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Wip: Nikto!


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This is probably something for later, but don't forget the two forward-pointing head horns. Those're probably the most distinctive features of a Nikto face.


Also, if you happen to have access to a comic shop, you might want to pick up issue 42 of Star Wars. Morgukai [a sect of Nikto assassins] are introduced into the current story arc, so that will giev you a number of good shots to use. There're two Nikto in the story, so that might help give you an idea of what the species looks like. Sometimes, it's hard to tell from an action figure alone.

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Yeah I noticed one horn above each eye and three horns on the sides. I haven't implemented those yet (not sure if I want em to stick out or if I'll skin em in). I do know that I'll have to put the two horns above his eyes in though. I have restarted this model. And to me it looks 10 times better than before. I am building it around Root.xsi now. yay hehe. Here are some pictures.


Torso- http://www.nbeecee.com/JK2/nikto/Niktotorso003.jpg

Head Front- http://www.nbeecee.com/JK2/nikto/Niktohead001.jpg

Head Side- http://www.nbeecee.com/JK2/nikto/Niktohead002.jpg


I haven't implemented any of the horns and am still working on his mouth/nose thing. It will look way better when skinned and textured.

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Just checkin in to let you guys know that he's coming good. Nearly finished modeling him (around root.xsi hehehe). This new model is way better than the other one and is more completed. Still needs tweaking, weighting, texturing, and skinning. The pics in my post above are outdated but they still look like the model (I've just tweaked it and added arms and legs).

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Guys I'm not posting this to sound sorry for myself or anything. This is just the way I feel. I am considering cancelling the Nikto model. From the start I got dogged for it. And it appears to me that no one really cares about it, since it isn't a main character and it is hardly seen in the movies. If I cancel the model, odds are I'll make a Jawa model. If you really want me to do the Nikto model post here if not, at least tell me that you don't care about it.

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:jaw2: :jaw2: :jaw2: :jaw2:Cancel the nickito or what ever and start the coolest star wars character the jawa the size problem has been solved so start working on him please!!!!!!!!!! not to sound demanding can you make him look like my aviater
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LINK-ER, I really really want to see a successful Nikto! :D As I mentioned previously, I saw the toy and thought it looked like a great character, and it will make a really great JKII model! I haven't been replying lately because you're still in early stages, so I saw just waiting for you to get in a bit further :)


Please don't abandon this project, if you can do it well, it'll be great!

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Nah dude, don't give it up unless your sick of him. It looks like your off to a very good start :) It's a cool looking species, that will make awesome looking model. It's a pretty complex head (from the shots I see at starwars.com)


Think of the head you got there like clay and carve :D A little advice (and remember I'm a newbie myself so if I'm wrong somebody chime in) For thoes spikes on his face, take a cyliander and shape it like a spike. You can attatch it to the head at anytime. I had this recently pointed out to me, break everything down into basic shapes (in your mind) and go from there. It helps to have a drawling in front of you so you can plan size of the shape you'll need, and how many faces and such.


Keep going though, your much further along then where I was when I started :D


CT :lightning


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:jaw2: :jaw2: :jaw2:Ive seen this nikto thing and its ugly plus there needs to be more short characters. I would hate to see every one running around as yoda and if you still want to do a nikto model do the jawa first because it would be easier to make, there is hardly any detail
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I should dig up an early photo of my first model (Sidious has been re-built completely 4 times), Your doing fine, better than I was just starting. Find as many refrence shots as you can. Your definatly on the right track. Pull the tips of the forehead region down just a little bit to form a V (should be 3 verts) Then take the beak (The pic on starwars.com looks like a beak) and reduce the with a little bit. Then bring the beak closer to the face and move it up a little bit to almost meet that V you made with the forehead and bam, you've basically nailed the shape of the forehead and the mouth/beak area. Think it's clay, once you have the general shape of the face begin to add stuff (extrude is your friend :) )


Keep it up :D


CT :lightning


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Keep on with this model, it's looking really good and you seemed so enthusiastic about it. It’s starting to seem like that flame of enthusiasm is starting to die.


Take overweight people for instance: one day they decide to start a diet; there all pumped up and ready to go. They start losing weight and feel even more enthusiastic, there friends and family start to notice the change also...but then this person starts to realize how hard it is, and that they will never finish! They slowly start to stop...people stop noticing…then they just give up.


So you see it does no good just to give up on something just because it's hard or your not doing to well or people seem to stop caring about it, it just leads down to failure.


Anyway if I have misperceived you I am sorry, and maybe I should have used a better base for my 'lecture', rather than dieting overweight people. :p



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Dude, don't give up. I don't post a lot but, I really would hate to see this model die. Keep up the good work, your doing a great job, much better than I can do. Ignore some of the jerks on the board your awesome.


On a completly other note, BradFu, you do a great job. Everything I've seen you do amazes me.

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Yeah, seriously, don't give up. You know I'm looking forward to the Nikto model, and I've been saying for awhile now we need more species in general to flesh out the community more. Even if it doesn't turn out well, it's like the Emperor modeller [Toonces? Forgive me if I'm confused^_^] said, he had to restart a few times to get it right. Keep at it, and don't give up.

~ Michael

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Nikto must live, if it's the Jedi version that's brilliant! But the palace guard is welcome if you'd prefer to doing that. Just because he's not a major player, doesn't mean we don't love him any less.


A Jawa will be welcome next, little bast&*ds!!!! :p

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Originally posted by SAMUEL

can you make him look like my aviater[/color]

i don't think jawas are supposed to look like red x's. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by SAMUEL

Ive seen this nikto thing and its ugly plus there needs to be more short characters.[/color]

nikto are cool so shush.

is this going to be a generic nikto or are we going towards the jedi nikto in aotc?

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Thanks you guys for the support. It is the jedi version from episode 2. I have fixed the head somewhat like Toonces said to. It probably still isn't correct (seems to me like his "beak" is a little long now but it is supposed to be at the bottom of his face like that. Does it look right to you Toonces? This image is taken from where it is to show you more on the beak. Ignore the head shape and the minor bumps on his head lol.)




I had already made the thing over his eyes (brow) V a bit (hadn't released a screen) but I brought it down more. This one is a front view of how he looks as of now.




As for screens, I'm not using any. I'm using an action figure hehe. It is very acurate to the movie though. Or at least I think so.

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Okay, after seeing those shots I've changed the model again. I have to go get my Driving permit though now (hehe yay) and then I have to go to work. I will work on his face more tonight and hopefully have screens later tonight or tomorrow morning. Oh yeah also, N.Bee.Cee. Networks (My Site ring) is coming back up. I have had it shut down for the past few months because of technical problems but they're been solved now so soon my new site will be up and running.

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Okay, Here's a quick update. Keep in mind I haven't had much time to work on Nikto today (got my permit woohoo, and then went to work). Tonight I did however work on him a bit. I added two horns to his forhead (will add three more on each side of his mouth tomorrow hopefully), and fixed his beak somewhat.



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