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just a little clarification


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just exactly what moves will people not bitch about ?????? I can see bitchin about spammers and move whores, but when you pull off a good well executed move, I see it as skill not cheap. I see more and more on the forum and in games, where someone pulls of a very good bs or backsweep or whatever and they get called cheap. Cripes now even jumping slashes and normal spins are griped about. So can someone tell me exactly what kind of style is considered good? Or is it any style where your opponent beats ya? Just asking :)

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I got kicked 4 times tonight for just winning. They tell me to stop being a cheap backsweeper. Ok, I won't use it. Then everytime I get them down in health they turn and run. Then they knock me down and backsweep me. WTF? I come back, knock their ass down, backsweep them. KICK.


If you win alot, you will get bitched at, and if the admin is there, kicked. Doesn't matter how you do it.

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basically there are sore loosers who are hypocritcal in their labelling of others been cheap, as they look for excuses and places where they can vent their anger.


however 'spammers' of same moves, over and over gets flamed, rightly so, for ruining the gameplay, like sabrethrow spammers

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People are just plain funny. I even see spammers bitching about other spammers when they lose. "You're a scripter"...."Why do you spin so fast" OMG!!!! Will anyone ever be happy? Probably not. Sore Losers will always gripe. Just ignore them. Or find a server that will accomadate you're playing style. If you like CTF...I recommend MATRIXCPA Full Force/Saber Only. Best server I've found. Yes there are bitchers that play on there...but voting is not allowed.

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Those back spin and stab are buged move. They are not suposed to do so many damage.


So ppls found that and all they do is the killing move over and over. Before that patch DFA was so deadly all useing it.


Same happen in all game every where.


I next patch they nerf all back attack to normal.


The pull/push and back spin is cheap actualy. Yes i use that especialy on player who do it on other or on me. But i do not start the war with it. Im 1 of the most skilled player in JK2 i mostly win all the time and i not play to win. But i play to have fun kill other in other way of cheap no skill easy move like back spin ****. Don't tell me its do normal damage. DFA do less damage then a stupid stab or spin. and you think its normal ?!?.


Ppls got sick to got killed over and over from those cheap players so they do same ****.


If someone can make a unofficial patch where they remove stab and spin ... you will see player cant get so easy kills.


Well they will push them in a pit ... simply do /kill. I don't give any kill to other to be killed like that. I push ppl out to if they try to do so. Since all try well ...


I use spin on player who flee flee flee and especialy on player who flee away turning is saber off. He is dead. Most cry i kill saber off player. Well don't turn it off while fleeing away from me it's isn't working :).


All player going close of me got attacked. Saber on or off. I got so many time attacked by suprise with a spin or stab or grip etc while he was saber off i do not take anymore chance. So i kick them on the ground and wait what he will do. Most of the time he turn saber on :).


BTW there is no cheat in using lightning long range same as for Drain. R E A D the book comming with the game when you buy it. Its say how work all force power at each lvl.



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"


[1MAN]BloodRayne Co-Leader of [1MAN]JK2

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