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A cool concept for a Single Player/FFA/Duel map.


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I have this great idea for a map based in the time of Ep 2. You all are familiar with the part in the movie where the end battle takes place (Genoshia, i think) in that huge Gladiator stlye arena? That arena would make for exellent large-scale battles dont you think? In single player mode, there would be a bunch of NPC Jedi's fighting on your side against hordes of battle droids in the arena (as soon as someone decides to finally model them). I really think Lucas did a great job on this movie and i would love to frag around in this Genoshian arena. I just have one question. Is it possible?




P.S. Anyone can take this idea from me, since i dont know how to map (would love to though) but please make sure you do a good job cause this map would be amazingly fun multi or single player.

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I apologize, since this idea has already been suggested about 50 times but there are a few differences from what others have suggested.



1. There would be nobody in the stands because in the movie, when the Jedi council storms the arena, the Geonosis people fly away in fear. This would allow this map to be possible with normal framerates.


2. The 3 big monster things in the movie do not neccessarily need to be modeled, although it would be a cool addition. (probably not possible anyway)


3. It would be cool if there was an exit from the arena which takes you to a room to stock up on ammo and health etc...


4. It wouldnt hurt for there to be a secret place really high up for snipers.


5. There HAS to be that spot from the movie that Count Dooku and Jango Fett were watching the action from so that you too, could watch in awe as the battle ensues.


--Just a few suggestions


I think this map will rock some serious a$$ if done right and I must say I am very excited to see it in action.


P.S. : Is that sandarena map supposed to be what I'm talking about?? Dont know because i havent tried it but I think it is.

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Biggest problem is keeping framerate high with so many Jedi and battle droid models. Battle driods would have to be very low poly (acceptable). The ICARUS stuff is pretty easy to program, and for the battle driods, you can setup one script, make it into a prefab and keep loading it and changing names and targetnames. Would take a while, but I'd work.

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Originally posted by jaybiggspr

I apologize, since this idea has already been suggested about 50 times but there are a few differences from what others have suggested.



1. There would be nobody in the stands because in the movie, when the Jedi council storms the arena, the Geonosis people fly away in fear. This would allow this map to be possible with normal framerates.


2. The 3 big monster things in the movie do not neccessarily need to be modeled, although it would be a cool addition. (probably not possible anyway)


3. It would be cool if there was an exit from the arena which takes you to a room to stock up on ammo and health etc...


4. It wouldnt hurt for there to be a secret place really high up for snipers.


5. There HAS to be that spot from the movie that Count Dooku and Jango Fett were watching the action from so that you too, could watch in awe as the battle ensues.


--Just a few suggestions


I think this map will rock some serious a$$ if done right and I must say I am very excited to see it in action.


P.S. : Is that sandarena map supposed to be what I'm talking about?? Dont know because i havent tried it but I think it is.


1. It's a wide open map. Without proper hint brushing and caulking, framerates will still go low.


2. Good point.


3. Good point as well.


4. How wouldja get up there? hehe


5. Granted.


Keep in mind also: models and characters (NPCs) add a lot of tris on the screen at one time. This kicks r_speeds high. The max you should be hitting for in an SP map is 20K tops on r_speeds. Think about how high that would go with tons of battle droids and jedi on the screen (plus having the draw you and the lightsaber considering we all know you'll want to play with that :p)


This could do well as an ffa or duel map if done right, but as far as recreating the scene from EP2 is concerned, you can kiss r_speeds goodbye on that.


Also note: that for an MP map, r_speeds should generally be under 8K but up to 10K or even 15K is ok.


EDIT: Plus. Be "inspired". Don't be based on something. Be inspired by it.

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1. You couldn't make those monsters because you'd have nothing to animate them with!


2. Yeah, Wes, that glider kicks ass!


3. Framerate would suck in that level. Not because of the stands, those are easy. Just a texture, no detail needed. The wide open areas, so what? It's a simple design. That area could be easily created and I could be getting framerates of well over 100 on my GF3 Ti 200.


4. Unfortunatly, no one knows how to make a level properly. Many people think they should caulk everything and only texture visible surfaces. Well, they are wrong. Anything that cannot be seen is culled anyway, so it's a waste of time which only massivly lengthens your compile times. Only time you should REALLY caulk is behind patches, and when doing detail brushes, because unseen things on detail brushes are not culled automatically. This goes for terrain that's detail as well.


5. So, what's the problem? The problem is that JO has such rediculously high poly counts on the models, and that the Q3 engine sucks ass at rendering models. The best solution would probably be to reduce the polys on the current Jedi models (with new models as well), either by removing the very first LOD (the ultra high quality one) or the going down to the second or third LODs or by reducing the poly count manually and making the LODs go even lower. Then for battle droids, make those very low poly as well. The models won't look spectacular, but it will allow for more level detail and will also let you have more Jedi and battle droids.

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