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I have a prob with screenshots...


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Ok, I have screenshot bound and evrything and when I take them it does the usual "wrote screenshot" thing. But the prob is that when I go to the sub directory for them, THEY DONT WORK!!! They just look for the most part black, maybe with a strange looking colour blend (just imagine a bad printing effort).


This is REALLY anoying and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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do you have the latest/"raven-approved" drivers for your graphic cards? It has been mentioned earlier that funny behavior will occur if you do not update your card's drivers to best fit your Operating System.

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I had this problem for a bit (running a Voodoo 5 5500 PCI) and my JPG screen shots were black... i found that instead of using the screenshot command i'd use screenshot_tga (making the files a .tga file) and fixed the black problem... however... the screenshots were around 900KB at 800X600 Res... so i'd open them in Paint Shop and convert them to JPGs.


So if you want to bind P to take a screen shot it would be:


Bind P Screenshot_tga


Rather then


Bind P Screenshot


Hope that helps



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