your dueling somebody, not in a real duel, and after a lil bit they de-activate their saber and run for health and complain when you ht them cause they have their saber down...however i just dont give a crap, i keep attackin em anyway.:D

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I agree, Bows shouldn't take half the duel.


Neither should circle-walking and taunting them :X.


Can't you hear the sound of a saber ignition and roll aside?


Really would be a laugh if you did pull off a fatal bs on their dishonest dfa :D


As for slashing bodies... I do it when nobodies around, cause it requires a saber to ignite and everyone jumps at a chance to gang up on guy-with-saber-up. It helps FPS though. :).

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Originally posted by XERXES

whats the worst is when your dueling somebody, not in a real duel, and after a lil bit they de-activate their saber and run for health and complain when you ht them cause they have their saber down...however i just dont give a crap, i keep attackin em anyway.:D


lol!! well if it's ffa 1.03, it wouldnt matter tho... 1 hit it's all it takes to kill he/she/it

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Originally posted by XERXES

whats the worst is when your dueling somebody, not in a real duel, and after a lil bit they de-activate their saber and run for health and complain when you ht them cause they have their saber down...however i just dont give a crap, i keep attackin em anyway.:D


Yeah, now that's chicken-$hit. What are they doing duelling you if they're just gonna saber off and run away? Getting health mid-duel is part of the challenge. Darth Maul didn't say "Time out guys. I've got to open this door." did he? Besides, sabering the cowards as they run away is a challenge. ;P


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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