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Big Disapointment In Jedi Outcast


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Why in gods name the ugnaughts sound like a man?


For god sakes raven please give the right ugnaught sounds bakc to the ugnaughts for the next patch, It was fun killing the ugnaughts, but not anymore with there manish ways, So Please them there sounds back...


And one other thing, will the future of mapping in JO be better then it is now? like will there be DRONE GUNS and Ugnaughts In maps???? and other excitement stuff like cantina music.

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You have a game where you get to kick some dark side ass and your mad because the ugnaughts don't sound right. Thats just odd. If I could play the game, I'd be annoyed that theres not enough saber styles, not because an ugnaughts sounds like a man.

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