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Gateway challenge....


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Wow 39 secs.... WTF even with incredible luck that seems ridiculous...

Anyways my question for anyone that has been doing it, is everyone else just spawning in the red base in the little rock room everytime? Unless I change my force powers during the game my spawn spot is always the same, and since you can't change your powers during the game in the tourney it never changes. If this is the case for everyone then how the @#$$# did someone get 39 secs. It takes like 15 secs even with run on to get any decent weapon and get to the center of the map. Maybe 20. So even with 5 guys in there, there is no way to get to the blue base and kill 7 more in the time limit.... Best I have gotten at home after countless practices from that spawn is 56 secs. And in the tourney I got very luck and got 1 minute exactly, but jesus anything under 50 secs seems unreal little lone 40. Oh well if anyone has any thoughts on the contest, related to my post or not please respond.

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I hear ya, massacre. 39 sec? That's ridiculous! I'm in the Gateway Challenge too. Unfortunately, my best time so far is only 1:41 (thankfully, I've done better at home.) In the beginning of the match I always spawn in the red room, but after that, I respawn in totally random locations. Unfortunately, it's usually either right next to a lightsaber-mad Tavion in which I die immediately, or right smack in the middle of nowhere, at least 40 seconds away from any bots. I end up with the bowcaster too much, also.

Thankfully, the bots aren't very good at blocking blaster shots. I'm not going to reveal my strategies 'til after the Tournament is over, though, even if they might be totally worthless.

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well GODAMN... 35 seconds... imean how obvious is it that this guy is cheating? NOT TO MENTION he is grand prize spot AND #1 SPOT, i will be OUTRAGED if this person wins ( inolen and MikeyDez) http://programs.gateway.com/challenge/?page=ranks


my ID is Munkaboo if u wanna check out my times


since im all done my strategy was basically get an E-11, a rocket launcher, and look for clumps, i managed to get :53... but :35?? WTf?!?!

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Yeah... I steered clear of the challenge for exactly this reason. Had it been a kill opponent match and not bots, I may have entered though.


The problem with a contest based on killing bots in a time limit instead of beating human opponents is the following:


1) It's not necessarily based on skill. Sure, there is a *little* involved in the rocket spam / gun spam for killing each bot, but the main factor is luck of the spawn to luck of the bot spawn, plain and simple. :(

2) 1.03 is a tad corrupted a la spam. My guess is the "winner" either spammed rockets / repeater secondary all over the bots or ran around, backslashing. :rolleyes:

3) Let's face it; bots are stupid in JK2.


That said, I would call the contest more of a "sweepstakes" (all puns intended :p ) or lottery than a tournament, IMO, so don't get your back up about it. Even the most skilled player in the world could have still lost with a time of 1:50 or higher, just due to luck of the spawn. :eek:


Merc out. :fett:

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I signed up for the challenge a few weeks before it started, and decided against competing on the first few days just to see what kind of scores popped up and what I would have to work towards to beat.


Well it's the last day of the tournament and I didn't compete at all because it's the most ridiculous contest I have ever laid eyes on. Someone managed to get 35 and 39 seconds?!?!? No one person can be that lucky to score that kind of time. After months of playing this game and thinking I was actually pretty decent, I only managed to get 1:15 as my best time. And that was at home after countless times of practice runs. At least 50 of them.


Either this guy has an insane amount of luck, he's played the game 24/7 non-stop to become THE best player in the world, or he was cheating. Something is fishy and it really bothers me to think how he managed to get those kinds of scores. Whatever though. He's $25,000 richer and so far nothing has been said about the validity of his scores.


Gateway or someone needs to hold a second challenge and actually base it on skill rather than dumb luck and who can get the best spawn location.

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I checked the list today and saw a good many people kicked off, but the thing is still down to 52 seconds just for a GF4 TI lol.

I myself entered and practice here and there. The first day i used /senstivity 35 and got a time of 45 seconds. I got disqualified for using senstivity:P so i made a new account, and got 2 minutes lol ...


But I went the other day and saw some others playing (odd - I've met no one in Florida who's entered) and what they said you do is modify the CFG, it would read it as the default settings, and of course. I emailed Gateway saying how unfair also it was, becuase after a good 100 practice matches or so ( maybe like 50 rather..) only one of them had the PERFECT scenario, in which I realized, how to achieve 39 seconds


In fact this whole challenge was not skilled base at all

it was dumb luck.


Strategy: Ignore! I realized running for the rocket launcher and killing the rodian or whatever char that spawned near you in red area was totally useless. I also realized that DIEING at the right time is very helpful.


What I did was level 2 speed, level 2 jump, and 1 pt for saber (everythign else was useless, even saber, i never wound up using it)


the instant I spawned in the red area, i sped to the middle doors, grabbed the det devices, and tried hard to NEVER EVER touch the bowcaster (worst weapon), ran to the imperial repeater, and into the middle.


If there were tons of guys in the middle, a good 5 kills was earned, wait one second, return to red base, there would be many fighting there, if your lucky another 5 just waiting to be picked off.


Running to the blue base was achievable but only if luck had its way, and this is how you got 39 seconds:


I did the same strategy, picked up 4 kills in the middle, ran into blue area, picked up imperial rifle and shot a Stormtrooper (all the troopers were easy kills), and then ran into the blue area


by my suprise there were 9!!!!!!!


guys jumping and sabering, 3 perfectly placed det devices worked, but 3 of them had died and so my kills was up to 11!!

i had achieved 11 kills in 25 seconds


finding the last one cost me dearly, and my time ended at 1:04:|


But i had played so many times, and the possibilit that their spawning would be AT THAT price placement was amazing on its own, and it proved to me at least that skill was not a factor in this game at all.


inolen or others please post here - if you in fact did it another way many would like to now.. but seriously ...



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I don't know if the winners cheated or not, but like massacre said, it is possible to get a time like that if the perfect thing happens. In practice, I got the rocket launcher and walked into the base to find 6 people standing there waiting to be blasted. I got about 45 seconds that game, and that was just 6 free kills. If there was somehow 12 bots standing there, you could get a time of like 25 seconds for the whole thing.


Of course, this doesn't make me feel any better about the tournament. It is kind of stupid how anyone in the entire top 150 could have won if the bots cooperated. I got a 59 in the tournament because there were 4 bots standing there when I got the heavy repeater.


One thing I did find mysterious though, the grand prize winner and the first place guy in the 13-24 category are from the same city, and also the first and secnod guys in the other category....If there was a way to cheat, like somehow sending in false times, it would be very easy to do if you had the cooperation of the people working at the store. Which would explain why there was more than one winner from these stores...

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35 seconds....... Man, I would sure like to talk to this inolen guy. Is he registered in these forums? Either he's one major cheater involved in a conspiracy, or he's the god of JKII multiplayer. I mean, for a moment some guy beat his 39 sec. score, then he conveniently beats his own score down to 35 sec. I don't think it's just luck. He's done this multiple times, and his record is always under a minute. I think Gateway's cool, but I sense a scam here........

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and BTW i love how complete noobs win stuff like this, who arent involved in the community AT ALL.


and you know what else would be totally kick ass? if lots of ppl in the top 25 were DQ'd for using another account, and ppl from top 50 were bumped down, w00t that would own :D

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Originally posted by RectalFury

I don't know if the winners cheated or not, but like massacre said, it is possible to get a time like that if the perfect thing happens. In practice, I got the rocket launcher and walked into the base to find 6 people standing there waiting to be blasted. I got about 45 seconds that game, and that was just 6 free kills. If there was somehow 12 bots standing there, you could get a time of like 25 seconds for the whole thing.


Of course, this doesn't make me feel any better about the tournament. It is kind of stupid how anyone in the entire top 150 could have won if the bots cooperated. I got a 59 in the tournament because there were 4 bots standing there when I got the heavy repeater.


One thing I did find mysterious though, the grand prize winner and the first place guy in the 13-24 category are from the same city, and also the first and secnod guys in the other category....If there was a way to cheat, like somehow sending in false times, it would be very easy to do if you had the cooperation of the people working at the store. Which would explain why there was more than one winner from these stores...


the answer is plain,inolen and the first place getter are friends,as for cheating,are you serious?they had ppl watching them when they played

he only entered because of the dick head Horka Thane who was shouting off his mouth in the GD forum about how he was going to win

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Originally posted by Shadow Angel

35 seconds....... Man, I would sure like to talk to this inolen guy. Is he registered in these forums? Either he's one major cheater involved in a conspiracy, or he's the god of JKII multiplayer. I mean, for a moment some guy beat his 39 sec. score, then he conveniently beats his own score down to 35 sec. I don't think it's just luck. He's done this multiple times, and his record is always under a minute. I think Gateway's cool, but I sense a scam here........


you want to talk to inolen?

the come to the General Discussion board at the below link


maybe you can come there and tell him your theory that he cheated.


lmao@Munkaboo, total noob eh? bwahahaha joo foo, hes been playing Q3A for years,apart from the fact that JKII is a new game,lol you crack me up,speaking of which, you been smoking it?

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Originally posted by Shadow Angel

Ack! The Quake 3 World forums are AWFUL! Everyone there talks uneducated and are real losers! I think Unreal Tournament can beat the crap out of Quake III anyway.


you ****ing prick.


what you are trying to say is that you havnt got the balls to go to Q3W and make these accusations to his face.


as for the members of Q3W being losers,

er.. where is the guy who won the tournament of 'your' game registered.


Yep the losers come from Q3W, thats why he won $25000 and you suck cock.

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Originally posted by Shadow Angel

Ack! The Quake 3 World forums are AWFUL! Everyone there talks uneducated and are real losers! I think Unreal Tournament can beat the crap out of Quake III anyway.


a forum for utter morons icon2.gif

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Originally posted by Munkaboo

and BTW i love how complete noobs win stuff like this, who arent involved in the community AT ALL.


and you know what else would be totally kick ass? if lots of ppl in the top 25 were DQ'd for using another account, and ppl from top 50 were bumped down, w00t that would own :D


so, your 15 posts on a lucasarts message bored make you a community keystone?


a forum for bitter losers icon2.gif

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Originally posted by RectalFury


One thing I did find mysterious though, the grand prize winner and the first place guy in the 13-24 category are from the same city, and also the first and secnod guys in the other category....If there was a way to cheat, like somehow sending in false times, it would be very easy to do if you had the cooperation of the people working at the store. Which would explain why there was more than one winner from these stores...


or maybe these two guys know eachother and they shared their obviously superior tactics and destroyed everyone from this forum.


tough **** losers.


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Originally posted by Shadow Angel

Ack! The Quake 3 World forums are AWFUL! Everyone there talks uneducated and are real losers! I think Unreal Tournament can beat the crap out of Quake III anyway.


sif i give a **** that you think UT is better than Q3A,come and make your accusations at the board hes registered at, or are you going to hide here like an ownT twat?

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Why does everyone have to go and point fingers? Yes, inolen won the tournament with the best time. Isn't that sort of the point?


I really don't see a way of cheating when you have a store full of people and Gateway employees lurking over you like vultures.


Maybe if you got it into your thick skulls that the inolen is good at the game, you might understand why he won the tournament.

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Originally posted by bus


sif i give a **** that you think UT is better than Q3A,come and make your accusations at the board hes registered at, or are you going to hide here like an ownT twat?


they are right though Quake3 sucks its so badly made.


oh, hold on a minute what engine does Jedi Knight 2 use?

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