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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Dear Friends,


Could someone please give me a full description on how to implement a tarket speaker in MP map? And, please, do not refer me to Rich Diesel's tutorials because I've already tried his example in my map and it just does not work. Yes, I know all about the wav and mp3 file differences and issues in Multiplayer mode. All I'm asking is for someone to lead me through an example of creating and making a target speaker that is known to completely work. I would really appreciate it, because I'm almost finished with my duel level. But I just need a nice low ambient sound but I can't get target speakers to work!! Thanks,



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I put a looping .wav in my MP map and didn't have any issues (just as the tutorial outlines). I did notice that at first, with only one target_speaker, the sound effect was barely audible (I had to turn off my saber to hear it). So I replicated my target_speaker (making three of them) and the sound was much louder.


The "wait" key doesn't seem to work for some .wav's though.

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Hey guys...first post I think....Can anyone tell me how I can fix or even why the ENTITY window is sooooooooooo large that I can't access it to make it smaller!! I mean it's soooo big it goes below my actual screen and I can't see the rest of the window? So I can't use anything below that? And YES....I've tried resizing and moving it...:confused:

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OK... Startana. I've tried to solve your little question, and I haven't been able to. The only way I could think of to make the X-wings move with the elevator was to try tomake them part of the func_plat as well. Problem is that nothing can be two different entities at the same time, IE, a Mics_model (the X-wing) AND a func_plat at the same time.


So, unless someone else has an idea, I dont beleive that can be done.


Now, over to Marth...


First, that can only be done SP. That said, I havent done it myself, but it would work sort of like this :


Make the door as normal. Check off the "locked" value.

Make a second panel (the button) and check off the "item" box (or something like that) which requires that you have a key-type item.


Target the button at the door, which, when activated, will unlock, and then work as a normal door.


That's the simple version, I think, and it probobly has a few things wrong with it, but it should push you in the right direction.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

OK... Startana. I've tried to solve your little question, and I haven't been able to. The only way I could think of to make the X-wings move with the elevator was to try tomake them part of the func_plat as well. Problem is that nothing can be two different entities at the same time, IE, a Mics_model (the X-wing) AND a func_plat at the same time.


There is a thread here not too far in the past about this. And I have a little test map to show how this can be done. But it requires the using of q3map2 indstead of sof2map. If somebody is interested, send me an e-mail and I'll send him/her.


Basically: You make your brushes for the elevator, then make your misc_models and your clip brushes around them (for x-wings there is a prefab for clipping the models, so use it). Now select the elevator parts and the clip brushes (models not!) and make them into a func_plat. Open up the entity window, set the parameters for the func_plat and give it a targetname ("elevator" for exmaple). Now deselect everything, select your misc_models at once, open up the entity window and give them a target with the name of the func_plat ("elevator"). That's it.

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Trigger not, you turn it into an entity so not necessary. With the other two I would say, yes, however I was examining the shader manual a few days ago and it says "surfaceparm trans" makes the surface transparent to vis (behaving like a detail brush) and those have that in their code. So I say if you make them into detail brushes: good. If you leave them alone: good. :)

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i want to make a secret button that kills everyone in my map. so i made a trigger hurt that took up my whole map and made my button and then triggered the hurt with a trigger multiple but i kills me when i span into my map without even pushing the button so the trigger doesn't work. i want to know if it is possible to do what i want to do and how cause right now i'm stumped:confused:

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Aside from the moral implications of the idea (That's just SICK! :D) I dont think it CAN work... I dont think that trigger brushes can be triggered - they either are there and working, or they are not there and DONT work. Just my understanding - I'm sure SOMEONE out there will correct me if I'm wrong.


"Hey, what's this big shiny red button do?" *sound of a click* *BOOM!*

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Yes, trigger_hurts are on by default. You can make them to be off at map start by checking the start_off spawnflag.


Trigger_hurt can be toggled if it is targeted by something, say an other trigger. :)


It can be useful if you make it to turn off automatically after some time. There is a thread called ffa_deathstar where I wrote about this. Leave out the target_(de)activates. But you will need a target_relay.


trigger_multple -> target_relay -> trigger hurt

...................\-> target_delay ----|


The two target_xxxx have to have the same targetname.

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I'll be direct. Is there any way to make a door open only when certain panels are pushed?

Ok I think you all don't understand this.

Picture a long corridor, with a door at the end and pushable panels at the side. I want to make a sort of code, so is there anyway to make the door open in response to the panels being pushed In a certain order ?

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OK, this is an example for MP. I hope it will be clear. :)


So, for my example I'm going to use 4 buttons to make the code.


I will refer to things as follows:

Bx: buttons (not real entities just the abstraction, they are built out of one good trigger and one bad trigger)

GTx: good triggers (when you push the right button)

BTx: bad triggers (when you push the wrong button)

ADx: group of func_activates and func_deactivates (to enable/disable the good and bad triggers)

R: group of func_activates and func_deactivates (to reset the system when you push a wrong button)

DOOR: guess what :)

x: means numbers from 1 to 4 (except ADx, where 1 to 3)


So, the code will be B1, B3, B2, B4.


First you have to make the buttons of course, so place some graphics, and place the four pair of trigger_multiples. You should have GT1 and BT1 for B1 at the exact same place because they will exchange and so on. Of course you can set for all of them to be usable with USE key and facing if you want.


For BT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 set the start_off spawnflag to make them deactivated. This means GT1, BT2, BT3, BT4 are activated, so B1 is a good button at the moment, the others are bad.


Now you need AD1, a group of 4 func_activate and 4 func_deactivate. All of them have to have the same targetname (AD1 for this example). AD2, AD3 and R will be similar.


Now comes the point of the whole thing: targeting these properly. :)


GT1 -> AD1

GT2 -> AD2

GT3 -> AD3

GT4 -> DOOR (final button in the order to open door)

BT1 -> R

BT2 -> R

BT3 -> R

BT4 -> R


AD1 1st target_activate -> GT3 (next good button in the order)

AD1 2nd target_activate -> BT1 (B1 is no longer a good one)

AD1 3rd target_activate -> BT2 (to make it sure)

AD1 4th target_activate -> BT4 (to make it sure)

AD1 1st target_deactivate -> BT3 (B3 is no longer a bad one)

AD1 2nd target_deactivate -> GT1 (B1 is no longer a good one)

AD1 3rd target_deactivate -> GT2 (to make it sure)

AD1 4th target_deactivate -> GT4 (to make it sure)


As you can see the pattern is to activate the GTx where x is the next good button in the order, and all the other BTs, and deactivate the opposites. So you have to make this for AD2 and AD3.


For R you have to make it like the starting, so activate GT1, BT2 to BT4, and deactivate GT2 to GT4 and BT1.


That's all. :)


If you make this then you have to push buttons in the given order to open the door, but one mistake takes you back to the beginning.


If you don't want to reset buttons on a mistake, then leave out the BTs, R and corresponding target_activates and target_deactivates.



I said this is for MP. It works for SP too, but maybe it is easier to make it with scripting.

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OK..One thing I noticed while using JK2 and GTk Radiant is that when you have compile errors or something doesn't work like it should--->

Try closing Radiant and restarting your machine. Also try closing Radiant re-opening Radiant and do a compile right away on the map you were working on.

Try deleting what you just did--then redo it and compile. Sometimes compiling in between saves and changes helps.


RENAME your map several times and save it in a special folder outside of Gamdata, so that if you have a major error that can't be fixed at least you don't have to start from scratch!!




Takes place in the asteroid field that Han Solo negotiated in ESB. Imperial forces have mined a LARGE asteroid nearby and installed a base.


One question...How do I do detail brushes? What do I select?


Good Mapping!! GiNGii

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to creat a detail brush just select the brush and then go to selection and make detail or press ctrl-m or right click and sect make detail. when you make detail brushes make sure they don't touch the void. This link---> http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc102lsn3.html <---- shows how to do detail brushes


you can also go here--> http://www.cydom.freeserve.co.uk/jk2web/detail.htm this site goes into a little more detail on detail brushes. Hope these sites help. :deathii:

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

OK, this is an example for MP. I hope it will be clear. :)


So, for my example I'm going to use 4 buttons to make the code.


I will refer to things as follows:

Bx: buttons (not real entities just the abstraction, they are built out of one good trigger and one bad trigger)

GTx: good triggers (when you push the right button)

BTx: bad triggers (when you push the wrong button)

ADx: group of func_activates and func_deactivates (to enable/disable the good and bad triggers)

R: group of func_activates and func_deactivates (to reset the system when you push a wrong button)

DOOR: guess what :)

x: means numbers from 1 to 4 (except ADx, where 1 to 3)


So, the code will be B1, B3, B2, B4.


First you have to make the buttons of course, so place some graphics, and place the four pair of trigger_multiples. You should have GT1 and BT1 for B1 at the exact same place because they will exchange and so on. Of course you can set for all of them to be usable with USE key and facing if you want.


For BT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 set the start_off spawnflag to make them deactivated. This means GT1, BT2, BT3, BT4 are activated, so B1 is a good button at the moment, the others are bad.


Now you need AD1, a group of 4 func_activate and 4 func_deactivate. All of them have to have the same targetname (AD1 for this example). AD2, AD3 and R will be similar.


Now comes the point of the whole thing: targeting these properly. :)


GT1 -> AD1

GT2 -> AD2

GT3 -> AD3

GT4 -> DOOR (final button in the order to open door)

BT1 -> R

BT2 -> R

BT3 -> R

BT4 -> R


AD1 1st target_activate -> GT3 (next good button in the order)

AD1 2nd target_activate -> BT1 (B1 is no longer a good one)

AD1 3rd target_activate -> BT2 (to make it sure)

AD1 4th target_activate -> BT4 (to make it sure)

AD1 1st target_deactivate -> BT3 (B3 is no longer a bad one)

AD1 2nd target_deactivate -> GT1 (B1 is no longer a good one)

AD1 3rd target_deactivate -> GT2 (to make it sure)

AD1 4th target_deactivate -> GT4 (to make it sure)


As you can see the pattern is to activate the GTx where x is the next good button in the order, and all the other BTs, and deactivate the opposites. So you have to make this for AD2 and AD3.


For R you have to make it like the starting, so activate GT1, BT2 to BT4, and deactivate GT2 to GT4 and BT1.


That's all. :)


If you make this then you have to push buttons in the given order to open the door, but one mistake takes you back to the beginning.


If you don't want to reset buttons on a mistake, then leave out the BTs, R and corresponding target_activates and target_deactivates.



I said this is for MP. It works for SP too, but maybe it is easier to make it with scripting.


It's so complicated... can you simplify it?

I am not a master of map-making so please, I really need help.

I am gratified to find out it is possible but I CAN'T DO IT!

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Hey, if I could simplify it I would post the simpler version. :)


If you don't want to make the code reset, just always allow the next button in the order to be pushable, then the whole thing becomes simpler because you will need only one trigger_multiple for every button, and you have to link the buttons in the good order by a target_activate, to enable the next button.


B1 -> target_activate -> B3 -> target_activate -> B2 -> target_activate -> B4 -> DOOR


Dont forget to set all the triggers (except the first one of course) to start_off.

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I have to apologize. Sorry guys, I made a very stupid mistake. target_activate and target_deactivate doesn't exist in MP, and I didn't recognize I'm using SP mapping mode. Who knows, why? Doesn't matter. The point is what I wrote as an MP solution works only in SP.


Knowing that I don't have any other idea how to make a code with buttons. Maybe someone else who pays more attention before starts to talking.

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