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so called "Elite" duelers

Padawan Andy

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Ok, I've been on multiplayer for about a month now. I love it. I stick to duel servers mainly because I have 56K conection and lag cant be avoided. The two servers I frequent are decent, but today I came across this lamer Standard rule in ther servers I go to we ALWAYS bow before a duel no matter what. But this buy, this lamer wouldnt do it. He said and I qoute...


"I only bow to those worthy, and you are not."


So I lost to him by a backstab while I was typing no less. :mad:. He continues to win this way every fight. Sometimes he'll DFA, or spin..but if he cant win that way he just backstabs while someone is trying to type, or change skin. Just made me angry, and made the whole game miserable. I tell you, its one thing to claim you have skill, and another to wh0re a move and act high and mighty.

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Originally posted by Padawan Andy

Ok, I've been on multiplayer for about a month now. I love it. I stick to duel servers mainly because I have 56K conection and lag cant be avoided. The two servers I frequent are decent, but today I came across this lamer Standard rule in ther servers I go to we ALWAYS bow before a duel no matter what. But this buy, this lamer wouldnt do it. He said and I qoute...


"I only bow to those worthy, and you are not."


So I lost to him by a backstab while I was typing no less. :mad:. He continues to win this way every fight. Sometimes he'll DFA, or spin..but if he cant win that way he just backstabs while someone is trying to type, or change skin. Just made me angry, and made the whole game miserable. I tell you, its one thing to claim you have skill, and another to wh0re a move and act high and mighty.


Most of the time I don't bow because I don't know the guy I'm dueling. But if I dueled him or even seen him duel before, and he seems like a decent guy then I'll bow. I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE TELLING ME I HAVE TO BOW (THIS OR THAT, ETC.)


As for backstabbing you while typing? WTF are you typing while dueling in the first place? Backstabbing while you change skins? WTF are you changing skins in the middle of a duel? Do all of those things before getting into a duel... duh!

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If the person bows first, then ill bow back,

like in real life, i dont go about the place shaking peoples hands,

but i will shake one if he goes to shake mine, you know what i mean?


like i said in the other thread tho, i dont like cheap kills,

theres no point in playing if i dont get to use the skills ive spent so long learning..


i dont see a prob with the chatting, but maybe you shouldnt be switching models mid-game,

i mean it isnt crucial to your win is it?


the annoying thing with some of the people who DFA or BS is that,

when they have to go somewhere they are the first to say "wait"


(and before i get flamed, no that doesnt apply to every cheap killer out there :rolleyes: )




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I dont bow. Not because I am dishonorable but because in all the fight scenes in the series just how many times did you actually see Vader bow to Luke or Maul bow to Qui Gon? None

But I wont attack someone until they are in a fighting stance.

I also dont really have much to worry about to get killed while because I very rarely talk in a match. Want to chat then go to ICQ. But not in a game server.

That makes me so mad. I can see occasional messages like giving email addresses or what not. Or in a practice alot of typing there. But on a pub 8 person server you got two or more guys with the sabers down and chatting. Taking up space. And if you ask them politely to play or make room for other players they always get hostile. That is when I usually consider it open season and start hacking them everytime I see them with sabers down.


Kaito Fett

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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

Here's my rules to bowing:


1. Never bow.


2. If the person who bows to you is a dick saber him/her while he/she bows.


3. When in doubt saber anyway.


4. If you like the person give them a taunt, never bow, ever.


5. See rule #1.





The perfect advice, ever. Seriously, the most effort I'll put in is a quick flick of the mouse WHILE having my saber on, NEVER De-Ignite your saber - You're just asking for it then.



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I bow, no questions. Its sets a friendlier tone for the server, and give n00bs a chance to ask questions. I also chat durring duel w/ buddies(to taunt them and tell them how badly their playing while I get killed), not with perfect stangers. Altho I am generally very quiet durring duels, I notice that nf servers are generally more talkitive then force servers, anyone? Hell, I've had a guy strike up a conversation about how AOL and microsoft are the roots of all evil in the middle of a duel.


Fighting time is now.


Talking time is l8r. :p



Also keep in mind I play on 5 person servers, so people usually arnt waiting more then 9 mins for a duel, tops.

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I think my feelings are summed up in the mythical teachings of the ASC (Anti-Saberist Code). If I'm feeling in the mood to "role play" (and that's a big "maybe") then I might play along, otherwise, the guy isn't safe while he's bowing or typing, and he shouldn't expect to be and that's all there is to it!


I say talk when you're dead, or if you get killed while typing, suck it up and move on. That's what I do when it happens to me.


I won't be mean on purpose, but some guys you know... they get too caught up in it, instead of just playing to enjoy themselves.

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Vader said it best,you are unwise to lower your defenses!



If your saber is down,yer asking for it,bowing or not,did you ever even see the good guys bow?no,their not that foolish,a sith doesent care if you bow,hes there to kill you.

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I don't see anything wrong with bowing if I'm on a small (around 5 people) FFA server and somebody else is dueling and I say meet somewhere we usually bow or else swing our sabers. If the guy obviously has no idea what he is doing then I'm not going to bow cuz he is just going to charge.


I bow by crouching with my saber off but I've see other people do a straight bow. How? Is there a command like the taunt one?

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