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i thought about reinstalling JK2 about two weeks ago and i did, last time i played was a couple weeks after release. I usually like to duel. But now i cant play on the full force servers everyone just does the same move over and over agian, they either pull me and when im on the ground near them they attack with that one hit kill heavy attack, or kick me in the face and attack they just keep useing the same thing over and over. so my question is, Is there anyway to stop these pretty cheap attacks?:confused:

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Originally posted by Jamoan


is there anyway to anticipate when someone is about to force pull you?


Watch the guy in duels. Check out his strategy & see what stance/force powers he likes to use.. then devise your counter strategy & rip him to bits. :)

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

I have a better question. Have you heard of no force servers? I know that's a little rude/harsh. You'll have to forgive me, I have more than a few beers in my tummy.


Of course i have, in fact thats all i have been playing on lately, i just that it would be nice to know how to counter these cheap shots :)

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