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I was going to say what is a Pocky,

but having read the thread

I unravelled it at last.

and of and on topic,

I tried asking at Demented org

about sales related stuff

and it mail daemoned on me.

Not a good thing in customer service.

and my condolenses to GendoTheGreat

dealing with AOL

you must be pyscho sick of hearing

"You've got Mail."

going postal just thinking about it.

*however I did answer

a Jepardy question correcctly once,

it was answer:

the most heard voice

on the internet each day.

not as good as:

Who are 3 people who have NOT BEEN

in my kitchen Alex?

but then nothing is.


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*Yawns and stretches, laying back on her rafter.*


I think I'll play some Grim Fandango...


*She pulls a holo-top computer out of subspace and brings up Grim Fandango. Sadly, she starts speaking the dialogue right along with the characters. Eventually, she gets Glottis to sing "Rusty Anchor" and she sings along over and over and over.*


"Oh, Rusty Anchor

Goin' down, down, down,

Oh, Rusty Anchor

Guess I gotta hang around!"

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