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so called "Elite" duelers

Padawan Andy

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its a freakin game people. its not like you're fighting in real life.


i bow, no questions asked. (duels only and when challenged/challenging)

when i bow, the opponent "usually" bows.

it gives the match more meaning


its really retarded to run in there and jsut saber everyone to death. no difference from quake and other pointless games. run in, point and shoot, point and shoot. damnit, if you like that, drop your saber and pick up a blaster.


like somoene earlier mentioned, it sets a friendlier tone. i usually end up getting their msn or icq and we just ttalk afterwards or soemthing. its all just for fun.


how do you bow? ppl do all sorts of things

some bow by just looking at their feet

some crouch

it doesnt' matter if your saber is igntied or not.

i ususally bow before i fire up my saber.


"its unwise to lower your defences"

how slow can you be to dodge if the guy comes hacking at you when you bow? jeez, you have 3 directions to go if he comes in screaming like a banshee. either roll back, or leap sideways. i sometimes just "yellow finisher" them when they're doing that.

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did you ever stop to think that not bowing is how we like to play the game? perhaps bowing makes you feel more friendly and stuff but not bowing may make somebody feel more evil and whatnot. perhaps some of us dont like being light side, perhaps some of us want to be dark side. not bowing is one of the more tame ways we do it

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who said anything about light or dark side?

i play both actually, depending on my mood.


its a duel, not a fragfest, but to each his own.


i do it becuase i'm me. me as a person, not "game-wise"

maybe just soemthing i learned from kendo.

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You know what's funny, is that in all the time I played Rune and RuneHOV online, never once did I ever "bow" or have somebody "bow" to me or expect a bowing to occur during any sort of battle (duel or otherwise). Why is that?


If anything, the Vikings are thought of as being more obsessed with honor than the Jedi ever were, yet in the game, bowing isn't expected, but if we are to take these topics seriously, in JK2 it is....


That's why I don't get it. Who cares? Again, if I feel like role playing (we see the Jedi bow to Senators and other high-ranking Leaders in the prequel films, but that's just something everybody does in the Republic!) I will, but JK2 is an action game, I play it for action, not for something I could get (and get better) in an RPG.


If you just want to have a signal to say you're "ready to fight" in a duel, simply swinging your saber should be enough. Doing something semi-elaborate like bowing and then whining when you get killed is just silly...

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Of course, siths and jedi doesn bow to each other when they are fighting in movies. They are mortal enemies! But this is a game, and the duelers arent! Bowing shows that you are an honorable player (if you are not, then just go on and spam moves and BS and kill people with their guard down, and everyone will start to hate you, and maybe throw you out of the server). I ALWAYS bow to my foe in a duel.


Chatting can be fun sometimes. If you doesn talk, then what is the point of playing other people? Go and play against bots instead. However, in a duel, it is annoying if a duelist starts to talk instead of fight. But if you are quick, a few compliments or comments or curses might be fun sometimes. If you strike someone down that is using the console, that is the worst thing you can do. If i see someone doing that, i put all my efforts into killing him.

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I try to bow, but since it's a game:


I don't get angry if I am chat/console killed. I love to see other people get totally freaked out when it happens to them though, because after all, it's just a game.


And complaining about getting killed while typing? That's just rich, one of the dudes said it earlier in the thread, but why are you talking so much in the middle of a duel? Maybe that's why you keep losing? :)

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*slaps all of you who are whining 'bout bowing and what not*


its a game! if you get all upset over one loser who kills you while youre in the consloe then you should be locked up and not deemed worthy of human contact.


is it really fun to kill someone when they cant do anything about it? it seems kinda boring to me.


i might seem a little caloused to some of you (darkside, lightside, whats the difference?) it comes from playing games with little or no freindly atmosphere (ie rune, avp2)



besides, evil doesnt mean murderous fool who cares nothing for honor. (if it did, then we wouldn't have any decent books/movies/anything)

you can be evil and mean but you can still bow, or at least pay a little respect to other players. in reality, you are really no better than they are (not reffering to 'skillz' gained from burning your retinas in front of a screen all day)



thx for the time, hope you enjoy the thought.

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I'm rather nuetral about the whole thing. As somebody said earlier, perhaps NOT bowing for some of us is our way of getting into character just as much as the guy who bows. I'm with you all on the textbox kills. That sucks. I'm with you on the sabers down. When you're trying to wait for a duel to end on an FFA that just plain blows to have some dude come up and slaughter you. I know alot of people say that the duelists in FFAs should just go to the duel servers. But I like the feel of dueling while having a whole crowd gathered around you. Feels more realistic than an empty room around the both of you. Besides, half the fun is running up in the crowd to challenge a guy before the others get their own duel started up. So yeah, I know where everyone is coming from when they bitch about these things. But aren't we taking it a bit far with the whole bowing thing?


I play as a Sith. Which means that I don't bow. If the other guy jumps right into the fight without bowing then great; let's get down to business. If he bows then fine, I'll taunt or give a short Boba Fett like nod as though to say "bring it on". But I laugh so hard when people get pissed at me for responding like that instead of getting down and bowing. My response is that a Sith never lowers himself down to the level of his opponnent.

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I guess what I'm trying to say, is there should be no reason why a person should be expected to "bow" before a fight in the game.


It's not necessary, and you can get the same level of "friendly community atmosphere" by saying "gg" or "gf" after it's over.


All bowing is, is roleplaying. Role playing in a game that's not a Role Playing game to begin with... and role playing in such a way that we never see the Jedi doing in the movies.


A lot of people conduct themselves poorly in games, they cheat, they cuss at their opponents (not just in fun, but angrily) and accuse them of cheating and whatnot when they lose. I think that those are the people we should ignore, the sore losers and braggarts. When I encounter a lot of people like that, it makes me appreciate the people who just shut up and play.


If people want to go out of their way to be "nice" that's fine, but I join JK2 servers to play an action game, that's how it works with me. I have no problem with people bowing, but I don't think they should expect or require me to do the same. But, when you run your own server, you can make up your own rules....


What makes bowing a problem is when people do it, and assume everyone else is going to do it, like it's a hard and fast rule or something, and then they complain when they get killed. That's a problem, see they created a situation for themselves where they got killed stupidly and then they won't let it go. That's all I object to. It's like typing in the middle of an intense firefight and then whining when you die. ; ) There's just a million ways it can go wrong or you'll meet somebody who has no idea what you're doing or why.

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I agree with Kurgan... while I respect your opinion, and can understand why you might be slightly offended if your opponent doesn't bow, there are much worse things, even in this videogame. Scripting, cheating, outright hacking, these are legitimate concerns. I'd hate to bring up the whole pull/backsweep issue in this thread, but the reason I don't find it annoying, and more importantly the reason I laugh when guys say "it's an exploit" is because it's a LEGITIMATE move already in the game, that everyone can use. And the fact that everyone can do it DOES NOT mean that any idiot can win a FFA. I know the best player doesn't always win a FFA, but come on guys, if the same dude continuously wins a board, maybe you should tip your hat to him instead of calling him names? Other thing, we've ALL been on servers with every newbie using that tactic, and we've been killed by it, but at least when I play, there's no way in hell that one of these same newbies every wins the board. He might kill me once or twice, but seriously, that it. Sorry for straying.


One more thing: even though I try to bow, if the other guy rushes me like a madman, I think that's cool too, it is a duel after all!

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Last night I was playing a game and I bound "You are unwise to lower your defenses!" to a key and then when people would bow to me I would attack and sometimes get in a hit or two before they new what was going on and immediatly as they started fighting I would hit that key.

It's what I gonna do always now :D

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I totally agree with kurgan, i only bow to keep people happy ad shut them up, and if you decide to not bow to them and they make a kapuffle, just duck and turn aroudn and wiggle your ass at them.

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