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I just want to know why?


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Why do people use scripts?


I think it would take away form the fun I have knowing that I had a good fight using my keys and mouse combos myself....or at least take away from the feeling you get when you have a good duel and win becasue you out thought your opponent.



So why do you scripters do it?



Just a real question :confused:

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all my scripts just simplify things. i never use scripts to execute moves, but i use them to toggle walk, to cycle through skins, saber colours, etc.


scripts help unclutter your keyboard, although i dont use combat scripts, they're too limiting.

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Yay another script whine.. Don't you guys get it? there are two factions here, one that thinks scripting is okay, the other one that thinks it's lame, and they never are going to agree.


If you want to say something at least post it in one of those threads.. don't fill up the entire forum with more useless topics

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