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Why doesn`t Grim Fandango have cheats ?

Tyberius 555

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this is what we call a message board. You can read peoples thoughts on the matter as they reply. ok?. good.


as for the cheats thing, i disagree with the view that games without cheats arnt really games. The fact that GF dosnt have cheats means that a great many people get a lot of enjoyment out of the game and dont resort to cheats when they get stuck. It means people actually have to think if they want to progress.


Many people use cheats in games and dont realise that they are destroying the game untill they've completed it and are sat there wondering what else they could have bought with 30 quid.


I think cheats are ok once the game has been completed so that you can fool around with the game and have a bit of extra fun, but when u aint completed the game its just a bit pointless. I mean you bought the game for entertainment and you are destroying that entertainment when you use cheats.


Perhaps cheat modes should only be unlocked when you complete a game, but i suppose someone would find a way to crack the game eventually.


I'm not saying GF would work with cheats anyway, i would rather it had no cheats at all (apart from the developer mode, but its hardly cheating.)

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Tall Guy speaks the truth. Fancy saying a game isn't a game without cheats! Dear god, I think I'm going to faint. Well not really. Anyway, when I played Grim I used a walkthrough at times becuase I'm lazy. It wasn't until I'd finished the game that I realised I had ruined the experience for myself. What do you want anyway? Its an adventure game!

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exactly, with an action game like Half-Life cheats tend to be ok when the game is complete as the game has a large replay value, so things can turn out differently when using cheats or not. But, with an adventure title, once you've used the cheats and wrecked the game thats it! replay value is small and theres often only one way of doing things. when you use a cheat/walkthrough to figure something out then you'll tend to always remember how you did someting so when you come to play the game again, there's no fun involved as you know what to do.

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And what on Earth would you need cheats for? Unlimited ammo? You've got that anyway. Manny can blast away at Hector forever (and miss every time).


I think our bridge-haunting friend's gaming experience is limited to shooters to have the opinion he does. If you take every game ever made into consideration, then those with cheats are a tiny minority.

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confused: You know,if they wanted to improve the game the could of shown us how manny died before he got to the land od the dead.I think manny`s spanish,you know:he always sais Iholle,and all that jazz.

by the way I`m friends with andrei555,

could someone send me a private mesage if he knows he`s online.:D



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Yeah, his accent would lead you to assume he is Spanish. Or Mexican. As for how he died, is it really that important? After all, part of the story is the mystery behind Manny's former life. You know - what did he do to be stuck in the Land of the Dead as a reaper? Although... Did you ever play Curse of Monkey Island? They had a cute cameo of Manny as a desceased (chuckle) member of LeChuck's horde. I guess it was sort of an advertisement, though who knows, maybe it served doubly as a hint of Manny's former life for those sharp enough to make the connection. It would certainly explain why he deserved to be a reaper, pirates are not generally known for their bake sales and canned food drives.

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Some of my favorite quotes from Manny are his hispanic ones.


"¡Híjole, Mano!"

(An exclamation not easily translated but used as "Oh my God" or "I can't believe it" or whatever, it is said in annoyance or surprise...either one)


"¡Es peor que la muerte!"

(It's worse than death)


"¡Que traes!"

(I forget what this one means ^^; )


"¡Por favor!"



I also like how he calls Glottis "Carnal." It means "Cousin" or "Fleshy" and can be used as our "Dude" is.


"I'm gonna grind you to powder for that, cabrón!" is also cool. I forget what "cabrón" is, though. ^^;

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I just love Manny in general. You know when think about it, it's amazing that a person can arrange a bunch of polygons and a recorded voice and turn them into something you can have real affection for, or even identify with. My second favourite would have to be Lupe, because I know someone just like her. Two people actually, they're twins.

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I really hate kids, so when I say a kid is cute (albiet a make-believe one in this case) believe me, it's something. I love Glottis's song as well. I also like listening to the version without the singing, it's a catchy tune. I nearly forgot about Nick the lawyer. He's cool too. I like the bit where Manny decks him.

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I'm iffy at Nick. Bibi and Pugsley were so annoying, though. URGH! I just wanna smash their heads together!


My favorite cutscene is the second-to-last one with Hector pulling the petals off the flower when Manny walks in. Manny's got some good dialogue there. ('Course, he's ALWAYS got good dialogue.)


Besides that one, I like the part when Manny finds Meche on the edge of the world.


"Prisoner? Where's your cell? Or are you just sharing a bunk with the warden?"




That's so cool.

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The dialogue in this game is as sharp as a tack, thats for sure. My favourite cutscene was the one where Copal got done by Hector. Brutal and gratuitous, I love it. The greenhouse one was cool too. And of course, who could forget the opening sequence? Manny is so damn cool. And Meche. You have to love Meche.

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Meche's awesome! But, I think my most favorite quote (I'm not positive, though) out of the whole game is from Toto Santos:


"When I am done with Naranja here, I am going to tattoo big, floppy ears on the side of your head so people will know what a jackass you are!"


Haha! Gotta love Toto. Him and his "grumpy little dreams".


"Gracias, Toto Santos." ~Manny

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"All day long, Manny, I sort through pure sadness. I find evidence, and I piece together stories. But none of my stories end well, they all end here. And the moral of every story, is the same: We may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later... we push up flowers."



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