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True. Most mod teams won't have access to a motion capture studio. But SoftImage is a different story.


How many modelers in the online community have 3D Studio Max?

Millions probably! And did they all pay 3k for it. Probably not. Either they borrowed it from work or relatives, or they got a copy illegaly. Now why should this be different for SoftImage?

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and even if there are millions with 3dmax, i dont want to know the percentage of the ones that actually can do something with it. the most are just downloading it for prestige so they can say: yah i know 3dstudio, i played sround with it ...

there are few people who can animate models properly. i am not one of those, character animation is still on the must learn list, heh. but then softimage...how many can actually work with it? if they have it. i dont know why it is softimage but i think raven made the stuff with it. they have their reasons mabe, tho cant imagine any for now. the future of jk2 moding wil not have any new animations. mabe in the far future...

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Emon is right, don't get mad at him, he speaks the truth!


At the moment SP TCs are impossible, SP MODs are extremely limited, unless Raven and LA decide to release the SP SDK. However Valve took about 1 year before they released the Half-Life SP SDK to the public.. So if you do believe LA/Raven are generous companies which want to have happy customers (/me giggles), give them till next spring but no longer. Your life/time/talent is much more valuable and can be productive elsewhere.


Design your MOD/TC believing that the SP SDK will be available sometime next spring. Then when next spring rolls around and the SDK is no where to be seen. Take all "your" (not raven's) best work and add it to your profolio. Thus you are not at a total loss.


Or better yet concentrate on your current education and putting more effort in your studies so you can graduate Magna Cum Laude. That looks a lot better on your resume at job interviews than a bunch of data files from your 1/5th semi complete TC.



Mr. Dandy


I used to be Dandy now..

Now I'm not so Dandy...

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Originally posted by Mr_Dandy


Emon is right, don't get mad at him, he speaks the truth!


At the moment SP TCs are impossible, SP MODs are extremely limited, unless Raven and LA decide to release the SP SDK. However Valve took about 1 year before they released the Half-Life SP SDK to the public.. So if you do believe LA/Raven are generous companies which want to have happy customers (/me giggles), give them till next spring but no longer. Your life/time/talent is much more valuable and can be productive elsewhere.


Design your MOD/TC believing that the SP SDK will be available sometime next spring. Then when next spring rolls around and the SDK is no where to be seen. Take all "your" (not raven's) best work and add it to your profolio. Thus you are not at a total loss.


Or better yet concentrate on your current education and putting more effort in your studies so you can graduate Magna Cum Laude. That looks a lot better on your resume at job interviews than a bunch of data files from your 1/5th semi complete TC.



Mr. Dandy


I used to be Dandy now..

Now I'm not so Dandy...


good points. sp sdk won't be released until ID decides to release the q3 engine code, seeing as how the sp code is tied to the exe with the engine code itself so releasing it would mean releasing the engine code.


Emon is right too: Softimage's protection system is so well put together it's extremely tough to crack.

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Heres an easy link for (nothing)...http://www.yahoo.com all you need is edonkey... by the way trinity is a warez RELEASE group, not a single person. They crack for the community so this program is easily available to anyone who can operate edonkey. They have done the cracking for you, still tough to learn the program though I assume.

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Originally posted by Monder

Dunno how qvm's actually work. I would reackon they're a modified dll. If they're not and they're like java classes then yes a decompile would be greatly simplified. Though sp code is in a dll and all the mp code is in qvm. So there's no point in decompiling qvm's. We already have the source


Yes...and of course distributing modified .dll s violates the licence aggrement :(

I cant think of any way around that. I would imagine that if anyone wanted

they could make a mod for their personal use but its distribution that is illegal.

...Hmm I wonder what LEC would think of discusions of HOW to make it yourself.




"Anger, Fear, Aggresion, the Dark Side are they!" Dont get too pissed at the lack of a SP SDK just yet. :D


Mr Dandy is prob right. Give them some time and ocasinaly politely remind

then that we want it and they will likely release it eventualy. (I hope.)

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I know people have said that, but.. what? Are they assembly masters? Besides, the DLL is linked to the exe, so you'd need stuff from the exe..


Well what else would the dll be there for? The quake engine is well known for having actual game code(weapons, gametypes etc) in an dll or a qvm. Oh and you don't need bits of the exe code cause every other quake based game's sdk is just code for the dll or qvm.

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Except for the part about James Monroe saying the reason they couldn't release it was because it was tied to the .exe.


Of course, maybe that is just a load of crap, and they don't want us to have it. Doesn't matter to me - the SP mod ideas I had are on the backburner, and instead I'm focusing on the SP levels that I can do with what we have. Once I'm done with those, I'll probably take a look at Unreal2; its scripting is supposed to be insanely powerful, and the game is SP only.

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actually emon that is technically true. if you create a completely new model with its own NPC reference lines instead of replacing an existing NPC, it does nto work correctly. Their saber will spawn in their crotch, or the gun will. either way they will only use a blaster.

and a good deal of the other guys at raven are quite good, too, so don't write them off like that.

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Originally posted by RJY33

Heres an easy link for SoftImage XSI 2.0...http://www.filenexus.com/releases.php?id=5...and all you need is edonkey... by the way trinity is a warez RELEASE group, not a single person. They crack for the community so this program is easily available to anyone who can operate edonkey. They have done the cracking for you, still tough to learn the program though.


1: Raven used SoftImage XSI 3.0 I believe.


2: Posting warez links in public forum = Really dumb


3: Posting dead warez links in a public forum = sure to piss a lot of people off


my .02

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im im new to the coding forums but, i must say i think emons right, thers nothing wrong if being realistic, and i can under stand that ppl don't like to be told that they have very little chance of doing something but sometimes its the truth, you can't always do everything

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Originally posted by volrathxp

2: Posting warez links in public forum = Really dumb


3: Posting dead warez links in a public forum = sure to piss a lot of people off


my .02


No kidding, that will get you banned with no warnings or prior infractions in a lot of places.

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