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New Weapons ??


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I've seen a lot of new saber hilts and sabers.


But has anyone seen a new gun or grenade launcher or something?


If someone has any idea's?


Here are some off mine:


A Yslimari gun:

Primary: Shoots small darts with Yslimari blood witch don't damage the victim but renders all force powers useless for about 20 secs. => good for killing the lame absorb users... :D

Secondary: Use it on yoursel 2 be immune 2 the force for 20 sec.


Off course the ammo should be scarce ... Otherwise the defender with this weopon could be godlike in CTF


Det. pak- Trip Mine Launcher

Primary: Fires a detpack at a specific spot in an arc.



A bow 2 shoot your saber and it could be stuck in a wall...

Pull it out again...


I'm full of idea's and I'm gonna try 2 make one if i have the chance..

Anyone any other fun idea's?

Secondary : Fires a Trip mine 2 the facing wall. No mather the distance... (Kill the nasty people running backwards)


Det packs can be detonatet by using the detpacks button. Otherwise it would just be a rocket launcher.


Stun Baton

(The stupid shockything when you have no saber)

Primary : It should actually stun the target; making him/her immoble and ready for "force-adjustments" :p

Secondary: It should be altered so you can have the lighning power (Level 2) as secondary fire.


Maybe this would have some effect so that Merc vs Jedi games could be more fun; one stuns a jedi and the other just shoots the crap out off him !

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Originally posted by MoonShadow

I've seen a lot of new saber hilts and sabers.


But has anyone seen a new gun or grenade launcher or something?


If someone has any idea's?


Here are some off mine:


A Yslimari gun:

Primary: Shoots small darts with Yslimari blood witch don't damage the victim but renders all force powers useless for about 20 secs. => good for killing the lame absorb users... :D

Secondary: Use it on yoursel 2 be immune 2 the force for 20 sec.


Off course the ammo should be scarce ... Otherwise the defender with this weopon could be godlike in CTF


Det. pak- Trip Mine Launcher

Primary: Fires a detpack at a specific spot in an arc.



A bow 2 shoot your saber and it could be stuck in a wall...

Pull it out again...


I'm full of idea's and I'm gonna try 2 make one if i have the chance..

Anyone any other fun idea's?

Secondary : Fires a Trip mine 2 the facing wall. No mather the distance... (Kill the nasty people running backwards)


Det packs can be detonatet by using the detpacks button. Otherwise it would just be a rocket launcher.


Stun Baton

(The stupid shockything when you have no saber)

Primary : It should actually stun the target; making him/her immoble and ready for "force-adjustments" :p

Secondary: It should be altered so you can have the lighning power (Level 2) as secondary fire.


Maybe this would have some effect so that Merc vs Jedi games could be more fun; one stuns a jedi and the other just shoots the crap out off him !



Great Idea

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Another new weapon idea:


Remember the little black "mouserobot" you control in SP when you have 2 go through the contaminated area.


Stick some C4 or det packs in it and let you control it.

Something like the redeemer in UT but with a toned down blast radius.

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All those ideas would be cool for a SP mod where you've gotta use anything you can to survive. But for ordinary mp games? pff, lol.


Maybe if someone ever made a mod based on the Children of the Jedi novel, where Luke and some others get stranded on this asteroid super weapon called the "Eye of Palpatine" with all these other races that got brainwashed by the ship's consciousness, those weapons could be in there. Cause Luke DOES end up using mousebots, but only for tracking gammoreans lol. But still, considering they're cleaner bots.....

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Personally, I'd love to see some of the old DF series guns return (even if they had to be put into a "Jedi Fortress" type of mod to maintain weapon balance):


Dark Trooper Assault Cannon

(see Dark Forces)


Rail Detonator (w/ Seeker ammo option)

(see JK and MotS)


Carbonite Gun

(see MotS)


BlasTech Pistol (yeah, I know it would just be *somewhat* like a different model for the Bryar, but still.. looks cool, see MotS)

Incidentally, the gun DID fire four shots, overlapped on top of each other, for secondary, so if you blocked it with a saber, four shots would ricochet off in different directions(!)


Flash Bombs

(see MotS)


Sequencer Charges

(the deadliest mines ever! See JK/MotS)


Concussion Rifle

(see JK/MotS)


Scoped ST Rifle

(see MotS, Scout class)


Fists (of course)


And I'd love to see the specifics of the old "Kill the Fool with the Ysalamari" gamemode from MotS duplicated in JK2. Very different behavior for the slug than in CTY. ; )


Then there were those cool items that could be used in MP (missing in JK2) again, this would probably work best for class based mods for JK2...


(from JK/MotS)


IR Goggles (not the one from JK2 SP, but one that actually lights up room in green, eats battery power as it goes)


Field Light (like above but slower battery usage, causes you to "glow" to others)


Powerboost (weapons fire 2x, half ammo usage)


Super Shield (50 shield + temporary invulnerability)


Keys (for opening doors, such as in CTF, or for secrets)


(see Dark Forces)


Gas Mask

Ice Cleats


Since JK2 has no automap, perhaps an item that gives you a map that "remembers" where you've been and shows player positions (when combined with seeing) on a type of radar would be cool, but perhaps difficult to make...


JK/MotS have lots of great ideas, like the traps and stuff... and actual swimming in liquids.


And finally, the thing I'd like to see added is the ability to DESTROY ammo (or at least certain types of explosive ammo) by shooting it, or booby trapping it like in MotS. ; )

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Fists..... what the hell for? They were so utterly useless in JK, unless ya wanted to have "boxing" matches.


And the conc? nnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......


Any game mode that involves guns (jedi master, ctf, cty, ffa, tffa) would be instantly ruined if that was the case. Everyone and their mothers uncles would use the conc making all the other guns excess baggage for the game to load. It would be totally unbalanced, anyone with a l33t aim would dominate the whole server with JUST the conc.




And what about all the saberists? Would they be able to block the blasts? Probably not. And since they'd move so fast, pushing em back would require a stroke of luck.

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