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Originally posted by Commander 598

U and I are right next to each other.


Sorry to break it to you but I am not like you and we are not at all close to each other, I'm not a man loving man, go find someone else and stop inventing strories about us, there is no us...




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Originally posted by Commander 598

There can only be one Bruiticus.


Actually, depending on continuity, there are at least three Bruticii.


G1 has the original Combaticon gestalt, but RiD gives us the Decepticon Commandos, who are basically repaints of the G1 Combaticons. Their gestalt is called Ruination. The RiD toy line also includes (as one of the "leftover" Beast Machines molds) a "Cerberus," called Bruticus.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I've always liked Gen X Jubilee better than X-men Jubilee.


The comic series or the TV series? I've only seen X-Men Jubilee in the TV series, and in the comics just the Gen X one. They seemed the same to me ^_^

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