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Elite Geonosian Warriors


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Guest DarthMaulUK

One thing I did notice, was if they get converted by a Jedi Master (Rebel or Republic) the warriors gain shielding.



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Hm. Shielding wouldn't make a lot of sense, though, would it? It would also make the GWs much too effective. Have you seen what those puppies do to anything walking? Especially when compared to the rest of the slack Geonosian airforce, the GWs hit incredibly hard. Heaven forfend that you should get a satellite base attacked by them and not respond in time. Even with a token AA turret, they will butcher workers in the blink of an eye.


The upgrade is a bit pricey for a simple speed hike. Then again, for a raiding/response unit (as opposed to a core unit like a mech destroyer) speed is paramount. I think it's well worth it, personally. Though I'd like it if the upgrade also changed their guns to make them look a little less... well, phallic.

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They're not all that great against Jedi Masters, though what is, bar bounty hunters or other Jedi? They enjoy a slight advantage because they do melee rather than ranged damage; Jedi are less well-armoured against melee damage.


Of course, a group of Jedi masters will convert piles of GWs before they get killed anyway, so the question is largely academic.


And the GW is very strong in general. If the upgrade only increases their speed, then it's for a good reason. Besides, y'all pay through the nose for Advanced Engines and Dexterity - why not Elite GW? (Yes, I know the costs are slightly different).

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