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C3PO Robosexual or what? (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

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:jawa C3PO Robosexual or what?

this is something I have pondered

late at night as my mind wanders

so cyber space being quite so vast

to you in the underworld this I ask?

C3PO Robosexual or what?

my hypothesis begins.

Star Wars

Episode IV

A New Hope

:c3po: is described in the Lucas

data bank as 'Fussy'

fussy as a male tense adjective

almost sounds like prissy,

and prissy intergalactically translates

to well...a 3 dollar bill.

Anyway Episode IV

C3PO lands on Tatooine

comments how dismal it is

and that he has never been there.

C3PO is clearly in denial.

and statistically speaking

most gay men

spend their entire lives in denial;)

(not that there is anything

wrong with that.)

next C3PO enjoys Luke's company

and C3PO takes a hot bath

and oils himself up in front of Luke

and says, "Oh this Feels so good!"

nudge nudge wink wink;

ie why don't you get naked, jump in

and oil your naked body up Luke.

next C3PO is found in the dark

by master Luke, the set is too dark

but you know C3PO was hiding in a closet.

then. C3PO on the Death Star

as soon as everyone leaves goes

and hides in a closet.

He takes R2D2 with him,

but you know R2D2 is straight

and digging his cinamon bun girl

'Leia';) any woman named ;Leia'

is just some one you want to meet.

anyway as the episodes continue

more concerning C3PO's Robosexuality

is revealed.


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:jawaStar Wars Episode V

The Empire Strikes Back

:c3po: Robosexual or what? continues

in episode V at the beginning,

C3PO complains to R2D2

about Leia's room.

Actually what went down is

C3PO was in the closet again,

trying on Leia's clothing,

when he got oil

(left over from Tatooine)

on Leia's clothes.

still living in denial

and wishing to hide;

C3Po gets R2D2 to turn up the heat

therefore melting ice, creating water

thus washing away the stains.

then he blames R2D2.

Next again on Cloud City Bespin,

C3PO is walking along hallway

and see's a silver PO unit

who says the famous "Echuta!"

to C3PO who responds "How Rude!"

well "Echuta" translates to

"Get away from me

Ye Great Southern Pansy!"

take my word for it,

living in Mos Eggplant, Tatooine

you learn the Lingo.

then C3PO again goes into the closet

which turns out to really be

a Storm Troopers Leather bar

and the rest is cinematic history.


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:jawa Star Wars Episode VI

Return of the Jedi

:c3po: again C3PO returns to Tartooine

like he has never been there.

C3PO is unhappy about hanging out

with Jabba The Hutt,

R2D2 on the other hand

thinks it's cool,

cause he's serving drinks

and checking out Leia in fantasy

leather Slave girl outfit 101.

C3PO is a deity to teddy bears

how macho!

C3PO is squeamish about being

mistaken for a deity,

R2D2 is like

"beep, beep, boop!"

"Han, Luke take a hike.

Leia back into that slave girl outfit.

Wicket you and the little furballs

worship me!"

other than that C3PO

justs seems well Robosexual.

(not of course that there is anything

wrong with that.;)


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:jawa Star Wars Episode I

The Phantom Menace

:c3po: is on Tatooine.

C3PO was born on Tatooine.

C3PO is queen of 'De Nile.'

C3PO is spending time with a boy

only 8 or 9 years old

and he is naked.:eek:

gay men are often hedonistic,

and fond of bodily nudity.

C3PO feigns shock at being nude

but secretely he is diggin it.

(Palpatine is a pedophile)

proof of this is in episode VI

Vader says

"my son is here I have felt him."

Palpatine responds

"funny that I have not."

intergalactic chicken hawk.

bad emperor.



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:jawa Star Wars

episode II

Attack of the Clones

:c3po: joins the military

and disguises his true self

because it okay to be gay

in this man's army

just not admit

or say that you are.

and in episode III

to come C3PO will get

a new golden body plating

at I might add the expense

of political slush funds

and kick backs,

yes the tax payers of Naboo

and some poor family

of Gun Guns is going to go hungry

cause C3PO wants to look pretty.

final proof of C3PO's robosexuality

comes from the Jawa's themselves.

while in a bar at Mos Eggplant

a Jawa conversation concerning

C3PO was overheard and recorded

during one of the Max Rebo Band's

afternoon sound checks.

contact DarthEggpalnt for a copy

of this recording.


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not knowing how long

a message can be,

I thought I would break it up.

However I will try to weave

the warp and woove

of the tapestry

which are the threads which

make up this form.

so I will attempt to

talk to myself

in the dark reccesses of my mind

and not on form.

Because it might be considered bad form.

and sorry Gendo

but you have to admit,

you'll never look at

a C3PO emodicon

or avitar the same again.


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