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All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga


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*Serak boards his ship, the boarding entrance opening through a thought-speech-activated trigger. In his "roadrunner" form, he doesn't see a certain bird fly in after him.


He morphs back to his normal form and taps a number into his ship's comm system*


Serak Alkuin to Shadows Base.


Shadows recognizing Serak Alkuin, give passcode.


Dusk Genesis.


Your target has left for Ryloth. Do not let him escape. You know the consequences. Shadows out.


*Serak sighs* To Ryloth then. Always wanted to see that hellhole.


*Serak's ship enters hyperspace*

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OOC: The thoughts moving through D'rick's head in the previous posts:


Any idea why he'd be after you?



Well a while back we worked on a mission together and he doublecrossed me, took my half of the bounty and left me for dead. Since then I've been the bouncer at the All-nighter.


Hmm, a slight deflection of the eyes and scalp tension causing the horns to move together ever so slightly. So Ashard is lieing to me, but to what end? Nevermind, it is unimportant. I'll be rid of both of them soon enough.


Thew : What the hell are you doing on my ship.

D'rick : I jumped on to get away from Serak.

Thew : Well you'll be jumping off as soon as we get to Ryloth ok?

D'rick : Yes, of course...

Ryloth?!? If he thinks I'm staying on Ryloth, a planet that took me years to finally be free of, he's sorely mistaken. I must provide him with incentive to keep me on.



D'rick moves to the rear of the ship and pulls a holo-card out of his robes.


"Now," he murmered to himself, "A shapeshifter that's not a clawdite, I'm sure I saw a reference in her somewhere... ah here we are... I was positive that he was a Verwhin before he shifted. That narrows it down to two known shifting creatures, one is a mindless chaotic beserker, so I think I can rule that one out. That leaves... oh dear. Maybe I should stay on Ryloth after all..."



Redwing could you PM me some general information about the shapeshifting abilities of your race? The sort of info that you'd find in an Old Republic Xenobiological report? I don't want to place constraints on where you're going with this...

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OOC: Alright just to speed things up, we'll arrive at the planet.


IC: *Thinks to self*: I'd better land away from the city, or else they'll check us for weapons.


*Lands ship outside of town and suits up in full armor.*



Thew: Alright Ashard are you ready to go?

Ashard: Yeah, just give me a minutes to finish checking my weapons.

Thew: Ok, I'll meet you in the back of the ship. I have to swoops to take us into town.


*Turns to D'rick*

Thew: Alright, Twi'lek time to go.

D'rick: But, Thew, you can't just leave me here, what do you want I'm willing to pay.

Thew: With what?


OOC: Sorry if i used your character to much Royalguard.

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OOC: Thew that's pretty much what I expected D'rick to do so don't sweat it...



"Look Thew, you're going off to hunt Donga with Varan, that shapeshifter is hunting Varan. You've failed to catch Donga before, what makes you think that you'll succeed this time when you're being hunted down by a creature that could be anything?


If you take me along I'll watch your back so you don't have to. Also I'm a native here, I may have hated the place but I know the language, including the one that you can't speak."


D'rick twitches his Lekku for emphasis.


"So, I'll help you by keeping the shapeshifter off your back and I'll use my local knowledge to help you track down Donga, get supplies and so on, and in return all you have to do is put me down on a civilised planet. Like Malastare, Ord Mantell, Chandrilla or some place. Deal?"


OOC If you want Thew to negotiate D'rick will throw in a trained Nek battle dog (trained to guard your ship, and loyal only to you and D'rick) with a few cybernetic enhancements if you take him to Ord Mantell. He knows a guy who has a breeding facility...

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*Serak's ship exits hyperspace above Ryloth*


Serak Alkuin to Shadows Base.


Shadows recognizing Serak Alkuin, give passcode.


Dusk Genesis.


Transmitting coordinates of your target's ship.


Whoa, already? How---


No questions. You know everything you need to know to complete your mission. You also know the consequences of failure. Shadows out.


*by now ticked off at being reminded of 'the consequences' so many times* Right, whatever. *taps the console of "his" ship (not that it was his own, it had come with the mission)* Ashard, old buddy, here I come again.


((OOC: @Gaalgoth: Careful how much you're doing with Serak...I didn't mind the last post, but it could get awkward if he keeps changing personality because you use him ;)))

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hmmm, weird, this thread seems to have died a bit (I am waiting for others btw, as they will have had the time to catch up with me, I expect them to be near the place were i stopped, not necessarily right behind my back but near...) and they made it sticky, shows what being U can achieve by being lazy :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

((OOC: Yeah, I'll carry on with this thread. Now where was I...))


Varan slowly stood up, still wincing from the pain in his side. He wandered towards the back of the ship, but as he passed D'rick he noticed that he was whispering into his robe. Varan thought that this was odd, but he decided to act as if nothing had happened. The most important thing right now was to get to the bacta tank.

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IC: *Opens up the back of the ship to get out swoops then walks down onto the planet surface.


Thew: (Sees Serak's ship) Whats that doing hear... this areas pretty remote... plus it wasn't hear when we landed... I'd better go check with Ashard about this.


*Walks back up ramp into ship*

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