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LucasTones for a Hyundai phone??!?


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Hey LucasTones. I'm wondering if you can help me out a little bit.


I have a Hyundai mobile phone. Model no. is HGC-300E. I was wondering if you have any tones for this type of phone, or if you know of any sites where I can get them.


Anyways, this phone has one of those composers where you write your own music, only thing is, I don't know of any tunes for it. Every web site I have gone to only has tunes for Nokia or Ericson, not one for Hyundai. So I'm hoping you may be able to help out. If not, that's OK. I might end up buying myself a new mobile one day.



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Well, Hyundai are low on the list of companies (there's like, Siemens and Ericsson, we've had trouble with the Ericsson but the Siemens seem to work) and then there's Sony and Motorola... As far as I can see, its impossible to convert them. Even Uniring cannot do it.

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