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IM AN EMPEROR BATTLE FOR DUNE player and im just wondering

Guest redstarz1

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Guest redstarz1

im just wondering if this battle grounds can compete with the emperor game. Emperor is an awesome game and ill only buy this battle grounds game if its good. heres a list of questions


1 . is the game a 3d rts


2. will there be a multiplayer feature for online skirmish


3. what is the replay value


4. and when does it come out.

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Well I'll try and answer as best as I can :)

It's not a 3d RTS

There is a Multiplayer mode :)

They replay value I think will be real good!

It comes out before years end

BTW Welcome to the boards :)

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im just wondering if this battle grounds can compete with the emperor game. Emperor is an awesome game and ill only buy this battle grounds game if its good. heres a list of questions


1 . is the game a 3d rts

No it is 2d like Aok


2. will there be a multiplayer feature for online skirmish

Yes because it is built on the Aok:C engine


3. what is the replay value

AoK:C or better


4. and when does it come out.

11/12/2001 or close to it


Welcome to the forum redstarz1:D

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Guest redstarz1

well, i used to be a big fan of aok , its a good game , but the only problem is that its 2d and that gives it a big thumbs down, when emperor came out it imediatlely made me leave the msn zone , being able to zoom in and out and being able to look at the game in different angles makes a huge difference in everything. so i hear battle grounds well be similar game play to aok, I hope it will be good enough to take out emperor cuz i am looking forward to the game. ( MAN WHY DIDNT THEY JUST MAKE IT AN ALL OUT 3D RTS). I LOVE STAR WARS . A STAR WAR RTS WOULD LOOK THE BADDEST IF IT WHERE 3D

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Originally posted by redstarz1

well, i used to be a big fan of aok , its a good game , but the only problem is that its 2d and that gives it a big thumbs down, when emperor came out it imediatlely made me leave the msn zone , being able to zoom in and out and being able to look at the game in different angles makes a huge difference in everything. so i hear battle grounds well be similar game play to aok, I hope it will be good enough to take out emperor cuz i am looking forward to the game. ( MAN WHY DIDNT THEY JUST MAKE IT AN ALL OUT 3D RTS). I LOVE STAR WARS . A STAR WAR RTS WOULD LOOK THE BADDEST IF IT WHERE 3D

I'm sorry but so far all the 3d games that have come out, all have a polygonal look to them. I'd rather have it in 2D, it just looks better, imo

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Guest redstarz1

have u played emperor battle for dune. the graphics r insane, the 3d crushes aok'z graphics by far, ive played most of the 3d rts and yes it sucks but the kinda 3d that emperor has is awesome cuz its not all poly like u say. if you havent played emperor yet then thats a game to pick up. I promise that the 3d is not all confusing like other 3d rts games. if your an aok player right now im sure u would stop after emperor, cuz i used to be all up on aok from the first day it came out., but now the 2d game style just seems old. im just guessing that you have never played the game cuz nobody complains about emperor 3d ,(THAT GAME IS THE BEST RTS OUT RIGHT NOW)TRY IT U WONT REGRET IT






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Originally posted by redstarz1

have u played emperor battle for dune. the graphics r insane, the 3d crushes aok'z graphics by far, ive played most of the 3d rts and yes it sucks but the kinda 3d that emperor has is awesome cuz its not all poly like u say. if you havent played emperor yet then thats a game to pick up. I promise that the 3d is not all confusing like other 3d rts games. if your an aok player right now im sure u would stop after emperor, cuz i used to be all up on aok from the first day it came out., but now the 2d game style just seems old. im just guessing that you have never played the game cuz nobody complains about emperor 3d ,(THAT GAME IS THE BEST RTS OUT RIGHT NOW)TRY IT U WONT REGRET IT






hehehe...Man I guess you really like the game! :)

Your right I've never played it. I was gonna once but decided not too. But from what you say it sounds like its worth getting

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Guest redstarz1

AOK had better reviews than emperor but i think the only reason for that is because EMPEROR system requirements r very high. also its one of those games that u have to try out for yourself. but dont read reviews , try it for yourself , and just like i said, i was a die hard fan of aok , but it does not compare, the explosions, sounds , graphics , gameplay, of eb4d is way better.



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I’m sorry I have a lot of 3d RTS games but I have yet to use any other view but the up top view in any game when you change angles you leave to many blind spots maybe its different in Dune but I doubt it

And to some people Graphics make or break a game and to others it doesn’t its all about replay value and we wont know how good it is until about a month after it comes out

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Guest redstarz1



JUST TRY IT AND U WILL BE SAYING THANK U ( I JUST KNOW IT)oh ya also just try not to compare this to any other rts games cuz its not the same . i know how u feel about other 3d rts games and i know that it sucks, but not this one

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Originally posted by redstarz1

i was just wondering? can u download a demo for this battle grounds game? and if so where can i download it at

Nope no demo yet :(

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OT: Empire Earth changes that, Paragon. It's in 3D, yet the perspective is exactly like the 2d isometric view. (of course you can zoom down, etc)


I think it supports up to 1200 units at a time, all rendered in glorious 3D. :)


And it plays good too - I should know, I'm beta testing it.

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Guest redstarz1

i have, an yes there it seems that there r alot of units, but i assume people havent played emperor either though cuz , u can zoom all the way down till its almost a straight view and u can see every little detail of the units, in the two 2d game the units look very tiny

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Guest Stormtrooper

I have Emperor and its a faily good game(for 3d)...but it has some major flaws...for instance:If u click to attack with a group of units they spread out real wide and most get confused wandering around to the longest route to engage the unit...

Spice harvester's are simply retarded, u click and tell them to goto a certian destanation and they go the first time and then they randomly harvest anywhere unless u control them after each harvest(which ***).


Other than that it's still a fun game.

:cool: I like that green glow that comes from the Sardakar face shield.:D From the looks of SWBG i don't think anyone will be disappointed.:) (not me atleast,hehe)

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