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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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im REALLY!!! sorry that this is taking so long


it should have been out weeks ago and i appologize


ive had problems with mesh...getting it mapped and ending up without it even being mapped


personal issues with a chick (something ####ty happens and still is..........<=O\) and ive been hurting over that


ive been working on the Elite a little bit and my C&C Renegade mod was revived...but this will HOPEFULLY be out before August 8'th which is when i go back to school


so hopefully i can keep this deadline

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Originally posted by trowa500

well yoda took forever and turned out horrid 4lom took 2 weeks or so and turned out sweet


How can u say that Yoda is horrid. That is just a childish way of showing ur opinion.


The long, long time spent making the model made it great.


Explain why it is horrid.


I will laugh real hard if it is about the model being to big.

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Do you think you could do any better trowa? Two of your posts in other model threads have been about how bad Yoda is and then you also asked for the guard model in another thread because you think it is done. I don't understand why you have to post "this model is great unlike Yoda" or "I think this is done can I have it?" If you like the model just comment on it and nothing else. Sorry for posting this here this is just bugging me but anyway I can't wait for this model to come out so I can get revenge on Jango and Dooku with him...

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I agree, bashing of other peoples work should be banned from these boards, its just not constructive at all. Even if the Yoda model did indeed suck (which it doesnt in my opinion) you dont have to go around bagging it, especialy in unrelated threads.

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hey i don't mean to be an ass but can we stay on topic???


everyone is talking about Yoda everywhere and its REALLY annoying...yea..Kinja spent alot of time on it and he did a good job


but gawd damn!...its like every thread has something about Yoda

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4Lom was a skin based on the 3PO model. Not a new model, he used an existing one and put it to the JK2 humanoid animations. Get your facts straight.


Anyway, Plo I think after I finish this latest creation of mine (to the left) I can figure out how to map your saber, easily. Sorry it took so long but for a while I didn't have a modeling program, and well now I do. So as soon as I figure out how to get my exported models' skins working, we can try again. ^_^

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It still isn't a true model though, a model is always just built from nothing but he used C3P0 as a base and that's all. Yoda was made from nothing and had to work around the scaling so I still don't see what your problem with it is and why you think a skin is better. I agree that it looks great and if you would please just get back on topic and talk about THIS model which I am waiting for patiently, so hopefully you won't ask him for it if he posts an update with pics soon because YOU think it is done.

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thankx Blaize..i was about to do that...and thankx for being so patient..i got good news


Musashi got Trebor and is mapping him as we speak...now hopefully this time when he maps Trebor the maps will be ok and we can then send it to Toonces to get in game...and then musashi to skin...then beta test him...put him up for DL..and start the other 2 versions =O)

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