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posting on the PA forum


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?? uhm... ill try to explain this to you. but it mostly the same as you have posted here.


here is the main page of the forums.

on top you have the general forums and below that you have the PLayer association forums.


now there you see all PA's that got a forum here. my PA is The associates. they are almost at the bottom. when you click on that you will go in and see the subjects and threads that we discussed. in a thread you can see a reply button aswell.. there you can reply to a thread. or open a new thread with a new subject.


I hope i helped you enough with this




-Wraith 8-

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ahh, dooh couldnt find the button thoguh thanks. yep im mostly new been on for a few months but just now go the time to start posting. and wraith-8 which pilot was that again. I think it changed from deathsnot sure. but thanks again

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ahh, dooh couldnt find the button thoguh thanks. yep im mostly new been on for a few months but just now go the time to start posting. and wraith-8 which pilot was that again. I think it changed from deathsnot sure. but thanks again

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Wraith 8 was:




this man, a native of Pantolomin, was best known as a child actor who worked in a multitude of Imperial propaganda films. His face became a symbol for the Empire, and his films were responsible for large jumps in Imperial recruitment. Just as he was trying to get into more teeen-aged roles, he was captured by Alliance extremists who showed him what the Empire was really all about before they planned to execute him for aiding the Emperor. An Imperial attack on the rebel outpost resulted in both sides being decimated, and Garik himself sustained multiple injuries. He hid from the remaining Imperial, and eventually made it back to Pantolomin. His parents then shipped him to their homeworld of Lorrd, when he recovered from his injuries and decided to join the Alliance. His "death" was reported shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and broke the hearts of many young girls. Among most of the Alliance personnel, Garik was known as "The Face" because of the popularity of his cherubic face, although the battle left him with a few scars. He bought his own A-Wing, and trained in it on his own. He eventually became a pilot with Comet Squadron, but was forced extra-vehicular in order to avoid a proton torpedo. In his debriefing, Edor Crespin told Loran that he'd never amount to much, and would never repay the debt he owed the Republic for serving the Empire. Loran snapped back, telling Crespin that he was "just following in his footsteps." Crespin demoted him from pilot ranks, and Loran thought he'd never fly again until he made the cut to join Wraith Squadron. Loran also served as te squadron's insertion expert and part-time cook. For his part in rescuing the Night Caller during Apwar Trigit's attack on Talasea, Face was promoted to Lieutenant. During this time, Face became good friends with Ton Phanan, as the two exchanged quips and developed a friendly rivalry. Their friendship was crushed when Phanan was shot down and killed over Halmad, despite the incredible effort Face put in to rescue him. Phanan, in his will, left Face a large sum of money, provided that he have the facial scars removed. If not, the money went to Loran's arch-nemesis, Tetran Cowall. So, Face had the surgery and retained the money. During this time, Face fell in love with Dia Passik. In order to infiltrate Warlord Zsinj's confidence, Face then assumed the identity of General Kargin, leader of the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force. He met several times with Zsinj, each time increasing the Warlord's belief that Kargin was truly independent. After the defeat of Zsinj at Kuat, Face was promoted to brevet Captain by Wedge, a position was was eventually made official by the New Republic after the Battle of Selaggis. He continued to lead Wraith Squadron after it was re-commissioned as an Infiltrator team, and was part of the forces which were dispatched to monitor Yuuzhan Vong fleet movements after the aliens invaded the galaxy.

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