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calm down guys.

What's the point in flaming each other if it won't make a difference to the other person or jsut get him to flame you back?

Take a chill pill :)

Anyhoo argueing aint gonna make a difference to his 25k

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Wow, 5 flamers now, like moths to the, well, flame. I feel loved already, but at this point I will still not back down, mainly since all 5 of you don't scare me one bit. Don't want to believe my comment was a joke? Be my guest; it just shows the limit of your intelligence.


You can worship Inolen as your own personal messiah for all I care. Heck, you can fling just about as much sh#t my way as you like; my world doesn't revolve around flaming people constantly like yours does. Stop crying, grow up, and end this thread. It's futile. Just continuing to bash me proves your own weakness, forcing you to A) gang up on me, since your single threads are not enough to break me or B) continue just to feed your shrivelled egos caused by being kicked at school or worse.


Feel free to continue, but keep in mind that what I say stands through all your flaming. Inolen could very well be a cheater. Then again, he probably isn't. Does it really matter, since he's going to be $25k richer regardless? Nope. And does it really matter what my opinion is on someone that I not only don't know, but wouldn't care about anyway because I didn't enter the contest? You answer that one.


Merc out yet again. :fett:


yes, i can very much see how making you look stupid is highlighting my own weakness.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

calm down guys.

What's the point in flaming each other if it won't make a difference to the other person or jsut get him to flame you back?

Take a chill pill :)

Anyhoo argueing aint gonna make a difference to his 25k


wow 25k to you if you can manage to make a post without spelling mistakes



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Correct Agen. There are just some people out there who don't understand the meaning of "calm down," "chill," or the occasional "shut up," and I think these are two of them.


At that, I think I will take my leave from this thread, just to set an example. I said what I have to say, and if snaK9, bus, horton, Pho, or Mouze don't like it, tough.


At the very least, I can say that these five are exactly the kind of folks that SHOULD be dealt with, though. If any mod sees this post, please, do us all a favor and ban their accounts, and even mine if it so pleases you. I think I'm the first person to actually have the balls to address flamers for who and what they are, especially five at once, and you know what? I enjoyed it the whole way through. :cool:


*And thus ends this exciting chapter of Flame Wars. Please turn the tape over to rewind*

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Ah, it's so nice when the Lackeys, Lapdogs, and other social rejects come out of their **** hole looking for a fight.

stop saying nasty things about yourself

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User Information

Handle Munkaboo

Age Group 13-24

Best Time 0:53

Current Rank 38



Handle inolen

Age Group 13-24

Best Time 0:35

Current Rank First Place!



can you say ownT!

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Oooh, how clever.


You see, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain, that he sent you kiddies to do his dirty work. Now this makes you one of two thing, either a Lackey, or a Lapdog. Now, if he has nothing to hide, then why must he send his little troopers in to fight his fight for him?


Those are the actions of a coward, or someone with something to hide. End of story.

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Oooh, how clever.


You see, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain, that he sent you kiddies to do his dirty work. Now this makes you one of two thing, either a Lackey, or a Lapdog. Now, if he has nothing to hide, then why must he send his little troopers in to fight his fight for him?


Those are the actions of a coward, or someone with something to hide. End of story.


ffs let me get to bed,

1st.i originaly asked you tards to come and whine about him winning in his home forum, which i note none of you gutless wonders have done.

2nd. as far as i know, he knows nothing of whats gone on here.

3rd.im going to bed, carry on:D

4th.he ownz you all, and hes got the cheque to prove it!

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Correct Agen. There are just some people out there who don't understand the meaning of "calm down," "chill," or the occasional "shut up," and I think these are two of them.


At that, I think I will take my leave from this thread, just to set an example. I said what I have to say, and if snaK9, bus, horton, Pho, or Mouze don't like it, tough.


At that, I think I will take my leave from this thread, just to set an example. I said what I have to say, and if snaK9, bus, horton, Pho, or Mouze don't like it, tough.


I get a feeling they will all be getting warnings off mods( perhaps worse), and maybe you too.

Most of the time it's best to try and keep the peace or just leave instead of replying, as it makes you look as bad as them. Believe me, I know it all too well.

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Oooh, how clever.


You see, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain, that he sent you kiddies to do his dirty work. Now this makes you one of two thing, either a Lackey, or a Lapdog. Now, if he has nothing to hide, then why must he send his little troopers in to fight his fight for him?


Those are the actions of a coward, or someone with something to hide. End of story.


Jezus f*cking christ...just how retarded can you get?


Inolen aked us for nothing. We just happened to notice that a thread was up over at this forum accusing him of cheating. These accusations are, needless to say, based upon pure fantasy. You dont need to be a popular guy ( wich inolen isnt ) to get us to respond to that.


Please do yourself a favor, call your ISP and have them disconnect you. If they ask you for a reason then simply answer: "cause I'm too stupid to be on the internet!"

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All I see is excuse after excuse after excuse from you. Don't bull**** me, its ****ing obvious he sent his lackeys. And everytime you wanna say why can't the accusers go there and accuse him, I'm gonna say why can't he come here and defend himself.

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Originally posted by Munkaboo

and BTW i love how complete noobs win stuff like this, who arent involved in the community AT ALL.


and you know what else would be totally kick ass? if lots of ppl in the top 25 were DQ'd for using another account, and ppl from top 50 were bumped down, w00t that would own :D


You know nothing, don't you? Yea your 15 posts makes you a big part of the community. I've NEVER heard of your name in anything. I have been playing FPS's for year (namely q3). I doubt you can even straffe ffs. Quit being a sore loser. And also, just for you.


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Originally posted by inolen


You know nothing, don't you? Yea your 15 posts makes you a big part of the community. I've NEVER heard of your name in anything. I have been playing FPS's for year (namely q3). I doubt you can even straffe ffs. Quit being a sore loser. And also, just for you.


First, off, gratz for winning Inolen, you pwned us all.



Second, I reaaally don't want to continue this flame war so I'm not going to say anything to anyone for the sake of the thread, since I'm not a little flamer that has to resort to criticize spelling like the Trolls that just came here. And about that post count crap, who says I haven't been reading the forums? I would think that makes me pretty attuned to the community myself, but hey, whatever can be used in an arguement is fair bait.


And damn, my route was very similar except i went the rocket route and didn't bother with the other side =/

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Originally posted by Munkaboo


First, off, gratz for winning Inolen, you pwned us all.



Second, I reaaally don't want to continue this flame war so I'm not going to say anything to anyone for the sake of the thread, since I'm not a little flamer that has to resort to criticize spelling like the Trolls that just came here. And about that post count crap, who says I haven't been reading the forums? I would think that makes me pretty attuned to the community myself, but hey, whatever can be used in an arguement is fair bait.


And damn, my route was very similar except i went the rocket route and didn't bother with the other side =/

Another route I ran:


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Face it Inolen beat you punks hands down, if you knew the way of the straffle and other uber l337 skills then perhaps you would've stood a chance, but the fact of the matter is Q3A tought him his skills and he showed you all up, get over it.


GG Inolen!!

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