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Count Dooku skin thread


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I'm going to post what I have gotten done so far on the Count Dooku model. Makes sense to me. Skin = Skinning Forum.


Anyway, here are all of the pics in order so you can also see the progression in both the skin and the model.















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ok, after staring at some ref pics for a while i have this to say good skin, but here are a few thoughts to make it perfect:


-make the bags under the eyes more prominent


-his lips (and skin for that matter) more pale, less red


-his hair whiter- all hair (less contrast and less shades of greyness)


-his mustache seems to be a little more boxy while yours seems to be more of a ^


-eyebrows should be bushier


-shirt is black, while his cape is a more purplish brown thatn a tannish brown.


Not to nit-pick, but these small adjustments would make your skin nearly flawless. but hell, its still the best dooku out there. good work.


you've probably seen this before, but couldnt hurt to post it:

http://www.vengeance-unlimited.org/Jedi%20Outcast/Episode%20II/Scans/CD-1.jpg lol. "Count's gaze immobilizes weak-minded individuals" HAHAHA, what a bunch of BS, who writes this stuff.

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