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Jedi Stealth Gear - By HapSlash!!!


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Will you be making any more similar skins? Like the Qui-Gon jedi armor? Or even a variation on your skin, like the full glove version or darker colors or different colors? I like your farscape skins, they look sorta like what I'm thinking about :cool:


Here's the Qui-Gon figure I was talking about, sorry I couldn't find the links to better pictures




This guy look familiar :)




Btw, please dont think that I've been making criticisms or anything, I really think the skin is great

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Demolisher i definetly agree with the Quigon Jedi Armor Idean, that would really look fantastic. On the same lines of fantastic, Hapslash, i just spent, like, 4 hrs playing the singleplayer story and Just kicking a bot's a## with your skin, i must say, its flawless!! I voted it a perfect saber count on jedi Knightii.net and i would have again but that would be cheating :D and plus everyone else has already voted it a perfect saber count already :p So, great job and seriously consider doing a Quigon Jinn Jedi Armor Model / Skin cause that would be great too;)


oh by the way, ever considering creating a matching saber with it?;)

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Thanks guys, your feedback is very much appreciated. JK2files still haven't added it to their site, and it doesn't seem that my skin was good enough to make it into the JKII.net headlines,... Either that or I now know what the admins really think of me,... :D



I am still tinkering with the equivalent to the Gui-Gon jedi armor, but haven't gotten much to show off,... I'll definitely post when I have something worth showing,...

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take your time hap, you took your time on the stealth gear and it turned out to be my favorite skin. I have already beaten the game with the skin, and have beaten at least 20 and i still aint sick of the skin


You definatly deserve all this positive feedback :D

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Originally posted by BakerS8er

I have already beaten the game with the skin, and have beaten at least 20 and i still aint sick of the skin


Yeah, that's the thing about this skin. I've also played the game in SP and MP and I'm STILL not sick of this skin! I got sick of the original Kyle a day after I started playing. :D

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Eets, I agree with you totally. I hate the way Raven designed Kyle's, and Jan's for that matter, outfits. I mean they're mercenaries, spies, etc, and he was a former and future jedi in the post original trilogy era, so wearing beige & brown is dumb I think. At least they didn't make him exactly like he was in JK1. I wish Raven had made him in black like in MotS; that's why I like all these "dark" kyle skins and the training gear.


Hap, I can't wait for the qui-gon armor, it's gonna look so much cooler on kyle skin it will look like armor and not a vest with baggy sleeves & pants. It'd be cool to just make him similar to the obi-wan armor, but with all the darker touches of the qui-gon one. that's just me of course :D

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