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JK2radient or GTKradient


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I personally use GTK, but that's only because jkr stopped working after I reloaded. I don't think either of them is "better" they're just slightly different.

I'd try one, and if it works for you, go with that, if not, try the other. There is no "better" one.





:trooper: Hey, you there!

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I've tried both and found that JK2 Rad was far easier to set up and get started with. Configuring GTK is too longwinded for a newb whose just trying to learn the ropes. I've never had either crash on me at all.


I'd recommend JK2 Rad to a newb.



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More tutorials for JK2Radiant?? YOU ARE FOOLS! The tutorials will work for GTKRadiant, EFRadiant, MoHRadiant, Q3Radiant, anything as long as it is not game specific like ICARUS 2 for JO, and in the case of GTK vs JK2 for JO, it doesn't matter.


You can even use old QERADIANT tutorials made for QUAKE II on any of the newer Q3 based Radiants. A lot is the same.


RichDeisal, what are you smoking?? JK2Rad doesn't even let you clone brushes, because you get a memory error. Vertex dragging is ****ed out of the wazoo, and it crashes like crazy.

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Ok the only problem with GTKRadient is that I have no FX files in it, so I cant create Rain, snow or anyother effects.


I dont know If I have to edit the qe4 file in the scripts folder, but I just doesnt want to work.


Anyhelp would be great, as switching from JKradient to GTKRadient is reallllyyyyyy annoying all the time!

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Originally posted by Emon

Vertex dragging is ****ed out of the wazoo, and it crashes like crazy.


Actually I use both editors and prefer the vertex editing in JK2R over GTKR.


Anyway, like I said, I use both editors:


JK2R: Most of my map building takes places here, including texturing, lighting, entities, compiling and so on.

Shows curves properly in editor.


GTKR: I use this for extra editiing control for certain situations

Accurately selects the brush you want, not some other brush you didn't even click on.

multiple face texturing, this feature is a godsend.

separate patch mesh surface inspector, not sure if it's better than JK2R's or not but I use it



Oh and also:

EFRadiant: to purge evil poly's (only because i'm too lazy to copy the plugin file to JK2R)

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mainly i'm refering to cylinders, it draws them on the grid more like multi-faced brushes than cylinders. They show up fine in the 3d window but I just find it very annoying to look at the grid and see these rigid sometimes diamond shaped cylinders(if they're small) when they should be round. Jk2R shows them the way they actually are on the grid, which is round.

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Originally posted by Emon

RichDeisal, what are you smoking?? JK2Rad doesn't even let you clone brushes, because you get a memory error. Vertex dragging is ****ed out of the wazoo, and it crashes like crazy.


I've never experienced any sort of random crash in Jk2Radiant... maybe you should learn to use the software before you start fooling around with it?


Also, I clone brushes all the time. I use this neat tool called the space bar. You should try it. If your computer crashes when you use it, well.. I'm sorry your computer sucks so much. :p


And vertex editing works just fine... Never had a problem with it either. And there are an awful lot of vertex-edited curves on duel_kamino, so if there was something wrong with it, I'd think I would know...


Just sayin.




Oh, and I do use GTK occasionally (I'm not ignorant of its features) but only for the plugins. All brush/curve/etc building I do in JK2R.

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