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i believe i read somewhere that you will be able to turn the ability to see people's names on and off. i think there shouldn't be a way to see other people's names at all. if the devs wanna make this game as real as possible and have more interaction, they should make people introduce themselves and ask about others and all that jazz. i think this would be a small, simple thing to do that would force a more immersed world onto the players. also it would be something the devs could cut out so they could leave something else in...anyone agree with me here?


by the way i'm well aware where this post belongs but no one ever goes to that crazy developer forum...

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I'll tell you this: not having names shown is a bad thing in a MMORPG. Sure, I can agree on not showing the names of people who are in an opposing faction, which gives a feel that you don't know which of your enemies are NPC and who are PCs. But not having names on anyone? Just finding your friends on a moderately peoplefilled street would be very hard. Sure, it would be 'more realistic', but IMHO it would take away a lot of the playability, and replace it with frustration.

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Its in the design of the game to show your name. In the beginning during character creation, when yu pick your clothing, hairstyl, etc... You get to put a sticker on your chest that says "Hello, My name is........."

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i see what youre saying setsuko, but i have to disagree. sure: in your normal online rpg, having names would help a lot. i played phantasy star online and it was totally needed. but that was in the NORMAL online rpg. in those you have several people that look EXACTLY the same. in this one there should be a lot more variation. finding people isnt that hard if you set up a meeting place, and once youve met someone once im willing to bet the in-game communication will make meeting up again a simple task. i dont see how not having the name over your head will stop you from finding people you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here an Idea, amy work. thgouh praobly wont anyway here it is

you cant see any ones name to start, but after you learn someones name and face, by introduction or waht not then there name will be there. un less they go throguh a major change. just an idea

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Originally posted by Sckitzo

Here an Idea, amy work. thgouh praobly wont anyway here it is

you cant see any ones name to start, but after you learn someones name and face, by introduction or waht not then there name will be there. un less they go throguh a major change. just an idea


err... i think the complaint about the name tag was that it wasn't realistic to see something like that float above someone's head, not that u could see a name of someone u hadn't met before, and anyway i still think the name tag is eesential for easy gameplay when it comes to finding friends etc.

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