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Is this you...?


Is this you? Come on, be honest?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this you? Come on, be honest?

    • Yes, getting the highest kills is what it is all about!
    • No, I just enjoy a good fight against a worthy opponent.

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1) On FFA games, you look at the ladder and try like hell to get to the top for some inexplainable reason by running around DFA'ing/Back-Stabbing/Ass-swiping as many players as you can?


2) Never accept a duel? When someone switches off their sabre and gestures to duel, you run behind them and back-stab them?


3) On Nar-Shadda map, you just stand still and try to Push/Choke as many people off the edge as you can ?


4) Call yourself Darth-X (Replace X with your mums cute name for you)


5) On NF Duel games your repertoire is limited to...



6) On FFA games, when 2 or more people are fighting, you stand back and constantly chuck your sabre at them.


7) Whenever a noob joins and mentions he/she is a noob, you just waste them as fast as you can to show off. Instead of going easy on them and letting them learn and so end up putting them off playing MP.


Well congratulations, you are most probably...


* An acne-ridden 14 year old boy.

* Have a dislike of girls.

* An identical clone of a young Bill Gates with no personal hygiene.

* Since not skilled or blessed with any talent in the real world, the virtual world is the one place you're not a loser.



So, just carry on and just join any FFA server and be amongst other Bill Gates clones.


For the rest of us who don't live with our parents, we can enjoy a good, skillful, Jedi battle on most NF Duel servers and can be spotted a mile away amongst the multiude of geeks.


I don't want to have a real go at you guys, it's just that everytime I try a FFA server, it's like a huge nerd-fest.


Take it easy all and remember it's just a game and I'll see yous in a Duel.



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I did not take the poll because I ain't one of both choices...


YES I want to have the most kills after a FFA game, that's what FFA is all about right ?? :confused:


But, NO I do not use the same backstab-tactic over and over again, I do accept duels (they make this game RULE!), and I do not use the push/grab technique all the time on Nar-Shadda....


The only thing that I do that someone could say is LAME is I use the lightning force on players who I see running, and sometimes that player only had 10 health or so from another fight, and so he's dead because of my lightning...


I don't think that is lame though ?!?

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Originally posted by GreyKnight

1) On FFA games, you look at the ladder and try like hell to get to the top for some inexplainable reason by running around DFA'ing/Back-Stabbing/Ass-swiping as many players as you can?


2) Never accept a duel? When someone switches off their sabre and gestures to duel, you run behind them and back-stab them?


3) On Nar-Shadda map, you just stand still and try to Push/Choke as many people off the edge as you can ?


4) Call yourself Darth-X (Replace X with your mums cute name for you)


5) On NF Duel games your repertoire is limited to...



6) On FFA games, when 2 or more people are fighting, you stand back and constantly chuck your sabre at them.


7) Whenever a noob joins and mentions he/she is a noob, you just waste them as fast as you can to show off. Instead of going easy on them and letting them learn and so end up putting them off playing MP.


1-I stopped playing FFA due to the low-skill level and understanding of the basic game mechanics and counters that most people who do play it have


2-When I did play it, I would accept duels if I was in a empty hallway or the like, but I always thought it was rude for people to come up and challenge you when you were fighting with 3 or 4 players. Now if they challenged me after I disposed of the other players, fine. But don't expect me to simply walk away from the middle of a fight just because you are impatient.


3-I never stand in one place, on any map. It's just plain stupid. But if you are dumb enough to jump across a long gap with me right behind you, don't complain when I pull you back down. Any decent player knows on these maps, keep a wall to your backside if possible, and when fighting on narrow ledges use absorb.




5-Nope. I never run backwards. Can't see to well... The DFA is best used in a kick combo.


6-Nope. I run in and kill them both with a backstab. (Bet you love that)


7-No again. I never pounce on new guys, unless they start in with that "OMFG-GAY_LAME" crap.

Actually, I can sum up in all of about 2 seconds, how experienced a player is. If they are an easy kill I simply limit my attacks to normal saber swings, no Force or kicks. I was new too once, and no one likes to be humiliated.

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Nope doesnt sound like me, for the short time I played FFA I was one of those guys that just stood around and challanged people to duels, never was after the frag count.


Now adays I mostly just play 1.02 duel no force though so I dont have half the lame junk going on.

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FFA i like being on top, but i don't use just saber throw sitting out of a fight or lightning


i accept duels


i chat to other people


i DO push people on nar shadda, but if i don't push them they'll push me

i DON'T grip them on nar shadda, push and pull work better


in duels i use my whole arsenal, i use everything i have


i do kill newbs but i don't kill them as fast as i can, i try to help them

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I get decidedly more "lame" when other people on the server are lame to me.


Game is screwed up in that it's hideously easy for one person to dominate the server using the same tactic over and over, and the only way to combat it is do the same thing back to them.


Whenever I try to remain "honorable" on one of these servers, invariably someone runs up and ruins the fight by spamming some random attack.


So I fight fire with fire, can't blame me for that.


If it's a more friendly server where people respect casual duels (ie they aren't actually using the duel slot) or folks are just looking for some fun fights, I experiment more with different tactics and a greater variety of assaults.


In other words I only play as lame as the rest of the people. ;)

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I Like FFA, but hate the twits coming in constanly running around backwards. Dont like the force abuse, play on servers that limit force powers to jump and throw only, helps the fun level increase. I try to duel as much as possible in an FFA to try to add that extra level to it. But hell running into a pack of 5 to 6 peepes is always a good way to get a good laugh. Oh dont get pissed at someone if they dont accept your duel right away, i.e. I was in a limited force FFA the other night, in the midst of about 6 people hacking away at each other and I jumped out of the fray to light a smoke. Voila some idiot comes up to me and challenges me. After the meat grinder I just came out of, I was down to 40 health and he had just respwaned to a healthy 100/25. Of course I said no way wait and he just started flaming me and called me a coward! LOL I ended up accepting to shut him up and beat him ! But doesnt lessen the fact that understand people may be too low on health to duel in the middle of an FFA. Other that that I LOVE THIS GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and the big scripting debate ? It isnt Ravens or LucasArts fault, it is a q3 engine problem, unless you want to blame them for using that engine !

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I play mostly FFA all the time. Duel server is ......... borring. to long to wait ....


I use DFA its fun.


Back spin, well only on ppl who spawm it over and over.


Stab, I use it more. Simply because its do lessssssss damage then backspin can do.


I fight closely only in Light stand. The best for me. Fast attack, Fast recovery, Fast blocking and cant say "oups sorry for the spin. I didnt want to make it" message.


I use lightning lvl 2. Less lame then lvl 3 and mostly to agro player to come to me or to kill chiken player who all he do is flee flee flee or stay away and saber throw again and again or ( Many do that ) chiken player with absorb going to go off and run away to regain mana to restart it again. YES lvl 2 lightning and Drain go realy far far far. :) :) so fun to kill far easy lol.


Grip hell yea so fun to look your enemy choke lol.


I kill player with saber off who come neer me. ( to many moron going to behind and stab or spin ).


I kill player who flee away, trying to do, while turning saber off. What the most chiken move i never see. Seriously. You fight the guy flee and turn saber off. I STILL kill him no mater and those SUFFER the pull spin cheap thing. I know they tell after cheap ass etc. You kill a player with saber off. WHO is the cheap ass noob turned the saber off during a battle ?.


I NEVER turn my saber off for many reason. Im not effraid to get killed. When im fleeing away, i rarely do, i do not turn my saber off. that way is more easy to block all other attack :).


For ppl who push me out to get a easy frag. Well they never get the kill because i do /kill before :). Sometime they say. WTF cheap basterd etc etc. Then i simply replay do a skilled kill and you will got the score.


Ppls doing spin, Easy to escape that. RAGE POWER :) then i spin my turn. lol.


I personaly think Absorb is the most cheap force power of JK2. The side of absorb getting mana back is ok. BUT the side you still not affected by the force power..... its cheap. When i play light i dont put any point force power in Absorb. Because its to powerfull and unskilled. Any skilled player don't need to use absorb in ANY way. Those are NOT effraid to face a Dark Jedi or ppls doing pull spin Q/$?"$%? !!!. YOU CAN EASY AVOID THAT when its happen. LIGHT or EVIL. no need absorb in any way.


*** How to avoid backspin !$%!/$% !!! in 3 leson. ***


1) RAGE : Still got damage but you raise so fast you can do a spin yourself to laugh at them :). Cost lost of mana yea but you CANT die if you have rage up and 40 hp no shield from a spin.


2) Force Shield : Same as above but no speed up thing. But you lose mana from the damage taken and if not anough mana well you are dead :).


3) SIDE KICK : no need force power other then Jump lvl 2. I personaly kill so many player doing that if they are not dead 50 % of the time they are knocked down and you know what happen after.


Now i got borred to play JK2 because i can't found any skilled player to get chalange.


Duel, i win 90 % of them. And no spin or stab thing needed. Stab i use if the guy go behind me. but i do not turn my self to do a stab. If i knock them down i use frontal light stand special move combo with kick and saber throw. Total of 5 attacks. ( saber throw, normal attack, frontal attack, kick, saber throw again ). Most of the time the enemy is dead :).



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"


[1MAN]BloodRayne Co-Leader of [1MAN]JK2

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Originally posted by GreyKnight

Well congratulations, you are most probably...


* An acne-ridden 14 year old boy.

* Have a dislike of girls.

* An identical clone of a young Bill Gates with no personal hygiene.

* Since not skilled or blessed with any talent in the real world, the virtual world is the one place you're not a loser.


:eyeraise: Uhhh, how do those qualities have anything to do with a player who enjoys playing the game for the sake of beating others?


Since you obviously hate people who play to win for the sake of winning, and not for fun, and you listed those qualities as ones which a person like that "most probably" has, I assume you hate anyone with any of those qualities.


Maybe you can explain why you hate people with those qualities? Maybe go through each quality and explain why you dislike people like that?



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I've nothing against people who play to win, I try too!


I'll tell you a little story... :rolleyes:


...I popped into an Internet cafe one day and there were a group of 5 teenage guys all playing Quake III. But it took me a while to realise that they were playing Quake III, cos it looked like a Manga Robot style FPS. The graphics were really blocky.

What they had done was to turn the graphic levels all they way down to bare minimum. This was because it sped the game up for them and more importantly, it made them jump higher for some reason. And everyone one of them was spamming the same move over & over again. Jumping with the RailGun I think.

Whenever they got beat, they'd curse the other player and 'throw their teddys out of the cot.'

And I just looked at them thinking what a bunch of lamers, none of them used any tactics, they all just did the same move over and over again to make sure they had the most kills. They really were a bunch of clones ;)


Like I said, I play NF Duels 99% of the time and do try to win, but not to the extent of spamming.

Yes, I've back-stabbed...

Yes, I've ass-swept...

Yes, I've DFA'd...

But not constantly to rack up as many kills as I possibly could.


That's why these kind of people don't like Duels, cos they've got to 'wait around' for too long.


And thankfully, I can play and enjoy JKII with like-minded people and these people can play and enjoy JKII in their way on FFA's


Cool huh?



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Originally posted by GreyKnight

3) On Nar-Shadda map, you just stand still and try to Push/Choke as many people off the edge as you can ?


4) Call yourself Darth-X (Replace X with your mums cute name for you)



1. That map is intended to push pull grip throw ppl off.

2. WTF is wrong with Darth X


These are all parts of the game and you better learn to deal with them. Ppl are always gonna do what works to get the most kills to win the game. That is the purpose of the game.

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DarthCobra wrote...


1. That map is intended to push pull grip throw ppl off.


2. WTF is wrong with Darth X



So DC,


1. We might as well turn off our lightsabres then when we're on Nar Shadda and just run around having a shoving contests? ;)


2. I'll give you that point. I just don't get people who call themselves Darth_Vader19, Darth_Vader20 or Yoda_23232 etc...

Come on peeps, bit of originality please?



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It would seem that with the variety of game play choices available(FFA, duel, CTF,or whatever) everyone should be able to play the game however they chose...


I see very little in this chat forum regarding "multi-player strategy", mostly it's people bitching about how others play the game.


There is room in this game for all ages, and types of game play.:p

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Kid Hanover,


Hmmmmmmmmmmm? :confused:


I am glad there is a small place for me to enjoy JKII online, ie NF Duels.


BUT... I would also like to enjoy FFA, CTF etc... games with like minded people, but I'd say...75% of FFA are 'Lamer-ridden'.


And unfortunately, I'm not one of the majority, I'm not 14 years old.


So I guess I should stick to.....matchstick building or get into bowls instead?



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1) I'll try to get on top, but won't expect it (I'm about medium skill level i.e can fairly well hold my own)


2) Depends. If I'm good health-wise, I'll accept. Otherwise, I'll run like a little sissy girl. :mob:


3) Nope. I'm usually the poor sod constanly falling to my doom :(


4) Nope. I'm MadJackMcJack.


5) Nope. I add 'swing like a madman' to that ;P


6) I'll admit, I've done this. But usually when an ass-fighter is coming at me!


7) If they come at me, I'll respond accordingly. :slsaber: If they want teaching (and I can actually do the move/thing), I'll help. If they're an ass-fighter, I'll saber-throw them to death!


Personally, I'll go with the flow. If everybody lines up for duels, I'll join the line. If mass-melees erupt, I'll charge in. One thing I won't do is attack unarmed/keyboard people (although I have attacked people just before. Sorry about that peeps!)

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I understand what you are saying, and I totally agree with you. I sometimes wonder how a game can have such appeal to people if all they do is spam one or two moves. Surely, winning isn't fun enough?


Maybe you and I have the same play style, in that we wish to win but by other means, ones which make the game, and possibly you, more entertaining to play.


I was mainly wondering why you listed those qualities that you did when describing lamers. I'll be honest, I am "Acne-ridden", but in no way do I EVER want to be associated with lamers. Mind you, I'm not 14.


You may have been joking, and if you were I apologise, but you can understand how it can upset me? It was mainly your first 2 options that upset me. "Dislike of girls"? Are you referring to gays? Without turning this into a debate about gays, can you explain to me how lamers are gay, as in have a dislike of girls?



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Originally posted by GreyKnight

1) On FFA games, you look at the ladder and try like hell to get to the top for some inexplainable reason by running around DFA'ing/Back-Stabbing/Ass-swiping as many players as you can?


2) Never accept a duel? When someone switches off their sabre and gestures to duel, you run behind them and back-stab them?


3) On Nar-Shadda map, you just stand still and try to Push/Choke as many people off the edge as you can ?


4) Call yourself Darth-X (Replace X with your mums cute name for you)


5) On NF Duel games your repertoire is limited to...



6) On FFA games, when 2 or more people are fighting, you stand back and constantly chuck your sabre at them.


7) Whenever a noob joins and mentions he/she is a noob, you just waste them as fast as you can to show off. Instead of going easy on them and letting them learn and so end up putting them off playing MP.


Well congratulations, you are most probably...


* An acne-ridden 14 year old boy.

* Have a dislike of girls.

* An identical clone of a young Bill Gates with no personal hygiene.

* Since not skilled or blessed with any talent in the real world, the virtual world is the one place you're not a loser.



So, just carry on and just join any FFA server and be amongst other Bill Gates clones.


For the rest of us who don't live with our parents, we can enjoy a good, skillful, Jedi battle on most NF Duel servers and can be spotted a mile away amongst the multiude of geeks.


I don't want to have a real go at you guys, it's just that everytime I try a FFA server, it's like a huge nerd-fest.


Take it easy all and remember it's just a game and I'll see yous in a Duel.





Ahem ADUH ADUH ADUH ADUH ADUH ADUH ADUH!He said(not to get banned or anything but) *Have a dislike of girls*


Ahem.ADUH ADUH ADUH ADUH. The three ppl that voted yes must be...well...you know...But if they are girls its ok if you vote yes.

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