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Poll #2: More new civs to vote on.


What civilization would you most like to see in a secnond expansion pack?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What civilization would you most like to see in a secnond expansion pack?

    • The Karrde Organization/Smuggler\'s Alliance
    • The Corellians
    • The Sith Empire (ancient sith)
    • The Chiss
    • The Jawas
    • The Tusken Raiders
    • The Jedi Order (ancient jedi)
    • The Bothans (spies)
    • Geonosians (split them off of the confed.)
    • The Kaminoans

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There are three of these polls...Mon Cal are in the first one. The poll system only allows ten options per poll, and nearly 30 civs had been suggested in these boards, so I had to make three polls. Vote for Mon Cal over in poll #1 if you like......someday soon I'll take the top ten and have another round of voting to determine the most-wanted-civ

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I disagree. I think that given the good sales of GB and of CC, a second expansion might make its way to us sometime within the next year. If after six months or so we've heard nothing, I'd say there won't be one. But Gaber did seem to indicate that GB would continue to expand as long as the fan base was there, so who knows?

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The wookies are a non-canon civ as Chewbacca and a couple wookie senators were the only elements of that civ to ever appear in the movies.


I'd like to see Mon Calamari, as several ships, etc of that race appeared in Return of the Jedi....certainly more than the wookies. Ewoks, Bespin, etc also all had clearly movie-visible civilizations.

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Nah, I'd count the wookies as canon simply because of Chewbacca (after all, his race came from somewhere). I'm talking about races and things that were only presented in books.


I agree with Mon Calimari; I'd love to see them in the game. I'm not sure I'd really include Bespin as a "civ" though I'd probably expand on it and turn the whole trading/mining/etc colonies as a civ with aspects of Bespin as potential units (the air-cars, guards, uggnaut workers, etc).



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Well, I still think that the Wookie culture is weakly portrayed in the movies (with no cultural, architectural, vehicular, or other aspects seen other than Chewie), and that a clear Cloud City cultural style is seen, with many different types of structures, vehicles, workers, guards, costumes, etc to pull from or expand on for unit creation. Certainly as much as was shown for the Gungans in ep 1, and as much as was shown of the Confederacy in ep II, seeing as how all the "Confederate" buildings are Geonosian structures...Geonosians should have been treated as a seperate civ from the Confederacy, in the same way that the Gungans and Naboo were seperated.


Other civs that I think would not require "making up" tons of stuff, seeing as how the movies gave a good head start, could be the Ewoks or perhaps a Tatooine based culture or Tusken Raiders, although I really have no interest in any of those three but the Ewok one. Mon Calamari are certainly better elaborated on then Wookies, and I'd like to see them as a civ as well.


Check out the sequel thread for much more discussion of possible sequel civs, and hopes and wishes for future games.

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I've suggested a few times it would be a good move to do another x-pack with 6 civs, new units, terrains, etc, at full price. ($45- $50 USD) And it would be yet a better move to do it for holiday time this year.



This poll is harder than the other 2....... Number one, I definitely like Mon Cal best, in number 3, I don't really find the point of any of those civs.


But in this one, I'm between Karrde's org. and the Chiss....... well, my vote goes to the Chiss.

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Mhmm. Good. Go Smuggling people!

(i voted for them)

But on another note.... you seem to be discussing how much is shown of each civ in movies- I wish to consider how much is shown of the race in EU.

Take Smugglers Guild. The Thrawn trilogy was packed with em. Almost every book has featured Mara Jade or talon Kaarde, and as such provided detail on their ships and the way their organisation works. Even the way they look- something about crosshatch patches on the side of their ships.

Chiss, on the other hand- I admit they'd be a cool civ, but where'd you draw the material from?

The Thrawn trilogy. Yay. A single Chiss. What does it show about them? Or more appropriately, about this single chiss? He's a freakishly good war tactician who likes art.

The Hand of Thrawn. Ok, some more chiss. I read it ages ago, but what does it show? Some more freakishly good Chiss warriors. And a big hand thingy. (correct me on that if I'm wrong)

Other than that- a bartender in JK2, Jedi Outcast. Shows there are all kinds of Chiss. Including seedy, corrupt, incomprehinsible bartenders. I'm sure they'd make a great unique unit. :D

Not to diss the Chiss- or any other civ- but for some of the less mentioned ones, WHERE are you going to base all the GB stuff for them on???????

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I totally agree with you. I don't like the idea of a Chiss civ as there is virtually no material to draw from. But, people seem to want one so who am I to argue?


Regarding EU civs...I think they are fine and that a Smuggler's Union civ would rock, but I'd rather see the movie civs dealt with first.

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I'm not sure i get what you mean. Smugglers could have droid workers.

Yes, LA did a good job on the Wookies. But they could do an even better job on the Smugglers.

What do Chiss use as weapons? What kind of ships do Chiss pilot? I remember some crazy one from Hand of Thrawn, that sort of zipped around sending weird messages. That contained Thrawn's full name, not just his core name.

I remember the weirdest things.

But anyway, the fact is, that the Chiss are a very weird society and the LA people would have to dream up some crazy stuff for them. The Smugglers use normal stuff- troopers are people with guns, ships are freighters and the like, etc. etc.

This is not to say that they're a boring civ- i'm sure there'd be some very interesting possibilities in terms of unique unit, trade bonuses, and so on.

And maybe the smugglers could get the Lady Luck :D That would be good.

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Movie Civs "Not Dealt With"--


As per request of above post....


-Ewoks (buildings and troops are shown, as well as catpults, etc that could be a basis for heavier weapons...gliders are shown as a basis for air...Ewoks ride horselike animals in some concept sketches for ROTJ...perhaps simple items like wagons and balloons could be incorporated, as well as items from the 2 Ewok movies or the cartoon series...shaman medicine men could heal wounds, etc....unique units might include some other sort of creature from Endor...bonuses could be some sort of camoflage or forest walking ability for special troops)

-Bespin/Cloud City Culture (shown to have quite a specific style and organiztion as well as a ton of architectural elements to pull form...could offer great play value like floating buildings, etc, as well as Ugnaught workers, Bespin Security troops, a multitude of air options, the only thing they are not represented by in the movies is heavy weapons, mechs, and naval forces, but very few civs have their navies or heavy weapons seen anywhere outside this game)

-Hutt Crime Organization (Tatooine architecture and Jabba's palace could provide inspiration....Skiffs as Mechs, swoop bikes as scouts, Jabba's Skiff and Starship (EU) could inspire some vehicles, fighters could be craft seen in other video games, etc used by criminal organiztions, troops could be a motley band of palace/skiff guards, pig guards could be a unique unit....great trading/crime bonuses, etc)

-Geonosians and Confederacy not given seperate dues (they could be split up into two civs....geos are shown as a complete society in ep II....all confeds would have to "make up" for the game to be their own civ is navy, air, and some buildings)


That's about it for unrepresented movie civilizations...Mon Calamari are shown only slightly more than Wookies in the films, although I'd still like to play them. They could have B-Wing fighters, Mon Cal cruiser style air cruisers and transports and buldings that resemble that bulbousy, curved style...Mon Cal alien troops, and a great navy. Their mech forces and some other elements would have to be made up, but they certainly have a better head start than the wookie civ did.


By the way, don't thik I'm bashing the Wookie civ in these posts....I like wookies, I just think a movie civ would have been a more logical choice for the first release (non sequel or expansion pack) of the game.

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Ah. I see.

I agree with you on the Wook issue... I made a suggestion about merging them with the Rebels or some such.

I think they should have done Mon Cals instead. It would've been a Mon Cal/Quarren sort of thing though, quarren handle the navy, mon cals in the air.

I've mentioned that elsewhere.

As for the movie civs, thanks for clarifying. :D

Ewoks and bespin already have some footing in the game.... ewoks would be hard to balance. Other than the single

*Wraith Squadron SPOILER*



















genetically modified Ewok in one of the Wraith Squadron books (not Lieutenant Kettch ;) ), ewoks can't handle flying devices. Or blasters.

They're too short to reach the controls of their ships.... lol!

What about navy? Endor doesn't seem to have any seas. And i don't think floating rafts would cover it.

Unless there's some storyline about the Rebels teaching the Ewoks everything, they just can't handle technology.

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Ewoks use blasters in ROTJ...watch closely. They can certainly handle technology with ease...watch the Ewok fly the speeder bike, or the Ewoks start to operate the AT-ST...before Chewie kicks them out of the drivers seat.


Also, Ewoks fly in ROTJ and the Ewok movies....they use gliders. Heck, if Gungans can go to war on flying animals Ewoks could use wooden gliders....maybe in combination with some sort of gas blimp-like objects. :)


Also, Ewok structures and units would obviously be built to suit them. I propose that only a few, if any, elements of "outside" or Rebel cultures influence the Ewok civ in a possilbe GB addition. If the gungans can use energy balls the Ewoks could use flaming arrows. Sure, the "realism" would be stretched a bit, but GB already has stretched it in spades....I'd like to concentrate on fun, and I think it would be super fun to lead an army of Ewoks to battle.


Also, only a very small portion of Endor was shown in the movie....who says there are no seas? How could a world like that possibly exist? In the ROTJ concept art and the art of the galaxy books there are sketches of a Ewok lake city that was proposed. And yes, floating rafts or wooden ships would be cool....stick a catapult or flame cannon of some sort on them and you've got a little thing going, buddy. Maybe naval power would be weak for Ewoks, but it could be real cheap. Ewok strengths could lie in cheap workers and units, carbon bonuses, quick foraging bonuses, some abilites to pass through trees, shaman healing, special trap setting units, maybe mech unit stealing, etc. Thier weak points could be air, navy, nova/ore collection, or whatever.


And the amount of footing Bespin and Ewoks have in the game already is virtually zilch. I want a civ, not a couple random toybox units. The Hutt toybox units are such a tease. :)

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