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Poll #2: More new civs to vote on.


What civilization would you most like to see in a secnond expansion pack?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What civilization would you most like to see in a secnond expansion pack?

    • The Karrde Organization/Smuggler\'s Alliance
    • The Corellians
    • The Sith Empire (ancient sith)
    • The Chiss
    • The Jawas
    • The Tusken Raiders
    • The Jedi Order (ancient jedi)
    • The Bothans (spies)
    • Geonosians (split them off of the confed.)
    • The Kaminoans

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  • 2 weeks later...

<<jcb231 falls as his legs of support are cut from under him>>


NO!!!!! You backed out of the Ewok idea.....oh the humanity!! Why! Why!!!




Well, at least I still have the support of all the rest of you right?








<<crickets chirp>>


okay then....I'll just go cry in the corner for a while and play with my Ewok toys and dream of the civ that no one but me wants.

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I said this before but THE MANDOLORIAN ARMY shall crush those teddy bears if it gets an expansion. It will be almost like wookies you will have to make it all up but.... murge it with the sith thing and would make a cool civis. How do you make the pictures bellow your name?:confused::fett::jango::slave::usa::lsduel::atat::ewok:

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Merging with Sith is a bad idea....they're two completely different things.


Now, do you mean the Jango Fett era Mandalorians or the ancient Mandalorians? The Jango Fett era ones have troopers and some vehicles shown in the current comics, and the ancient ones have lots of units shown in the Tales of the Jedi comics from a few years back. Both would require a lot of filling in on LA's part, but the foundations are there.

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somebody said there isn't any material to make a chiss civ out of, but I say there is.


1)Thrawn triligy

2)Hand of Thrawn

3)Some NJO books



If lucasarts can make up wookie units like the kas tank, why cant they make up chiss units?


But above all, I'd like to see the vong.

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I know nothing about Ye Olde Mandalorians and very little about Jango Fett Mandalorian civilisations (is this in comics or something?) so if somebody wishes to fill me in that would be good.


Altus, that was me, and I brought up all the points you did. Um, all... four?


Go and look at my big post about Chiss in some other thread. Or I'll just copy-paste it here.

The main point is that those... four? just aren't enough! Also, in comparison to any other proposed/existing civ Chiss have the least material available!

Compare them to the Wookies, which everybody congratulates LucasArts about for an amazing work of imagination. Turns out there is data about the Wookie civ in the EU books and such, eg. the Han Solo trilogy, third book of the Black Fleet crisis, etc.


LucasArts could make up all these jolly nice Chiss units, but for me at least, they wouldn't appear Chiss at all. This is solely because we don't know anything about the Chiss as a species and in the NJO or whatever we are discovering more about them.... so anything LA makes up could be superseded.

What we have seen of the Chiss would have them unbalancing and impossible as a civ. If LucasArts does make chiss a civ, they will not be unbalancing and impossible (if they did their job) and as such, would not be like the Chiss we know!


Still following my delightfully fuzzy logic?

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Yes, olde style mandalorians are from one of the installments of the excellent "Tales of the Jedi" series published in the mid to late nineties. Jango Fett mandalorians can be seen in the also excellent, but not quite as good, "Jango Fett: Open Seasons" comic which is in the middle of its series right now.


Most of the Wookie stuff was made up for the game, despite the little bit seen in EU sources.


I agree with the Chiss naysayers...not enough has been shown to make them feel really Star Warsy.


I'd prefer to see the remaining movie-based civs dealt with long before any Chiss civ, and I don't really care if there's ever a Chiss civ, to be honest.

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I am a fanatical Star Wars purist and I am fully against stuff like the Vong, Black Sun and what have you.


Why the hell would anyone buy an expansion that featured the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant? They ARE the Empire and Rebel Alliance. That's why Rebels have good Jedi. Half of their stuff already is based on things from post ROTJ stuff.


Who suggested a Chiss civilisation? That would suck majorly. I challenge anyone to put forward a good argument for a Chiss civilisation. For one, they are entirely EU which gets my disapproval already.


Kaminoans are peaceful and have no army. Geonosians would not have a seperate army because they MAKE the battledroids, so that is their army.


The main problem with Mon Calamari as a civ is that they would have to be able to build underwater, which is too much like Gungans. They are supposed to be a peaceful people anyway.


The only ideas I would entertain are these:


Hutt Cartel - This would be pretty cool, expanding on some of the stuff they have already. Their architecture should be based around Tatooine, like the Tatooine Spaceport they have already and slave hovels as prefab shelters. They should have bonuses for bounty hunters and trade bonuses, and some workers would be slaves or something. Also interesting because the Hutts are warlike in nature.


Cloud City - Someone mentioned mining guild. If you paid attention to ESB you'll note that Lando says his operation isn't part of the mining guild. Anyway, I like this idea because they have only slightly less reference material than the Naboo, and they get their own civ. Definitely ugnaughts as workers and clod cars as fighters. They only problem is that they wouldn't really be good at anything, cloud cars would be crap as fighters and lets face it they just let the Empire walk in and take everything over.


OR... we could just wait and see what Episode III brings. The only logical expansion would coincide with that, perhaps encorporating major tweaks to Confederacy and Republic as we see more of them.


Sorry about the length... but I felt strongly against EU ideas. Lucasarts would be insane to release something with EU as a major element like that because there is no way it would sell as well as what we have got already.

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The Mon Cal seen in the movies are pretty warlike.....and if you don't like EU I would think those would be where your impressions of them come from. I think they'd make a great civ, with B-Wings, Mon Cal style Cruisers, etc. Yes, they could build underwater, but they'd have great air and other bonuses which would seperate them from the Gungans.


I love the Hutt and Cloud City ideas whole heartedly, as I've said before.


I also think that Geonosians should be separate from Confeds, but only in a sequel coming out after ep III as it would screw things up too much in the current version of the game.


I'd also like to see Ewoks in the game, as along with the above mentioned civs they are one of the few civs expanded upon to any detail in the movies that is not already present in the game.


And for the last time...I'll admit that Imp Remnant and New Republic are not front runners for the bes tpossilbe civs for the game, but can we at least get off the notion that they are identical to Rebels and Empire? Anyone who's read a decent amount of the EU, read the comics, etc can tell that you could make entire civs based on them and not duplicate any units, have wildy different architecture, have different bonuses and research techs, all new campaigns, etc......Yes, they wouldn't be as fun as movie based civs but they ARE NOT THE SAME.

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The Karrde Organization/Smuggler\'s Alliance

Would be cool, but not in GB. Maybe in a game like C&C Generals (this would be similar to their terrorist civ)

The Corellians

Hmmm, wouldn't reccomend it. Just not enough to go on. Sure the system had a rebellion of it's own, but they still use the same traits as the Rebels.

The Sith Empire (ancient sith)

No. Sith have already been integrated into the GB gameplay so it isn't really recommendable.

The Chiss

YES PLEASE!!! Chiss rule...PERIOD!

The Jawas

YES PLEASE!!! JAWAS RULE!!! I want my Jawa Commandos ;)

The Tusken Raiders


The Jedi Order (ancient jedi)

Once again the Jedi has been well integrated into all civs and the number of Jedi isn't much over a thousand or two.

The Bothans (spies)

Hmmm...Would deffinatly work. Have to be a sneaky civ though if you want to pull it off it would have to twist the norm quite a bit which was unfortunalty not done in GB.

Geonosians (split them off of the confed.)

Nah. They are well intrenched in the Confed lines.

The Kaminoans

Warlike? Cloners? These people look like if they had a war they would put as many machines in front of them as possible. They just look FRAGILE.


Your missing the greatest and coolest of all! The Vong. Admitedly you would also have to twist the norm drastically, but it's something that should have been done in GB to give each civ it's own originality instead of that feeling of almost sameness for every civ. Oh sure they look different and some don't have the same units...but when it all comes down to it there really are NO major differences in any of the civs. I would personally like the feel of a completely different experiance for each civ. Such as when playing the rebels thinking that EVERY UNIT COUNTS. We don't have the man-power that the Empire has so if we fight on their terms we're crushed. I'd like to use fertive and secretish tactics for the Rebels, but no. It's all head to head battles, throw a few hundred units at their few hundred and hope your guys preform well against them. If they don't...well don't worry because your producing a few hundred to replace them when they go down. Constant waves and masses of units are NOT NORMAL FOR A SMALL REBEL GROUP!!!


...boy I really went off there...

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I forgot to comment about the Ewoks...


Love the idea of playing the Ewoks, except that those who complain the Gungans aren't likely to go planet to planet colonising wouldn't like the Ewoks at all.


My idea is this: has anyone played Age of Kings, the game whose engine is the basis for SWGB? If you have like me you'll know some stuff is only present in SWGB because it was in Age of Kings, namely the Cannons. No civ has a cannon that is canon (pun intended). You don't see anything resembling them in the movies, but they're in the game because of trebuchets.


Anyway back to my point. When the Age of Conquerors Expansion came out for Age of Kings, the Central American Civs of Mayans and Aztecs were unable to build cavalry of any type. I'm suggesting a similar thing for Ewoks, where they are unable to build mechs. At the very least it would be an interesting challenge to play.


And hows this for a unique unit... booby trap maker! The Ewoks brought down most of the Imperial Forces at Endor with booby traps, it would be cool to set an unseen trap (detectable only by stealth-detecting units), that when enemy units enter the area they loose a certain amount of health. Just a thought.

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Yup, Ewok trap maker has been discussed on this and other threads...its the logical (and funa s all get-out) choice for a unique unit. :)


Regarding darthfergie's post:


The Sith civ proposed here are not the type of Sith that are already integrated into the gameplay. The Sith Empire is the ancient order of the Sith, existing thousands and thousands of years before the movies and completely unlike anything we've seen in any game. The only place they have been represented is in the Dark Horse Comic series "Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith", but that provided a lot of info and could be the basis for the civ's design. They're not my first choice for a new civ (those are Ewoks, Bespin, Hutts, and Mon Calamari) but they'd be sort of cool. The lightsabers of this time had belt packs to provide them with power, although unless I'm completely mistaken the Sith Empire didn't use any lightsabers in the comic series, only the Jedi Knights in the "civilized galaxy" did.


The Jedi Order being proposed is the Jedi order of several hundred to a thousand years before the movies. The Jedi of that time were more warlike, more numerous, and more medieval in their organization...true Jedi "Knights" with an emphasis on battle against the Dark Side and the destruction of the Sith Lords (an order based out of Ancient Sith teachings and Dark Jedi ways, that would evolve into the Sith as we know them from the movies) of that time. Over the intervenening generations they "mellowed out" into the Jedi we know from the films. Again, there is a comic series "Jedi vs. Sith" which shows these type of Jedi Knights. They actually wore armor and had to deal with the possibility of being shot by projectile weapons of all things.

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Oh, and darthfergie....check out the previous pages and try to find version 1 and 3 of this poll. Give me your opinions on those civs if you like. I'd be interested to hear your take. I piulled the civs for all three polls from various threads and the many discussions on this topic since the boards began. Its interesting to see what people really want in a new civ.

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