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Not sure if its console commands, but in the SDK there is a guide to weather document with the following in it:


Quake 3 Weather for Soldier of Fortune 2 and Jedi Knight 2

Usage Guide

By Rick Johnson

June 27, 2002


All weather is started and controlled with r_we.



Start a snow effect:

r_we snow init <particles>


Remove the snow effect:

r_we snow remove


Set the snow alpha transparency:

r_we snow alpha <float>

default: 0.09

Set the area around the player the snow covers:

r_we snow spread ( minX minY minZ ) ( maxX maxY maxZ )

default: ( -600 -600 -200 ) ( 600 600 250 )

Set the random range that sets the speed the snow falls:

r_we snow velocity ( minX minY minZ ) ( maxX maxY maxZ )

default: ( -15 -15 -20 ) ( 15 15 -70 )

Set an area of snow blowing:

r_we snow wind ( windOriginX windOriginY windOriginZ ) ( windVelocityX windVelocityY windVelocityZ ) ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ )


Set snow blowing data:

r_we snow blowing duration <int>

r_we snow blowing low <int> default: 3

r_we snow blowing velocity ( min max )

default: ( 30 70 )

r_we snow blowing size ( minX minY minZ )

default: ( 1000 300 300 )

Start a fog effect in the snow:

r_we snow fog


Set the density of the snow fog:

r_we snow fog density <alpha>

default: 0.3



Start a rain effect:

r_we rain init <particles>


Remove the rain effect:

r_we rain remove


Add a fog effect to the rain:

r_we rain fog


Set the density of the rain fog:

r_we rain fog density <alpha>

default: 0.3

Set the range of speeds at which the rain falls:

r_we rain fall ( minVelocity maxVelocity )

default: ( -60 -50 )

Set the area around the player that the rain falls in:

r_we rain spread ( radius height )

default: ( 20 20 )

Set the alpha transparency of the raindrops:

r_we rain alpha <float>

default: 0.1

Set the height (length) of the raindrops:

r_we rain height <float>

default: 5

Set the slope at which the rain falls (in the current wind direction):

r_we rain angle <float>

default: 1.0



r_we debug wind

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Originally posted by Smood

When it comes to weather, Unreal engine is far superior. (Sigh, no moving clouds in jediknight 2)


There are moving clouds, and if you want moving clouds like Unreal has, where you have a skybox with moving clouds, that's a really, really simple shader effect.

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