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Gateway challenge....


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Originally posted by Munkaboo

and BTW i love how complete noobs win stuff like this, who arent involved in the community AT ALL.


and you know what else would be totally kick ass? if lots of ppl in the top 25 were DQ'd for using another account, and ppl from top 50 were bumped down, w00t that would own :D


Hardcore Quakers dominate in n00b FPS games.

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Congrats Inolen.

35 seconds is phenomenal. It put my 1:01 to shame.. But I am 26 and have to work all day. I don't have time to sit around and play games all day. ;)


I'm curious. Did you spawn from the Red room only? or did you join the game after it began to be spawned somewhere else?

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Originally posted by Munkaboo

well GODAMN... 35 seconds... imean how obvious is it that this guy is cheating? NOT TO MENTION he is grand prize spot AND #1 SPOT, i will be OUTRAGED if this person wins ( inolen and MikeyDez) http://programs.gateway.com/challenge/?page=ranks


my ID is Munkaboo if u wanna check out my times


since im all done my strategy was basically get an E-11, a rocket launcher, and look for clumps, i managed to get :53... but :35?? WTf?!?!


Even his Mom (JediLynn) beat you! BWAHAHAHA!!


It's so funny to hear the glubglubglubbing of you losers drowning in the shallow end of the gene pool!

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Originally posted by bus


the answer is plain,inolen and the first place getter are friends,as for cheating,are you serious?they had ppl watching them when they played

he only entered because of the dick head Horka Thane who was shouting off his mouth in the GD forum about how he was going to win


Originally posted by bus


you want to talk to inolen?

the come to the General Discussion board at the below link


maybe you can come there and tell him your theory that he cheated.


lmao@Munkaboo, total noob eh? bwahahaha joo foo, hes been playing Q3A for years,apart from the fact that JKII is a new game,lol you crack me up,speaking of which, you been smoking it?



If I hadn't begun a media propaganda storm across the internet on how I was going to Win this tourney...then maybe people would not have been so determined to prove me wrong as to cheat.


But when you are a Super GameLord Villianous Icon like myself...Gamers from all over tend to descend to meet my challenge. *sigh*

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horka, man you are one f.ucked up dude,


err do you remember your post where you said you had changed the mouse sens?and using your everglide mouse pad?

you belong in this forum with the rest of the tards.

meet your challenge?


inolen has asked you TWICE to play him, but guess what?

no show from the game lord!

go back to playing pirate pete


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Originally posted by Con. Snake

All I see is excuse after excuse after excuse from you. Don't bull**** me, its ****ing obvious he sent his lackeys. And everytime you wanna say why can't the accusers go there and accuse him, I'm gonna say why can't he come here and defend himself.




you going to take that foot out of your mouth before you eat some humble pie?


"you were easy"“

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I played quite a few times and the people at the store (Gateway employees) showed me to the computer then basically left! I suppose they coulda had cameras watching or something, but no-one was watching over my back like most of you have said happened in your games.


So *shrug* I suppose he coulda pulled off a cheat, but I'm not saying he did so don't jump on me =P.

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Holy cow, this thread has gotten into a huge flame war since I last saw it! That was, like, after my second post on page 1!


If I started this, I'm sorry. I didn't mean disrespect to inolen, I was just proposing a theory. When I said, I would like to talk to him, I didn't mean a challenge, I meant "Hey, you really owned. How'd you do it?" If you didn't cheat, congrats to you. BTW, if you're still going to hang around and read this, you should really get into JKII. It's a great game.


Finally, to all the Q3 hardcore gamers. When I said UT could beat the crap out of Q3, that was kind of random. True, I like UT better than Q3. But, I have the Ultimate Quake Collection, I've liked John Carmack's games ever since Doom, and I think Xaero (the final boss) is cool. I just never really got into it deeply.


Peace, guys.

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Originally posted by ToKe

i love it when someone pisses off the q3w peeps, they really look out for their own.




oh and inolen, good goin man.


Our forum > *


It's like a family, we protect the hive :p

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Originally posted by Horka Thane





If I hadn't begun a media propaganda storm across the internet on how I was going to Win this tourney...then maybe people would not have been so determined to prove me wrong as to cheat.


But when you are a Super GameLord Villianous Icon like myself...Gamers from all over tend to descend to meet my challenge. *sigh*


i have come to the conclusion that you are actually acutely schizophrenic.

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Wow umm... all I tried to do was talk about the challenge and didnt get anything but one reply untill the contest was over. Anyways I would like to add that people who were saying employees were watching over your shoulder are so full of ****. I went to two different stores as they were equally far away, and in both of them the employees said "hi hows it going" and turned their back on me to continue their discussion. I only had one of them walk up to me once because they were BORED. Anyways I don't know about cheating, and congrats to innolen. I do have to add that I don't buy that path though for being consistent as I had almost the exact same thing and only got under a minute twice at home, both at like 50 secs. Takes 35 secs just to run that. Hell with force speed 2 on, if I ran from the red spawn spot through the metal door to the repeater that took about 15 secs. Then another 20 secs across the map from there into the blue base. But your path is significantly longer. However, I'm sure if you spawned somewhere else it could be done, especially in that spawn spot next to the repeater.

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First of all, congrats to inolen, he has bested us all and was gratious enough to show us how he did it. When I was signing up for this contest I thought my average time of 1:30 was good, and actually managed to bring it down to 1:15. I was pleased that I improved my time, but in the end I was truly outmatched.


Secondly, [RANT]why can't people calmly and rationally debate a point online without it degrading into a pissing contest?[/RANT]


Lastly, it's a FPS built on the Q3/SoF2 engine. Why are the people who bought the game because it says 'Star Wars' so suprised that a seasoned FPS vet can get such a better time than them? (Speaking as an FPS fan of many years and a recent Star Wars fanatic)


These are simply my opinions and the questions are rethorical.

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In my opinion, Gatway REALLY screwed up this contest. What's the purpose of playing the game Jedi Outcast if you are just going to play it like Quake 3 and go all guns? Why not just make it another Quake 3 tourney? If you are going to go with Jedi Outcast you should actually utilize the things that make the game unique. Like the lightsaber and forcepowers. ( I know you could have both but they were useless except for force speed. )


Also, we were playing on argueably the fastest produced computers with the very top of the line performance 3d cards.. yet we were playing the game at the very lowest resolution. Does this make sense at all??? Even from a sales point of view this is bad because undoubtedly some people had never seen the game run before and I'm sure were not impressed with the graphics quality.


Just my .02$


btw.. I had 2 routes for the contest. my best time was 1:01.


1. From red room w/ speed. Hit metal doors. Get E-11 and head to the other side of the map. Get rocket L. I could usually get the e-11 at 10 seconds


2. From red room w/ speed. Turn left. Get Blaster. Get Rocket. Return to room and head straight across. Get E-11 and head to other side of map.

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