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Lunge.... and kix


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Now, when talking of spamming super moves, it's usually backstab that takes the cake...


Yet lunge and DFA are still spammed like there's no tomorrow and people rarely complain. Well, I've got no problem in taking on DFA-spammers, but "lungists" are a different breed.


In a NF server, the moronic uber-spamming lungists can drag out a fight to the extreme, since the move doesn't leave you vulnerable in any way, if done properly. And spammed it is.

I can usually easily avoid it, but the spammer of course insists on doing it all the time, so I rarely get to strike back without being gutted like a fish.


In the game manual, it states that lunge has "a very low chance of hitting" - Which, we all know, is a load of complete BS. Lunge is unblockable if done close enough, and if thee should try to hit the person in the side as he does it, he only blocks your attack with plenty of sparks to follow.


I am probably the only one, but I find it utterly ridiculous that such an easy move to master can give upwards to 60 hp in damage. I really have no problem with people spamming super/special moves, as long as they have some kind of built in flaw - and if they don't, they shouldn't give a cr*pload of damage.

And don't get me started on the "flip back and do an air-lunge"-spammage...


As for kicks, fights usually degrade into kick-matches if someone should be so stupid as to start kicking - people usually respond with a kick of their own, and then the evil circle has begun.

People usually has a pretty strange view on kicks - either they're completely taboo, or they are spammed like hell; people rarely find a happy medium.


IMHO, the reasonable solution is to make lunges do a maximum of 30-40 damage, and let frontal kicks do 5 damage - sidekicks 7 damage.

The reason for the low kick damage is that I find they shouldn't be used as the bread and butter attacks, but rather used for a quick tactical advantage - more used for a diversion and their knockback effect.


-Just to clarify, this thread is one of those "vent your steam"-thingies, since this topic pisses me off right now, and I'd appreciate your thoughts.

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I like to sidestep lunges and then counter with a yellow side swing. As far as kicking goes I'll do a kick to a DFAer every single time he is in his recover animation. I just fought a guy that whooped me every time with his kicking backstab game but good for him I guess.

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there are serveral counters to the lunge


1. keep your distance and strafe when in close

2. kick someone who is going to lunge at you and then go into the dfa. =death.

3. push force - push them down and then backstab them. 60 hp to death is gauranteed to stop people from lunging

4. protect -just protects you from dying. not much of a counter

5. rage, just protects you from dying. not much of a counter

6. roll backwards, then throw saber and pull

7. move to the side of your opponent and pull, then backstab. gauranteed to stop those lunges.

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Thanks for replying leelink, but I pretty much only play NF since I then can have my music going, without worrying about trying to listen for absorb. And it's just my preference.


Yeah, kicks are very good, since you can just sidekick them when they do it, but the NF aspect is tedious - drawn out fights against the lunge-spammer is so boring.


Again, lunge can hit and penetrate your blocking while standing still, and the animation normally blocks all side-attacks, and there is no way you can hit a guy lunging from the front. Hitting them in the back is good and all, but the end result is usually a backstab, and it's quite hard getting behind a player who knows what he's doing.



Yesterday I fought a complete newb, and the only things he had learned so far from playing a few hours was backstab and lunge - he could hardly control his own saber without those moves. It is sad that newbies are only taught these things from more experienced players. He even said that backstab was the first move he learned, but this is going off topic.

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I can understand your delima if you a no force player. your only option would be to resort to kicking, which i am sure you dont want to have a kick fest. maybe twins of doom will throw some suggestion your way. he plays mostly on our non force server and I am sure he could provide some suggestion or at least sympathize with you. I am not familiar enough with non force tactics to suggest any counters in this case. The light stance is pretty good about blocking some of it, but that would be useless for the most part. you need a really good counter.

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Thx again leelink - I tried your server about a week ago (good server, btw) and then I went to the roskilde festival for 6-7 days. But now I haven't seen your server for 2 days - Is it down?

Or is it just constantly full by any chance?


BTW, I usually use kix against those lunges...

But it's boring in the end and usually provokes people into a kickmatch as you stated. Plus I am starting to train on a NF server without kix, where I'm getting my ass handed to me.

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NF fights, I never have serious problems with lungers.


Once I identify what stance they're using (see other threads for that :p) I tend to stay away from blue users unless I'm sure they're either gonna be tied up in a special attack or they won't be able to flip around fast enough and smack me.


Either or usually assures the lunge will miss me.


Reliably making my own attack after the lunge is a bit harder, I usually play cautious until they get impatient and start playing more reckless.

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the server is located in fla and we have been having some really bad storms. because I work 10 hour days, I dont notice it until I get home. (about time to invest in a backup power supply) when the power goes out, the servers one reset until I enter a password for the server. I got a backup server that I host from also, but for the most part our servers are almost always full. were on a 1.1 dedicated line with nothing but the game servers on it. a little overkill on our part : ) but at least theres no lag

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well i was playing on our [JHQ] servers about an hour ago, great fun;)



but to counter lunge isn't really that hard



heavy stance: use a diagonal slash (w + a/d + mouse1/ctrl) you'll go to their side and the lunge will miss you, luckily for you the saber will still be moving and will hit your opponent:)


just dodge it, if a player is spamming a light stance lunge, or any move for that matter, you know what to expect, right? if not you aren't too bright:rolleyes: You should be expecting the same move over and over, so dodge it and then hit them in the back, or whatever you want;)



this one takes some timing and if not timed correctly will probably end up with you near dead, and opponent possibly dead

use the medium finisher

i would give more but leelink seemed to cover them fairly well;)

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Thx for the tip Twins, I really like the one about the diagonal slash.

The hard bit about lungists is that the good players don't do it all the time and just execute them when you least expect it, that really ticks me off :rolleyes:


Well, the medium finisher is a big gamble IMO, since I'll usually shove a lunge up in his immobile arse or sidekick him. Kinda like DFA: You can get lucky with it, but mostly it's a ticket to a free hit.

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Originally posted by cjais

Well, the medium finisher is a big gamble IMO, since I'll usually shove a lunge up in his immobile arse or sidekick him. Kinda like DFA: You can get lucky with it, but mostly it's a ticket to a free hit.

I agree. While I am far away from spamming the lunge, I like the move in itself. One of the most beautiful combos in my opinion is (when opponent does a medium finisher) dive below him with a blue lunge, then immediately go into a backstab. When timed correctly, your opponent will land on the outstretched saber behind you. I looks just oh so cool when this moves killes him because he dies before even touching the ground... *drool* :D


However, if your opponent is not very skilled (like most spammers are) the medium finisher can really get to him...

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